Asaiah Celwik
"Come on! I just want to know who was hanging out with you when you were breaking those windows."
Her voice filled the room as Asaiah paced back and forth, twirling a hammer in her right hand whilst holding a series of nails between the fingers of her left hand. A small frown on her face as she looked at her most recent visitor. A Twi'lek sat in a rather simple wooden chair that had been so graciously redecorated by the visitor. Their eyes kept darting towards the door but it wasn't like they could leave. Thanks to Asaish's handy work, they were going to stick around until she was done with them. The girl crouched down to get eye level with the man, tilting her head at the expression he was giving her. Was it anger? fear? hatred? She wasn't too sure. Either way, Asaiah gave the man's knee a not-so gentle tap with the hammer and sighed.
"I've already dolled out your punishment. You broke the window by throwing a bottle at it, I broke your hands. Tell me who the others were and I can let you go. If you stay quiet, then all of their crimes will be on your shoulders."
Asaiah watched and waited. Whoever the twi'lek was, he wasn't going to let his friends up. So Asaiah just ran her hand down her face, letting out an exasperated sigh. Most people spoke up after the threat of pain. But if he wasn't going to talk, then she couldn't make him. Well. His blood was going to be on his friends' hands. Another crime she could hold against them. Of course, you could say that Asaiah was the one committing the crime, but she wouldn't need to be doing this if they just behaved. Asaiah would never deny the fact that she was a murderer. Far from it. But in her eyes, that was fine. As long as she killed more murderers then it's a net positive! Or would it be a negative...Eh. That wasn't important! She just flipped the hammer up into the air before enacting her final judgement on the twi'lek.
A few moments later, the girl made her way out of the abandoned building, using her hammer alongside the nails to board up them entrance way once again. The body might be found sooner or later but by then she'd probably be off enacting justice on another planet. Brushing her clothes down to make sure there wasn't any little blemishes or marks against them. As much as she enjoyed her work clothes, Asaiah knew that amongst the crowd she'd want to fit in more. Wearing blood-stained clothes would...well, go against that. It was bad enough that she had to bandage herself up, but she was able to hide that pretty well. That was becoming a regular habit of her's now. She goes to capture an evildoer, they get into a fight, she gets hurt and then she has to bandage herself up. At least she could say she was becoming quite experienced in first aid! The girl just grinned to herself, spreading her arms out and heading out to wander the streets for now. There was no rush to get off-world!