Ara Zambrano
Sarathiel Ren

The underground cells varied drastically from the city above. Pyramids, obelisks, mansions, and hanging gardens gave way to cold Durasteel and drab lightning meant to impress upon the imprisoned the severity of their situation. The subterranean cellblock was silent save for the sounds of sharp footsteps in matching staccato, the Stormtroopers who patrolled the entirety of the compound watchful and alert at all times. The pair who accompanied the Knight followed a few steps back, gleaming white armour reflecting eerie glows as the small procession moved from one pool of LED to the next.
For her part, Ara was in stark contrast to the soldiers who guarded these halls, their black and white color scheme making them visible and flamboyant next to her dark fabrics. Her usual black and red cloak lay heavy on her shoulders, the fabric flaring behind with every step. Underneath the garment, she’d opted for intimidating and commanding, her personal armour covering every inch of her body in armourweave and duraplast, previous use leaving nicks and dents on the plates that dotted the chest and sleeves. A half-mask of silver and matte black metal settled on her face, covering her face from the bridge of her nose down. Emerald eyes rimmed in crimson and sulfur the only distinguishing feature visible.
Turning down another long hallway, her footsteps slowed as the air grew thick, Durasteel giving way to voidstone walls and latticework.
The darkness that tugged at her awareness began to fade, the chill of emptiness replacing it’s warmth as the stone did as intended, dampening the blanket of power known as the Force until those within could not access it. Eyes narrowed in frustration as the Knight felt her connection bleed away, still present but unable to tap into the power for the time being. A precaution, one she would determine to be necessary or not.
Stopping short of the lone occupied cell at the far end of the wing, complete with its own pair of ivory guards, the Ren turned to the senior officer in her group and raised an eyebrow, the crackling, distorted sound of a voice filtered through a vocal inhibitor echoing forth as she spoke.
”Status report on the prisoner.”
Hard eyes and expression brooked no argument.
”Sir.” The equally robotic voice answered, a few moments passing while the proper personnel file was brought up on an internal HUD display. ”Togruta Female. Late Adolescent. Force sensitive, rank unknown. Detained on authorization code 1932.56.01.2: failure to supply identification and permits upon request. Biometric data scans link the prisoner to reported terrorist attack upon Hilikan Incineration Plant, Bespin-”
A sharp nod cut the Sergeant off, the rest of the information unimportant at this juncture. It was the Togruta’s purported role in the attack upon the Incineration plant that warranted her incarceration and questioning.
Sure steps led her the remaining distance, quick salutes and “sirs” from the stationed guards greeting her. Pulling off one glove swiftly, the Ren typed her personal authorization code into the datapad adjacent to the entry. A beep and a flash of red signified the acceptance, her palm and fingers pressed flat against the pad as a secondary scan confirmed the access code to the approved personnel. A second flash of red and chirp preceded the door to the cell sliding open with a hiss.
The Knight stepped into the room as the door slid shut and locked behind her.
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