Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Justice for All... (Dominion of Chalcedon LotF)

The Fringe was no simple nation, but a living entity growing and evolving as each year passed. For those unfamiliar with anything, but its current incarnation the past forms of the Fringe would seem like a complete stranger. From a military Junta the heart and strength of a former Empire forged into the unknown of the Fringe spaces, a place where the monsters of nightmare lived and breathed. Yet planet by planet the unyielding strength of the Junta put down warlords and pirates to form the Fringe Confederacy.

As the nation formed from the various races and planets basically ruled themselves, the Junta lead by Spencer and Ashin through new names and faces kept their attention on the business of war. With the banning of slavery though came the first major change as laws were enforced on the entire Confederacy and various factions fought back against this law, but the uprising was put down with the hard strength of the Junta. Yet this was not the future of the Fringe as the Confederacy grew so to did the need for order and some form of further centralization. The council which reported back and forth between the Junta and the planets passed laws that while not standing over the Junta created the first true civilian government of the Fringe.

The time of the Junta was already sliding into the past, and in truth only the loyalty of the various leaders of the Fringe to Ashin and Spencer kept it from sliding any further away. Yet as with the spirit of the Confederacy as people entered their customs were respected and their ways of life attempted to be unaltered. The Rakata were the only people allowed in with slaves, though the agreement stated they could not practice this off planet, or outside their armada. This also rose another loyal member of the Fringe to power as Shinju Ayasha became the Co-Empress of the Rakatan Empire. Shortly afterwards the Junta finally stepped back as Ashin attempted to create true leaders inside the Fringe by going silent and while she maintained the strength of the Fringe her voice was heard little in the Council for some time. Instead the voices of Lucien Cordel, Jared Ovmar Spencer's student and prodigy, and Sargon Vynea steered the path of the Fringe for some time.

This lead to the current incarnation of the Fringe, a Confederacy ruled by a council voted in by the Fringe itself, lead now by Lucianus Adair . The military no longer a military Junta ruling outside the control of the Council but rather a professional fighting force of the people of the Fringe. Spencer and Ashin had accomplished their goals, they had created a nation of freedom and individuality, a nation which felt like family in truth.

This was the stage of evolution in which the reports came in on Chalcedon of a blooming slave industry with connections inside Fringe space itself. To say the Fringe was aggressive was a mistake, but to think the Fringe ever complacent was an error. In short order a strike team was formed to strike hard and fast knocking the operation out in one lightning hit. Three teams, were formed each working in time with each other would guarantee the safety of both the Fringe military and the slaves below.

Team One

[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Lucianus Adair"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

The first team was already planet side, a small team with elite members their goal was to shut down the space port in the first of two colonies to ensure that no slavers escaped and all slaves were liberated. For most space ports this would be a difficult job, but in this particular case there were a number of paths to choose from. The port itself was manned by slavers and pirates, and the only thing chaining them together was credits, perhaps an argument could turn into something more, if a good enough fire fight started off some quick demolitions could shut it down the port with none the wiser. Of course the slavers also had security systems in place against these things, and if the control room could be accessed the entire place could be locked down as tight as Coruscant itself, well maybe more so given its current status. The third option was the messy option, wet works and demolitions quiet and stealthy until the fireworks started and the entire house of cards would fall down in one moment.

Team Two

[member="Inger Strömfire"] [member="Maddock Kane"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Lucien Cordel"]

The second team had already been planetside since nightfall, the previous evening, integrating themselves into the local as guests of the leaders of the hub, with whom they would meet in the coming evening. Under the ruse of perusing the slave stock in preparation for the upcoming meeting, the members of this team have been gathering closer-to-ground intel that supports the tidbits which brought them to this world in the first place.

The meeting would take place in a building which the leaders of the hub occupy at the northeast end of the bazaar, an area on Chalcedon much like any other, where the architecture is largely created from the local dark volcanic glass - a material that gave every construct on the planet that used it a sort-of beauty, if a little foreboding. This building is starkly obvious: it is in considerably better repair than every other structure around it, the lines of the dark, volcanic glass that it (and every other building in the area) was made of were clean, and tasteful. It is well-guarded, sentries posted at every entrance, as well as seemingly watchful household and grounds staff that… have that wary look in their eyes.

The team has been put up in a ‘guest house’ just outside the grounds of the Hub HQ.

Team Three

[member="Lady Exedō"] [member="Gavin Ovmar"] [member="Bourne Cavanagh"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Team three orbited above the planet in two Sekairo stealth transports and one acting as command and control for the missions taking place below. Armed to the teeth they'd land just outside the barracks and armory of the slavers. Each ship would uncloak to burst open the walls of the two buildings allowing the Fringe forces inside the ships to move past the outer defenses of the barracks themselves. The team would hit as soon as the communications were blocked so the space port wouldn't get any heads up and increase security. The barracks had been built away from the colony to keep their weapons secure from slaves, unfortunately for them it also set them up for the hell that was about to rain down upon them.
Maddock stood in front of the guest house closet, looking through the various outfits that he'd brought with him. Acting the part of a noble wanting to buy some slaves wasn't very hard for him to do. The way he was on a normal day was enough to entice someone into believing that he came from substantial money and prestige. He didn't, but nobody else knew that. In truth, he was a simple nobody from Coruscant who'd transformed his life through his mastery of the Force and desire to learn.

In the end he decided on a black suit, with a black undershirt, no tie. He slipped it on, and tucked his lightsaber inside of the sleeve in a special holster that would more or less keep it hidden until he needed it. He slicked his hair back for the day, and trimmed his facial hair down a bit so that he looked rather neat tidy. When he was satisfied, he left.

The bazaar was a simple thing, and there were a lot of interesting places and shops to visit within it. He rather enjoyed seeing all of the interesting oddities that people accumulated to sell over the years. Some of them were junk, of course, but there were interesting things as well. Particular crystals drew his eye and he purchased a few of them for studying later on, or for passing out to lady friends. He was known to dote upon those he cared about from time to time.

A little old lady fell when her cane was knocked from beneath her and he swooped in to catch her before she hit the ground. Setting her upright, he grabbed her cane for her and then smiled when she thanked him before moving on. He could be a Sith and be nice. No one said a Sith had to be a jerk in disguise, right?

Inger Strömfireömfire/ Spencer Jacobs Lucien Cordel

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Lucianus Adair"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Team One huddled in the hold of an unmarked freighter, within the spaceport that was their target.

"Gentlemen?" Ashin's gaze flicked to Ovmar. "...Ladies? Our job is to shut down the port. Option one is internals, go schism. Option two is control room. Option three is wetwork. I'm currently leaning towards two as a smoke screen for one, with three as backup. Thoughts?"
Lucien had prepared well for this operation his inquisitors had integrated into the society of chalcedon. From the highest noble house to the lowliest palace of the night, whispering poison into ears and taking secrets from the lips of fools. The names of the key slavers and there facilitators had been disclosed. This information was to be passed onto the leaders of team three. However there was still information ripe for taking and I would be taken.

In addition to planting his agents into society he had hired a team of master make up artists who had created a set prostetic facial features that gave Lucien the appearance of an old man. These combined with grey hair dye and contact lenses had rendered Lucien unrecognisable. Lucien was spending the time before his meeting with the convicts in waiting relaxing. He lifted his hand and opened one eye "fetch [member="Inger Strömfire"] I desire to brief her on our facade" he added lazily before lieing back down again, he did not forsee the meeting going easy.
Taking her a few to answer the knocking at the door. As she putting the final touch on her own choice of style of her hair. "Yes, who is it."

Opening the door to her own personal room. Listening to the one that seem to understand the one that had came to get her. I see, you may go...tell....this one ...she will be him ..shortly...

Giving her own nod as she quickly shut the door to find her own suit on the bed. Finishing up knowing that this one didn't like to be keep waiting but that was something he would have to do. Wanting everything in its place. This suit that had been custom made for her just mission. Choice of leaving her hair down long with the nature of waves in. Last part the high heel shoes of choice thought was odd that give her more height. It was the heel that she had been train that could be used as a weapon if one find herself in a situation.

Finding her way to [member="Lucien Cordel"] to think about how would present herself. Just what Master Lucien had plan for her. Putting on a smile as let a knock at his door. Finding that same one that had came with the message waved her on passed the door with a little much of a word. As come close to where being lend finding herself not know if he was a wake speaking, "I have came as requested good, sir." Using all the knowledge she been taught up to this point standing with a very graceful manner. That said a lot as she stood there with out so much as moving but watching always watching with those very piercing eyes of hers. In this proper suit and the way she stood one couldn't guess of the fierce warrior that laid inside of her.

[member="Maddock Kane"] Spencer Jacobs
[member="Lady Exedō"], [member="Gavin Ovmar"], [member="Bourne Cavanagh"]

The sounds of men gearing up for a battle were oh so nice. I could hear slugthrowers being loaded into their respective mags or speedloaders. People handing out weapons like candy, and even more so, some wearing full on body armor. I smiled and shook my head questioning if they were really going to face anything so large that the men would need full on Legionnaire battle suits. Despite this fact, I could hear a name over the intercom that was in my ear,

"Nickolas Imura, Please report to the Armory at this time."

Repeating it self about three more times as I was already making my way towards the armory. On my back was a slugthrower sniper rifle from Blas-tech, in my left hand was the receiver of a F-10 combat shotgun. Loaded up with buckshot as well as on my belt were an extra twenty rounds. Half in half were buck shot and solid slugs. As well on my hips, were my two lightsabers. One was on the small of my back, a double bladed lightsaber. I didn't use it as often now, but I would rather be prepared and carry some extra weight, then not have it and die. As well, I had my personal lightsaber that I had created from crystals and other such. I smiled as I was wearing my new gear. Personally collected from other sets of armor all put into one for me to use. Even buying some things to fill up what I needed. The Wyvern Gear I wore felt comfortable on my body even as it was the first time I was going to wear it in battle.

It wouldn't take me a long time to reach the armor, nor would it be tedious. I knew that if they called me for something, then it would be good.
[member="Gavin Ovmar"] [member="Bourne Cavanagh"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Now this was going to be a fun time, Shinju sat there in the seat of the stealth ship and tapped her fingers lightly letting the enjoyment come over her. The duster over her corset and saber on her hip pretty much all she needed while the necklace with the sith abbater hung off her neck. A trinket but she had found some use for it same as the crystal that was singing in her saber that lovely song only she could hear. The others she was unsure of but then again while she touched the twin derripahn's and scylla in a speacial sheath she could wear on her back it all became clear. "Oh this is going to be fun."
[member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Adair noted the way Ashin addressed them, particularly how she spoke when her eyes went to Ovmar, which brought the mildest of amusements to him, within - a fact that did not reach his face, betraying nothing. He tipped his head to the former master, in agreement with the proposed plan of action. It was fairly sound.

"The least noise for the most success," he replied, "if possible."

His eyes then went to the other two members of their team, expecting words, or at the very least, simple agreement. Despite that he knew this was a good course of action, it would not be of all that much concern to him there was a little blood spilled.
[SIZE=9pt][member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Lucianus Adair"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"][/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt] Matsu would never complain about a joke at Ovmar’s expense and the smile that tugged on to her face made that obvious as Ashin spoke. The plan, along with its subtle injection of humor, was a good one. Matsu was still learning (even if she doubted that ever truly stopped) but she was smart and motivated. Slavery had been an abstract concept before, something to be stopped on principle. But her current apprentice had been liberated from slavery and the connection there had Matsu ready and willing to break down the ring where it touched Fringe space.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] She could easily see the benefits of taking control of the center of the room, causing further chaos outside it. If both could be completed in relatively the same amount of time they would have the spaceport in the palm of their hands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] And she knew right where she fit. “Sounds good – I’ll work on that schism,” she offered, looking between the other three of their small group.[/SIZE]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Lucianus Adair"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

She nodded in agreement -- schism, quiet schism, as the priority. The control room could, with luck, be taken quietly.

"Been a while since I left a man speechless," said Ashin, voice dry, as the moments ticked by without response from Ovmar. "Or maybe it's Xiangu's fault. Lord Adair, perhaps you should remove your shirt. That might work."
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Mission I
[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Lucianus Adair"]

With a blink I found myself back in the area, I had been trying to figure out a way to express my concern with the booger that seemed to be forming under the Empress' nose, but I hadn't been exactly sure how to share it with her without getting a literal Palpatine stick up my ass. I just caught the latest shenanigans, which elicited a grin from me.

'Ain't sure if that's a good idea, Varanin. I'd probably faint, or keep oogling and get us all killed.'

I sniffed a bit.

'Anyone need a tissue?'
Walking down the halls, toward the armory where I was hoping to get a new weapon. Since my last pistol that was a prototype sucked and almost literally blew up in my face, I had stopped using it and requested that I have another made more for the battle against others of my kind. Force users. With their multitude of lightsabers and almost cloth armors, it was a smart idea to have a sonic or a slugthrower pistol. Sonic's were nice, but expensive, harder to maintain, as well as simply overheating would be a problem in a full out battle. While slugthrowers had to be cleaned after every fight, about the worst that could go wrong was that you were stupid enough to shoot yourself in the foot.

I shook my head as I walked into the door of the armory to see a man decked out in full legionnaire armor with an assortment of weapons that was built for killing force users or non force users alike. Standing over six feet in his armor, I looked up to him as he was the only one here. He walked over and with big meaty hands atteempted to shake my hand. "Name's Jagen Onyx. or you can call me Hunter."

Looking at him confused, He let his hand fall down and he spoke in a clear voice, "I am going to be your second in command for a group of 7 others in the third party for this mission." I nodded to him, accepting his hand I shook. "Good, now are you and your men ready for battle?" Letting go of each others hands, he nodded his head. "I asked for you to be called down early so you may see my men and meet them. if we are to work on the battle field, then we will need some line of communication." Nodding my head as I understood his intention, I tilted it. "There is something else I am sure." He nodded his head with delight as he turned around and grabbed a tri-barreled pistol. Handing it to me, grip towards me, I accepted it and looked it over. In the first few seconds I held it, I already noticed the hatch to unlock the weapon. doing so, I opened it to see that it was unloaded with three cylinders much like a revolver. "Good, this will work more than the last one they gave me." Turning my head, I looked out the door and then back at him.

"Shall we?"

[member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Lucianus Adair"], [member="Lady Exedō"], [member="Inger Strömfire"], [member="Lucien Cordel"], [member="Maddock Kane"], [member="Sargon Vynea"],
Lucien rose "good evening [member="Inger Strömfire"] " Lucien said as he stood up "follow me we can discuss my plan on the balcony" . the balcony doors slid apart to reveal the late evening sky of Chalcedon. It was such a pleasant night it was almost easy to forget that at the end of the road people were being bought and sold into slavery ... And not even to benevolent masters like himself. Lucien strolled forward dismissing his many servants and guards with a lazy wave. Lucien took out a cigerette and lit it as he lent on the balcony rail.

"Your basic is improving keep watching me and my staff and I'm sure you will be able to pass for a civilised lady in no time" he took a drag of his cigarette "I trust you know of our mission this evening?" He asked in a dirtier tone than his own he had been practising his new voice for the past few days, it was really coming on, he almost sounded poor.
Giving [member="Lucien Cordel"] a smile before letting him lend the way onto the balcony. Couldn't help but show somewhat of a emotion if one could call it from her very stern look she always had upon her lips. I do try...g...good, sir." , couldn't help but not be use to what it smelled like being in a city. To her wanted to the open air nothing touched by human hands at less technology. Pherphs this was way the gods and goddess didn't want them to have such things. To respect the balance of the very core that held the planet together.

Bring her eyes upon his own after he spoke to her. There mission tonight, she wasn't all clear what he wanted out of her tonight. What she did know she would play a little part in this all. "I'm all...for listening your ...plan, but...why ...must the one, couldn't I..."

Being cut off by Lucien she would speak no more until he spoke and she listen. It seem lately she been doing a lot of listening. Which wasn't a bad thing as she was learning more now then she had when she first taken so. This brought joy inside of her careful not to show it much on her face or body.
Lucien did not turn away from the night sky but he did cut her off "No!" He exclaimed. Then he took breath, a deep sigh. The sigh of a man returning from the bleak grip of an attack of paranoia. He spoke again softer this time " no, it must be you ... I am surrounded on all sides by vipers and daggers in the dark you and my son are the only people I trust implicitly and I'm not even sure about you ... However I will not risk taking my son into this pit of beasts" he stubbed his cigarette out and turned to face [member="Inger Strömfire"].

"We have a meeting with members of the caste which controls the vile enterprise that operates out of Chanceldon, I will be masquerading as master Aroshock a vile pevayor of illegal blood sport, I had him thrown to his artists just yesterday I'm sure he will have no further need for his name, you will carry out your role as my assistant ... Rember all I have told you I intend to take these slavers alive ... Failure is not an option, meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes"

He said his price then returned inside to make the final preparations any questions Inger had would be met by a dismissive wave. He had no time for questions he could feel a shaking of the ground he stood on, one false move and he would come toppling to the ground ... He refused to allow that to happen.
The second stealth ship was following the first to start team three's attack, and in front of the ship was a makeshift command and communication's center. It was here that Sargon found himself watching over his small logistical team, and holo displays of hidden cameras on personal below. So far it team one was playing it quiet and with a group of elite veterans the Zabrak had little to worry about. Team two would be in position in time, and that just left the insertion of team three, which was already in process.

Reaching out through the Force though Sargon trusted it far more then he did electronic devices, in truth he trusted it much more then his own eyes and ears. Certain signatures immediately stood out to him like stars in the night sky. People he had trained with, fought and bleed with, and to him their signatures were as familiar as his own. Reaching out he waited on the Force to guide him as his body relaxed barely aware of the noise and motion around him.

Instead he began to mind meld with members of each team giving him much faster access to information then his communication officers would ever have. Opening himself to them he allowed them access to his own strength in the Force as he waited patiently.

[member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Lucianus Adair"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Lady Exedō"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Sargon Vynea"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Gavin woke with a start and looked at the cieling of his room for a minute trying desperately to remember what he had done the night before. He thought of the lady he had met and the two bottles of whiskey he had bought then resigned himself to the fact that if he couldn't remember, it never happened...unless someone had pictures.

He sat up to a ringing comlink and picked it up.

"Gavin here." He said.

"Report to the armory and your assigned shuttle details have been sent to your datapad." The voice he didn't recognize said.

"You know I'm like a freaking king now right?" Gavin asked as he rubbed his head, "I could just go back to be and you couldn't stop me."

"These Orders are from the top." Said the man.

"I guess I better do it." Gavin replied, "I always prefered being on the bottom anyway."

Gavin gathered his gear and headed to the armory with his boots tied together hanging from his shoulder and his empty pack in his hand as he read a sitrep about the mission.
[SIZE=9pt][member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Lucianus Adair"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"][/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt] She’d been looking at the screens within the freighter that had brought them quietly in to the spaceport, watching the general movement of those patrolling and thinking up a game plan for a quiet interruption when she heard Ashin’s dry quip and turned her head back to the group, an eyebrow raised before looking to Adair. “Yeah, I’ve heard that’s something to behold, maybe you should,” she piped up, smiling enough for the ends of her fangs to peek out. She was clearly joking (mostly) and settled down again as Ovmar came back to the land of the living. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] She waived the offer for a tissue and lifted herself from the huddle they’d found themselves in to coordinate. She was ready to get out and worm her way in to the patrols around the spaceport – quiet was her thing, and she had a few ideas. She could go it alone but was ready to work with one of the team as well, and as soon as they all had their plan in place it was time to go – the sudden opening in the back of her mind as a mind meld touched them only confirmed that.[/SIZE]
This one was strange at time with his action but she would learn from him the same. It wasn't under he was facing her did her eyes lock in on his. When bring up his son, could help but let herself give a soft smile from how the ran into each other. Bring back how those women of their class was after him like a pack of blood hound this she didn't understand full to this day. This held herself back from speaking only in her eyes did she show the understanding.

Gone like a flash he was only to pause to think of there mission it after all was a very dangerous one. As she turn her own body to walk back towards her own room. Couldn't help but think and understand more of [member="Lucien Cordel"] . As would do as told after picking up putting away on her body. It look as if she was after all one that had been train to obey. That would be these slavers down fall. Fact that she had changed to a more appropriated dress, along with a data pad in hand. Giving her task before hand she had memorized who was who among these slavers. Also more importantly who they would be bring with them those where the real threat. Leaving her long flowing hair down as it wasn't likely to be used partly to hide what must be.

In her little hand purse as little as it may be held the two things that they would need to make this come out with a blood shed. Letting herself take the stairs of all things to get use to those heel that seem the women like to where. Having another name for them that wouldn't be one to share out loud.

The very much form fitting dress made of a black silk moved with her as if it was her skin. Getting to the bottom finding her way over to the waiting of the one to show up. Looking busy on the data pad which she knew hardly nothing about. Just how to turn it on at less she had that much right. As she let herself pretend to be looking over something important.
Aboard the second stealth ship, an Empath kneels on the ground behind [member="Sargon Vynea"]'s domineering figurehead. Fringe High Council Member in Charge of Military Affairs, Anders Sivas. It's a rare day when I'm sniffing the tang of a battlefield, and even rarer a day when I do so without the aide of a serious amount of bodyguards. For this day only my faithful war droid Bucket stays by my side. Bucket's android head swerves from side to side in a series of information gathering at a ludicrous speed. Ah, Bucket. Learning and learning.

My body luminesces as I kneel on the floor in meditation and I wrap my mind around Sargon with my paltry gift I help boost his own. I get a flash across my forehead, I wake up with a gasp and stand. "The reserve troops are within distance. I'm holding back till we need to hit the panic button. I can run a general healing wave off you to the folk who need it or I can act as a reserve when you get tired. Your choice, Sargon. Where do you need me most?"

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