Justin Dobson
Justin Dobson
NAME: Justin DobsonFACTION: The Dobson Family, The Imperium
RANK: One of The Big Four in The Dobson Family
AGE: 42
SEX: Male
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black, Greying
SKIN: White
Charismatic: He can flatter anyone, and his speeches are fluffed up with flattery, and words that people want to hear. He is great at hiding his true intent. Beyond his words, his looks project him as a very friendly and attractive man.
Cunning: Just like the rest of his family, He's always scheming, like a snake. WEAKNESSES
Coward: He'd rather have his goons do jobs for him, rather than deal with things himself. When things get tough, he runs.
All Seven Deadly Sins: Omar, Arken, Severus, Brodan, and all the other Dobsons have their issues. Justin trumps them. He is the literal embodiment of all 7 deadly sins. He is full of pride over his accomplishments, yet he always wants more due to his Greed. He envies what others have, and it makes him wrathful. He is lazy, rarely doing jobs himself. He is lustful, and his wealth has made him gluttonous.
When the Dobsons attached themselves to The Elysium Empire, Justin did not. Justin instead stayed in CIS territory, buying businesses, bankrupting them after squeezing every credit they had from them, and moving on.
But he wanted more. Wealth, and the same old scams over and over weren't enough to keep a man like him interested.
So Justin moved to -TBD-, where he slowly bought out key companies, capitalizing on the weak anti-trust laws. Once he had enough stock in these companies, he used them as a threat. Either the government would abdicate to him, or he would cripple the planet's economy.
The gamble worked. Justin took over and immediately began a scheme that benefited him, and only him. He squeezed wealth from companies, nationalizing them right before they collapsed and reviving them with taxpayer credits. Then he would sell them off to the private sector, only to cripple them again, and repeat. To keep the planet from economic collapse, Justin used just one precious resource found mainly in one province, and sold it to old-world markets.
Justin ruled with an iron fist for years, finding much more success than Arken and Omar in their exploits in The Empire. He crushed protests and rebellions, all while putting on a pretty face as to avoid the wrath of The Galactic Alliance and any other "galactic police". The people suffer, but Justin is happy.
But now, he again finds himself wanting more, and his eyes have turned to his relatives in The Empire....
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