Edric Vanyan
The Historian King
NAME: Justin David Hannodrid.
RANK: None
SPECIES: Epicanthix.
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: A deep Icy blue that holds tinges of silver and grey in the iris'
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- + Flexibility and Reaction Time: Justin has a relatively quick reaction time, without the need of force enhancement that allows for him to work much faster than need be. This is coupled with a natural flexibility that he seems to have developed biologically.
- +/- Burn hot: This has a double meaning. Justin can experience quick bursts of heavy and powerful uses of force powers, allowing for him to finish off someone if he needs to though does so without truly understand. This also stands for his affinity to pyrokinesis as he finds it a innate ability for him. (NOTE, This does not mean he can simply use it, he still has to train with it, it is that he will just have a easier time learning it.) The drawbacks are quite simple, first, in conjunction with his pyrokinesis abilities, it is impossible for him to learn anything to do with cyrokinesis, thus keeping him from ever touching that area of the force. Next comes the drawback on his ability to use quick bursts of force powers. Note that due to these powerful moments, he is also burning himself out much faster than someone normally does, sacrificing a bit more power to make the force powers more powerful and if used continuously he could injure his own body by literally pushing it to its physical limits in which it can handle the force.
- +/- I Can alter you... but sense you?: This one is simple, he has a much higher affinity to force powers that are in the alter area than in the Sense area. You see, things like force push or pull would be simpler for him, but something like force sight would be tenfold harder for him to do than the alter area powers.
- +/- Sadistic? Cruel? Manipulative? Check on all three: As the name implies, he can be sadistic, cruel and manipulative to anyone who he deems worthy of his wrath or scorn, from the simplest of things such as crossing him on the street and stealing from him, to causing him pain. He will be glad to cause such ten fold and not care a single bit about their pain. (NOTE, This is a rare side of him, and one he hides extensively well.)
- +/- Kind and Soft, rarely: While he is Sadistic and Cruel, he can be kind to those that he deems with being kind to, it is an odd thing with him that borders on a literal bi polar attitude, but it is simply who he is. (This is more often seen than his cruelty or Sadistic side.)
- +/- Kill if only needed...: Justin will not kill unless there is absolutely no other way. He will do all he can to stop someone without killing them, no matter what. But this does not mean he wont kill, he knows some deaths should not be prevented and as such will kill if lives hang in the balance that are not his own. This is both his greatest strength and weakness.
Justin was born to two lower class drifters on Nar Shadaa, his family life unstable and hard as it was between money and the fact they never had a true home. Being moved from place to place his father worked for a local crime lord and his mother a dancer. His mother was the first to die, she in childbirth to Justin himself and soon his father passed two when Justin was but the age of two, killed by a blaster bolt from another crime group.
Justin was from that point on given to the nearby orphanage, being held there like a prisoner as the caretaker protected him and others from the outside world's hurt and problems. This is where he met someone that would become a life long friend. From a young age, he and a Sith Pureblood, who had also found herself in the orphanage though under different circumstances, became friends. This pureblood was named [member="Lamia Quresh"].
They spent the next dozen years as friends and soon found themselves on the streets again at the age of fourteen, leaving the orphanage behind and making a life out on their own, mostly robbing people. The first time it had been out of need, but then each time they did it, the more brazen they got and soon they were stealing for more than they needed to survival, able to live a meager living as they pooled what they could and never stayed in one part of the city for too long. And so for the next seven years this would continue, him and her never looking for outside help or for someone to take them from this place as they robbed people for a living.