Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire

NAME: Juthan'Athar
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Pilot (TB Apprentice)
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 120 lb
EYES: Crimson
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Indigo
DD-12 Blaster Rifle
Exoskeleton Mark II
BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weaknesses: Physical Strength: Due to his lanky build, his physical strength is not at its peak. The Maximum weight he can lift in 125 lbs.
Weaknesses: Endangered: With his race all but wiped out, he can find little solitude with his own kind.
Strength: Experienced pilot: His career as a smuggler turned imperial pilot aids him in skirmishes as he is not easily out manuvered.
Strength: Force Sensitive: This has increased his intuition and physical/mental abilities, also allows for an untrained use of the force.
Strength: Sharp mind: Born Strategist able to comprehend several outcomes at once and determine the best course of action.
Strength: Mechanically inclined: Due to a lifetime of being around freighters, Juthan'Athar is well versed on ships, modifactions, engines, and weapon systems. He also has a strong knowledge on droids, past and present designs.
SHIP: Csilla's Legacy

Model: Modified YV-100 Freighter
Maximum speed: 1100 km/h
Hyperdrive rating: Class 1
Backup Hyperdrive rating: Backup class 15
Shielding: Equipped
Navigation System: Equipped
Armament: Top/Bottom Rotating Fire-linked Laser Cannons
Armament: Dual Nose Fire-linked Laser Cannons
Armament (Not visible in picture) : Side Proton Torpedo Launchers (Fire-linked), 8 Torpedos per launcher.
Crew: Maximum Crew 15, Minimum Crew 2-3
Consumable: 1 year
Cargo Capacity: 300 Metric Tons
Length: 50 Meters
Born as a child of a smuggler, Juthan'Athar served the first eighteen years of his life with his father. Around the age of nineteen Juthan's Father was killed during a sour-deal and Juthan escaped to imperial space where he enlisted as a pilot. He served the next five years in the imperial academy, attaining the rank of Captain and become a pilot for the Sith navy. Juthan recently began to tap into his innate sensitivity in the force, and has begun to show signs of being able to control it.
- A meeting with a Benefactor (In Progress) (Void and Juthan meet with the Lords of the Fringe)
- Stranded: I've Come From A Shuttle That Marooned Me (Completed) (Juthan attempts to help a Duros stranded on Gamorr)
- Subjugation of Kalee [Krag] (In Progress) (Juthan partakes in the extermination of the Kaleesh)
- In the Ruins of the Past. (In Progress) (Juthan meets his master as he starts his path as a sith)
- Preparing for the Future [ATTN: Sith Empire] (In Progress) (Aids in the research into a partial schematic)
- The Imperium Will Stay Dead (In Progress) (Battle of Bastion and Juthan's infiltration of the Imperium)
- A meeting with a Je'daii (Completed) (Meets with a amnesiac Je'daii)
- Choke the slave trade (In Progress) (Juthan and the Maw Consortium launch their debut raid on the slavers of the galaxy)
- Nowhere to go and nobody to go to (Finished) (Talks with a passer through at Ryloth)
- easter-twilek-hunt (Finished) (Meeting with an interesting Twilek.)
- Scavenging Paradise...Lost ((Duel) (Finished) (Duel aboard a hammerhead.)