Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jyn Sol

Jyn Sol, Uncertainty Incarnate
"Life is not a game, yet I am merely Their pawn"

  • Name: Jyn Sol
  • Alias: N.A
  • Force Rank: Apprentice
  • Force Alignment: Neutral
  • Species: Human
  • Race: N.A
  • Age: 12
  • Height: 5'1"
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Eye Color: Purple
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Voice Sample: India Eisley
  • Master: [member=Tirdarius]
  • Apprentices: N.A
  • Successful Students: N.A
  • Planet of Birth: Dromund Kaas
  • Father: Unknown
  • Mother: Unknown
  • Siblings: Levia Sol|Jiaa Sol
  • Spouse: N.A
  • Children: N.A
  • + Wise Beyond Her Years: Often a speaker of Philosophical visions, Jyn is seen as older than her years yet sometimes her naivety can likewise shine through. She is more at home within her mind and thoughts than she is with the world around her, seeming far too broody for a child.
  • + Strong... Enough: Jyn is strong of body as well as headstrong; she will not allow others to sway her easily, and has become conditioned against physical trauma, giving her a grizzled resilience which juxtaposes her young age and small stature.
  • +/- Natural Empath: Jyn was born with an affinity towards Force Empathy, which enables her to better understand those around her, and is a focal point for her connection with Fuz... However, this can very easily be exploited, and has been in the past, and emotional overload can bring her to breaking point.
  • - Paranoia: Jyn is extremely paranoid, owing to her upbringing: life at home, with the Sith and the Inquisition each intensifying her natural uncertainties. This has forced her to become very introverted and lonely, meaning she has very few associates, never mind 'friends'. She trusts only her Master and Fuz.
  • - Distrusting The Force: Jyn has no trust in the Force, nor does she rely upon it. She views it as a burden, a curse which has been exploited by many. Jyn knows well the dangers that come with giving man too much power, and to utilize the Force is the ultimate extension of such; as such she very rarely uses the Force, and is discomforted while doing so.
  • - Fuz: There is only one thing Jyn cares about in life, and that comes in the form of Fuz, her beloved monkey. While only her Master is aware of his existence, there is still the likelihood that Fuz could, one day, be used against her; the attachment itself also makes her dependant on another, stifling her independence.
  • N.A
  • N.A

Jyn Sol was born and raised amongst Sith, her Father a prominent individual within the non-Force Sensitive military regime. When her Force Sensitivity was discovered tutors were immediately dispatched to begin her training under her proud Father's watchful gaze, however even at such a young age Jyn was reluctant to learn their ways, deeming them too harsh and brutal, especially when they involved the suffering of another. The reason for this was that Jyn was a natural Empath, and when she or another dealt damage to other individuals she felt it, she knew the suffering it caused.

Rather than harnessing it for her own strength Jyn avoided it at all cost, and slowly but surely she lost favour with her Father. In the end he sent her away to the Sith Academy, following numerous beatings which left her body fragile, in the hopes that it would toughen her up, manipulate and brainwash her train of thought and ultimately make her into a tool for the Empire. But even at the Academy she could not be tamed, even when they found out about her Empathy and began to use it against her. But the Sith would not give up so easily...

Jyn escaped the Academy once, for a short time, but was inevitably found. During that time she rescued a baby Fat monkey and when they dragged her back to the Academy, kicking and screaming, she hid the monkey and brought it with her. To this day Jyn still has the monkey, known as Fuz, hidden away and as of yet unfound. It is her sole companion, friend even, aside from her equally-secret inner light. One day, I will leave the Darkness and join the Light. But when, Jyn does not know... In truth she didn't have to know, for her salvation presented itself. Rescued from the cruel ways of the Sith, Jyn was taken by Tirdarius, to study under him, and thus she was brought away from the Empire.

  • N.A
Credit to [member="Isley Verd"] with minor edits made.
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 10 | Completed: 9​
Training Threads
Total: 5 | Completed: 5
  • [Complete|Dead Link] Monkey See, Monkey Do: Jyn does not want to be a Sith, and often finds ways to avoid lessons and hide from the eyes of who she deems the predators. During one such evening of hiding she is met by the figure of Tirdarius, a Sith Lord with a different attitude towards the way the Empire should be run. Taking her for his Apprentice, the pair leave Korriban, and various discussions on Philosophy follow, as well as an introduction to the Force.
  • [Complete] This Place Is Bananas: Following their invitation to the Atrisian Empire, Jyn seeks solitude away from the crazed Inquisition, and explores Atrisia with her beloved monkey, Fuz. Finding old ruins hidden in the jungles, Jyn decides that she has her new hiding place, but as on Korriban Tirdarius is never too far away, and able to find her even when she is hidden...
  • [Complete] Getting Into The Swing Of Things: Tirdarius is missing, so it falls to Somarae, a member of the Inquisition, to take on her training in his absence. During their session, Jyn is taken into the mountain range of Atrisia, where she will be taught how to reuse a blaster pistol... And be made to realise that even Force Users can act 'normal' if they wish to.
  • [Complete] Time To Stop Monkeying Around: After waking in the middle of the night, Jyn decides to take her beloved Fuz and escape the Citadel for a few hours. Believing herself alone she enjoys the solitude and her thoughts... But only serves to find herself interrupted by her Master, who teachers her a harsh life lesson with regards to attachment.
  • [Completed] Changing Allegiances: The Atrisian Empire has fallen, much to Jyn's relief, but fate is not on her side. Brought back to the Sith Empire alongside her Master Tirdarius, Jyn has to overcome her prejudices and readjust to life in yet another dangerous environment. Yet she is not alone this time, and she soon meets [member='Eros'] - a bowman in service to [member='Kära Vi'dreya'] - who helps her to settle and teaches her a thing or two...
Teaching Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • TBA
Faction Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 3
  • [Complete|Dead Link] Investiture: Having left the Sith Empire, Tirdarius heads to the newly refound Galactic Imperium, taking Jyn with him. Following this, she is inducted into the Imperial Knights as an Initiate, and is expected to give herself to the Imperium, the Empress and the Imperial Knights as a whole.
  • [Complete|Dead Link] Ice Breaker: The Imperium is spreading it's influence, and seeking to claim Belkadan for herself. Exposed to the truths of war, Jyn forces herself to keep her Empathy under wraps, or risk going mad, and Tirdarius hopes to use the opportunity given by the Dominion to teach her more on Philosophy, structure and her place within the Galaxy.
  • [Complete] Nobody Expects The Inquisition: The Imperium has fallen, it's people scattered, and word reaches the Atrisian Empire who invite Tirdarius and his Apprentice to visit its Inquisition, to which Tirdarius complies, if only for their audacity. Here the Grand Inquisitor seeks to bring the pair into their Order, much to Jyn's dismay; but wherever Tirdarius goes, Jyn is sure to follow.
Duel Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • TBA
Development Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
  • TBA
Miscellaneous Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 1
  • [Completed] Wait, You're Serious?: Lady Kyros is leaving known space in search of... Something. And she requires a heir to her legacy. Calling in on an old family of whom she was indebted the task is bestowed upon one [member='Kyra Sol'], but not before she is met with a reunion of blood: Jyn Sol finds herself called upon to reassure the future C.E.O of Rahvin Industries.
  • [Ongoing] Chimply Unacceptable:

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