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Character Jysell Brumen

Live Every Benduday 18:00 GSC

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    RankHNN Interviewer, Talkshow Host of "Eyes on The Core"
    FactionHolo News Network, Galactic Alliance
    ResidencyFondor, Coruscant, Lorinia
    Force SensitiveNo
    Weight155' lbs
    Hair ColorDirty Blonde
    Eye ColorBlue
    Skin ColorCaucasian
    Distinctive featuresNexu Tattoo on her left sleeve
    ArtistBS_Artsss / Midjourney

    Department of Reintegration, Fondor

    The department has had multitude of successful reintegration stories, from now famous doctors to accountants to business owners to even serving members of our military but of all Jysell Bruman remains one of our departments standout success stories. An Imperial Order Stormtrooper turned talk show host respected the alliance over as a voice for justice. She was captured during a skirmish orbiting Bilbringi with an imperial warlord following Exegol, it quickly became apparent she was a forced conscript, taken off the streets of Agamar at a young age with promises of a future not a war.

    Arriving at the program as a shy and reserved 18 year old with no professional skills besides military training she had to run leaps and bounds to get to where she is today. Early in the program she found a fondness for theatre, writing and photography at those points met journalism which is well documented as her new lifelong passion, our councillors convinced Jysell to to pursue this as a career aiding her in enrolment of classes on the subject and to our surprise independently she began freelancing for grassroots news organizations slowly working towards her diploma and the hops of climbing the corporate ladder.

    Her writings were profound, clearly showing great remorse from her time in the imperial military and were emphasized for her outright condemnation of the fascist regimes which perpetuated imperial dogma. By the latter half of her program and at the behest of organizations she worked for wishing to have her journalistic skills on the ground where the quote on quote "action" is we gave her much more freedom to travel within the alliance than others not seeing her as a security threat and not believing she was in any danger from imperial agents.

    The whole team was elated when we received correspondence from Jysell when she got a job with HNN and even more so when she got the greenlight for her own primetime Holonet show. The show she hosts "Eyes on The Core" is a 1 on 1 political discourse show where she has a gust on every week frequently featuring politicians, CEOs and leaders of political activist groups from throughout the Alliance. After the sucess of her show, Jysell has also made multiple public appearances clearly rubbing elbows with many powerful and famous people throughout the galaxy.

    From her commitment to honest journalism and no reports in the many years with and beyond the program and reconciliation with her past life. I concluded that Jysell Brumans case, IRC45870013, should be closed and placed into category 0, as she is clearly no threat to Galactic security and fully assimilated into greater society.

    Paila Syko, Lower Bureaucrat of the Department of Reintegration, Byss Office, GSC 898

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    RankKnight of Ren / Special Agent
    FactionKnights of Ren / Dark Empire (ISB)
    HomeExegol (What's left of it)
    Force SensitiveYes
    Weight155' lbs
    Hair ColorDirty Blonde
    Eye ColorYellow
    Skin ColorCaucasian
    Distinctive featuresInsert Distinctive features
    WriterNexu Tattoo on her left sleeve
    Image sourceBS_Artsss / Midjourney

    It's often months without ISB command hearing from Jysell the issue with impaling somebody's heart with anaesthetic; when it wears off and the blade moves everybody notices. Her position within Galactic high society is product of a little thing called Operation called Virophage, a security breach to inject ISB agents to every echelon of society pretending as if they'd always been there in Keegan's case planted in the Department of Reintegration as a stormtrooper defector with the express goal to use her position as an outsider coming in to gain public trust. ISB command believes the operation is known to the Alliance but only in name not in scope, perpetrators or agents planted.

    Among the ISBs agents Keegan is bit of an enigma. A Knight of Ren trained far away by Detritus Ren and his cultists first and agent second some apprehension clouds commands discourse around her and her importance. Nevertheless, her position high in Galactic society has proven a boon more times then can be counted.

    Keegan doesn't remember her real name, it's never mattered, certainly didn't to her parents who sold her for drug money luckily she was purchased by her new family, the Knights of Ren. She's always seen Detritus as her real father often referring to him as such. Her training was harsh being told time and time again she was the weak link a fear she has had instilled in her into adulthood. when she was a teen, the Knights bestowed upon her the magiks inherited by their wise leader, granting her spells weaved by ancient Dathomirian techniques, this marked her left art since covered up by an inconspicuous tattoo.

    Keegan remains, faithfully serving her emperor and more importantly her Ren, never once showing a sign of reseistance exclusively gratitude for the life she has been given in service of the grand plan.

    Despite being a literal holonet host known for empathy and being incredibly personable with her guests even to the untrained audience she has a certain awkward charm, an inherit outsider-dom too her, perhaps a bit of her true personality sneaking through. Keegan is a follower through and through, not the type to make decisions for herself and basically needs people to tell her what to do. Incredibly self-sufficient and frankly a bit boring? doesn't do anything in her spare time but focus on work and basically just watch free time ,does not know hot to have fun. Training for her mission made her incredibly skilled at speaking in social setting s but she still struggles to maintain real connections outside of work, has some underlying anger issues and visits the gym frequently as her only means to blow off steam.

    Lightsaber Forms:

    Form 1: Skilled
    Form 2: Inexperienced
    Form 3: Novice
    Form 4: Inexperienced
    Form 5: Skilled
    Form 6: Inexperienced
    Form 7: Mastered

    Force Abilities:
    Force Mask
    Force Body
    Force Concealment
    Force Leap
    Force Speed
    Force Throw
    Force Choke
    Force Push

    + Force Mask Prodigy - She cannot be detected through the force even by the most skilled of force users or at least no more than any regular person, in a room full of Jedi or sith she would be sensed as a non-force user.

    + Aggressively Loyal - She will not betray the Dark Empire or the Knights of Ren, whether this is out of fear remains to be seen.

    - Butter Spread Over Too Much Bread - Although she may be one of the most gifted users of Force Mask in the galaxy, that's about it... she's not a great warrior she's not a great negotiator and she's basically never mind tricked anybody at least not knowingly, when a fight breaks out her best recourse is to run jumping and hiding, she's pretty good at that.

    - Inferiority Complex - Instilled at a young age she has needed to prove herself her entire life, even in her profession she needs to be the best all the time no matter the scenario or how much blood sweat and tears it takes.

    - Borrowed Time - Somebody will find out, she doesn't know when or how hell she may end up being the one to leak it. but it will happen and when it does she needs to get out of Alliance space as quickly and quietly as possible.

    - Anger Issues - Out of the public eye when she gets mad she gets big mad, breaking plates, punching walls, you name it, she's never exploded like this in front of anybody especially in front of the Knights.


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