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Approved Tech Kür’än Steel-Bodied Trooper

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  • Manufacturer: Kür'än Foundries
  • Affiliation: The Kür'än
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Series 1.0 Steel-Body Vitality Armor
  • Modularity: Yes; power source is interchangeable, and the optional retractable machine guns can be installed or removed from small compartments in the forearms. Nothing else.
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel armor plates, Durasteel components, glass. Small bomb with minor (personal) explosive capacity.
  • Classification: Full-Body Replacement
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): High
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • EMP: None
    • Mental (psychic and psychological): None
  • Stands 100 centimeters taller than the average Kür'än
  • Closed-Channel Comms
  • Thermal sensors
  • Electromagnetic Sensors
  • Life support systems
  • Self-destruct bomb (implanted into the brain; see weaknesses)
  • Interchangeable power supply (see description for details)
  • Retractable arm-stored machine guns (optional)
  • Internal Sound system (optional)
  • Enhanced physical abilities; faster, stronger, more durable, more endurance.
  • Discarded Necessities; thirst, hunger and pain are all removed from the pilot. Sleep is optional for removal, as it provides it's own pros and cons either way. (See description for details)
  • EMPs; although the life support systems as well as the brain-bomb are hooked up to a backup battery, all other systems will shut down if an EMP is used.
  • Forced compliance; if the pilot fails to comply with the wishes of the grand Kür'än Ambition, then the pilot will be terminated. This bomb is mostly used to kill the pilot if their mind has been compromised, though it might go off if tampered with or aggravated severely.

The Kür'än are not known for their technical expertise, they subvert the need for coding by implanting a pilot brain into a machine body, that is what this is. The process can be performed against the pilot's wishes, but usually they see this as a way to better serve the grand Kür'än Ambition, so most comply. The process is typically performed by a Kür'än Foundry, though almost anyone could replicate this procedure. While Kür'än aren't prone to desertion, a small, personal explosive device is implanted into the brain stem to subvert any heretical thoughts.
The procedure involves the removal of the pilot's brain, modification of the brain (removal of certain parts), implantation of the explosive device, and finally implantation of the brain into the Steel-Body by connecting the brain's neural network to the Steel-Body's systems directly. The Steel-Body itself can run on essentially any power source, and its life support systems are designed to convert power into needed nutrition for the pilot's brain.
Typically Steel-Bodied are grouped into a small squadron of around five to ten units, depending upon their chosen abilities (retractable machine guns/no sleep, neither, or both). This keeps them in favorable conditions for operation, as they will be paired up with others who have the same needs and capabilities. This keeps them from being competitive with each other, for the most part. Additionally, a Steel-Bodied may opt to have an internal sound-system installed to allow music to stimulate their brain, this can provide a calmer experience for the pilot whilst also providing a small amount of reward-endorphins to the pilot brain. This means the pilot may get addicted to battle.
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Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

Edit: Request to transfer to Codex rescinded after further review.
Image Source: link

Please add in the name of the Anime included here, that being 'Jin-Roh', as well as the Artist's name. This will give credit to the influence for the sub.
Self-destruct bomb (implanted into the brain; see weaknesses

I appreciate the idea, but this has no citation in the 'Materials' section as-to the type of explosive and the explosive's properties. Could you provide more information?

Internal Sound system (optional)

What is the purpose of this piece of tech? Please include a description of its use.

If a judge made the previous image unavailable, I would like to discuss that.

What is your question?
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Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

Edit: Request to transfer to Codex rescinded after further review.

Please add in the name of the Anime included here, that being 'Jin-Roh', as well as the Artist's name. This will give credit to the influence for the sub.

I appreciate the idea, but this has no citation in the 'Materials' section as-to the type of explosive and the explosive's properties. Could you provide more information?

What is the purpose of this piece of tech? Please include a description of its use.
Issues addressed.
What is your question?
The mere fact you are asking tell me that it was just a bug and not anything intentionally done by a judge, all that happened was the link for the image broke (it said something about “you no longer have permissions to use this link” or something…)
But I fixed the image so we’re all good now.
Anyway, hope this new wave of edits changes things!
Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

Everything appears to be in-order. Thank you for your timely edits.

The mere fact you are asking tell me that it was just a bug and not anything intentionally done by a judge, all that happened was the link for the image broke (it said something about “you no longer have permissions to use this link” or something…)

In-regards to this, that could have been a typo or simply crossed wires over the Internet. Our judges maintain the highest standards of professionalism & courtesy, but all the same, I did review the edit history for this submission and the only edits that have been made were from yourself. If you have concerns in the future, please refrain from posting such concerns in an open, public forum and speak privately with John Locke John Locke , our Factory Admin. Thank you.

Approved pending Codex
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