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Character K-J4K "Jak"

NAME: K-J4K a.k.a. "Jak"
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Clanless
PROFESSIONS: Hunter (Big Game), ex-Gladiator

SPECIES: Modified KX - Series Security Droids
AGE: 86 Standard Galatic Years
SEX: Unspecified

VOICE: Legion-esque
DIALECT: Outer Rim

HEIGHT: 2.3 Meters
WEIGHT: 165 Kg (w/Armor - 215Kg)
EYES: Glowing White

SKIN: Durasteel & Duraplate, Jet Black
HANDEDNESS: Ambidextrous
FORCE SENSITIVE: Non-Force Sensitive

  • Enhanced Survivability: The RX-series was made as a security droid, bodyguard unit, and staff for Officers in the field, intended to increase the efficiency of a Platoon Leader and increase the expected lifespan of officers in the field. In addition as a droid; does not require sleep, food, water or oxygen to survive, they cannot become fatigued from prolonged activity. Due to the artificial nature of their mind, they possess the ability to download and manipulate protocols for improved function. Combine this with a body that is significantly more durable than that of a majority of organics.
    In emergencies, the RX-series activates a six meter diameter bubble capable of withstanding a barrage of small arms fire and grenades for about six seconds. In addition, to their primary personal shield.

  • Honor-bound: KX-Security Series are known to take their tasks or assignments quite seriously. By design, if their word is given one of two guarantees can be drawn either; that task will be completed or they will be deactivated in pursuit of it. Much to Jaks benefit this has garnered them a positive reputation among those that have taken an interest in the droid.

  • "I know the words, do you?": Jak was never programmed by another to follow Resol'nare (or Six Actions) until they wrote it into their own behavior core. A small number of Mandos, if opened-minded, will accept the dar'manda as a fellow Mandalorian given enough time. Jaks trust can more easily than not be gained by those that truly follow the teachings.

  • "Start it, I'll finish it.": Combat for better or for worst has been Jak's life since the amount the gladiatorial ring doors opened for their first match. The fact that Jak will access their surroundings and find any opportunity to seize victory is what initially brought Jak into the service of his last Master. Compounded tutelage from his Master in the art of fighting and Jak has eighty years of experience in the field. This ranges from hand-to-hand, firearms, demolitions and pyrotechnics.

  • Not matter how hard I try, I'm still an inorganic: Droids can be expensive and that's even with routine maintenance & if used for their intended useage. Thus although droids hold many advantages but just like any scale worth it's weight in salt, will have disadvantages. Droids are prone to droid bolts limiting their functions and rights. Weapons or areas that may deal Ion damage are especially harmful for droids and can permanently disrupt their core systems and circuits. Not to mention places with strong magnetism and large bodies of pressurized liquid could not only damage your comms but your family friendly droids too. Lastly, the shield bubble system only lasts for a few seconds, six at most. Afterwards it must spend at least a minute cycling back up before it can be activated once more. Some squads have noted it takes as much as ninety seconds to fully charge.

  • "Right or wrong, she was my Master and we are Mandalorians.": Given the deep connection Jak drew with what they consider to be their true Master and only companion, Jak considers her words to be nothing short of guidelines to dedicate one's life towards. Resulting in the Droid taking up his Masters place within the Mandalorians, considering themselves to be a foundling and taking up their mission of Honor with pride. As a result, one of the his masters final orders sparked a bit of fuzzy logic within the unit causing them to make it their mission to their own continued existence above those of organics. The only exception towards this is when it conflicts with Resol'nare (or Six Actions).

  • "Firearms? Of all the things to collect...": Be it a quirk from their gladiator years or just a hobby born from necessity, K-J4K has taken up to obtaining either through trade or via bargain various weapons. To an outsider looking in, the large stash of weapon seems to hold up the fabled rumor from Mandos of old, that weapons are a part of their religion. Although Jak would never confirm nor deny any such claims, it can be noted that the droid spends a considerable amount of time dedicated to just a hobby. In conclusion, much of K-J4Ks funds are not left to accumulate unless a spectacular piece or two sparks their attention. Lastly, when one has an ever growing collect it has been known to eat up quite a bit of their time to maintain such a hoard properly.

  • Do Droids count electric sheep?: Regardless of thousands of years of; advancement, discovery, loyalty and acceptance by culture many within the galaxy still argue that droid does not or truly can possess legitimate sentience. Though the a immersion of pocket instances of AI cropping within droids of various sizes and function, it is still a fact that they are more often than not memory wiped or worst scrapped to comply with the normalcy of servitude. Jak is another one such instance were after years of service and eventual fair treatment immersed their own sentience, even if some see it as mere servitude to a master long since gone.

  • "I will see you again in... Manda.": Ultimately Jaks goals are as wide and linear as any road or highway but in the end, they have a fixed location that no ones know but the traveler. K-J4K simply wishes to earn that which was explained to them as a Soul worthy of joining both his Master and their ancestors within the Manda. Consequently it is Jak's obediency to survive at all costs and follow Resol'nare that conflicts and prohibit this desire from transpiring. This can also be seen as to why Jak seeks to hunt formidable beasts as challenges of glory & honor to be gained not only for themselves but their late Master, as they consider the victories to be ultimately hers due to her granting them this higher purpose.
K-J4K was built like any other KX-Series Security Droid with exaggerated human proportions but with the mobility of a human athlete. Differing from the other models only by larger limbs and the Mandalorian mask welded onto their head module. Standing roughly seven feet tall, Jak is primarily seen armored only removing their armament for repairs or maintenance but never in the company of another. The ancient ancestral Neo-Crusader assault armor donned has large shoulder pieces in addition to the large red cape & skirt draped around the shoulders & waist respectively. Underneath the armor Jak wears a protections formfitting suit designed to aid in resisting; ion, electromagnetic pulses and excessive water damage. Their weapons are often stored under the cape, with the exception of any rifle sling over the backside. Atop the skirt is a brown syn-leather utility belt housing various pouches with a multitude of tools and field supplies.

SSL-4550 Light Freighter
  • Classification: Light Freighter
  • Length: 40 Meters
  • Width: 23 Meters
  • Height: 9 Meters
  • Armament: Low
    • 1 x Laser Cannons
    • 1 x Forward Facing Laser Cannon
  • Defensive Rating: High
    • Mandalorian Steel Construction and Hull
    • Fast Recharge Deflector Shields
  • Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Moderate
  • Hyperdrive Class: Class 2
  • Notable Features:
    • [Stock] Escape Pods
    • [Stock] Life Support
    • [Stock] Kitchen Hardpoints
    • [Stock] Light Medical Bay Hardpoints
    • [Modified] Advanced Navcomputer
    • [Stock] Holo Map Display
    • [Stock] Holo Projector
    • [Stock] Crew Quarters (2-5 Personal)
    • [Stock] Extensive Cargo Bay
    • [Stock] Standard Starship Safety Systems and Equipment
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...>Welcome back K-Y4K >>>

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Star Date Log #0000006, ABY 777.
This unit KX-AS831-J4K has completed it's manufacturers memory wipe as per standard galactic procedure law XXX-XXXX-XX.21c is now ready to be registered to new Master [Redacted] of whom has elected to assign owner confidentiality subroutines at this time. This unit has also been assigned with [Redacted] [Redacted]... and Advanced-Security-Skillware.DOP in addition to it's pre-installed skillsofts. KX-AS831-J4K has been informed that it will be serving in it's official capacity as a fighter within Masters Gladiatorial Arena. This unit has also been informed that its secondary primary function is to serve as Masters administrative bodyguard until a new appointed role has been assigned or until deactivation, whichever should come first. Lastly this unit will as per Masters wishes communicate by default in Galactic Basic unless directed to do so otherwise.

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Star Date Log #0001806, ABY 782.
KX-AS831-J4K has achieved another victory much to my masters desire but at subsequent loss of profit as two mission critical systems have been damaged. Repairs are currently underway as Master wishes to improve this units performance and as per their words "add a more memorable style for the audience." This unit still has its doubts about the new droid quartermaster that Master has contracted but will as per instruction "Be seen, not heard."

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Star Date Log #0005896, ABY 793.
As this predicted one of my arms fell off during my latest admittance into the arena, Master has since deposed of this latest quartermaster. Resulting in the shortest time of employment as of this units recording at two months, ninety-six hours, three minutes and forty-seven seconds. Master has voiced his numerous frustrations at the lack of decent working bodies within this generation, this unit once again exercised its command of "Be seen, not heard." This unit simply wishes master would find a decent quartermaster to keep this unit operational, that last bout was rather difficult after all.

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Star Date Log #0008561, ABY 800.
Due to foreseeable consequences KX-AS831-J4K has been reassigned from its previous master, due in part by an overcharge blaster bolt through their head module. Resulting in this unit, as per previous owners instructions, having been granted to their only surviving child. Master [Redacted] has inadvisably decided to have this unit retain all of its previous settings and pursue their parents profession.

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Star Date Log #0012211, ABY 810.
A combination of Masters dissatisfaction with my winnings and saturation of the market has lead to us departing this sector of known space for something closer towards the core worlds. Master has taken an interest in joining an underground organization what somehow involves exchanges. I am unsure if at this time Master is aware or not, that some such group were the ones responsible for the previous Masters demise. This unit decided not to forego this information at this time as pointed out in the previous logs, Master is not fond of being told what to do. My left servitor still occurs errors from the "Service Corrections" provided by Master.

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Star Date Log #0016422, ABY 821.
One of Masters many couriers has mistakenly called this unit "Jak" when attempting to deliver a package. Once informed of this Masters displeasure of stating this units serial number over the years played into have this name "stick". As per Masters last instructions, this log shall not include anything regarding "official business." This unit must admit that although the occurrence of which the name was drawn, it is nice to be regarded with such a nickname. I wonder if this means I have gained a higher social status from this... Jak has a simplistic beauty to it. I like it.

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Star Date Log #0019727, ABY 830.
Master has instructed me that I will be partaking in the 'Beast' division of a galactic ring along the Outter Rim to help raise some funds for their growing debts. I was instructed to prepare for anything as it is one of the gruesomest "arenas" that they know... this does not bode well for this units future. Master went on to state that I would be departing with one of the newest couriers that has come into their employ, a Rodian know as "Izzey". He doesn't seem to trust me all that much, I am unaware of any negative interactions that have transpired between us. Once we have arrived Izzey will be speaking with the one of the quartermasters there to set me up.

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Star Date Log #0024659, ABY 832.
Unknown Quartermaster: "Jak, your last owna solds ya' after your last match."
Jak: "Understood, I believe that I won my last match. I must inform you as per manufacturers polic~"
Quartermaster" "Yea~ya, I got the paperwork rights 'ere, shut it ya bucket o'scrap."
Quartermaster: "Ya new owna ish gonna be 'ere soon, git your crude til then or I'll bolt ya."
Jak: "Acknowledged."

...Fast Fore-wording through current entry >>>
Star Date Log #0024659, ABY 832.
Today I met my new Master and have had the previous owner confidentiality subroutines deactivated as she stated "I have no reason to hide like a coward." Master Ita of the Mandalorian clan Hars also decided to neglect the standard memory wipe procedure, listing the reason as being "I bought you to fight, what good would wiping away all of that do me hmm?" This unit must admit... that made this unit feel a new sensation that had previously been foreign. Searching though my memory banks, I fine the word pride to be the most prevalent adjective in Basic to match this sensation. Additionally I was allowed to keep my nickname of Jak, much to this units enjoyment. Speaking of, I have had my default communication language been changed to Mando'a but only when in the company of my Master or fellow Mandos. From the few phrases I've grasped thus far, it has similarities to a few other languages that this unit has familiarity with and as such look foreword to taking up this a a challenge.

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Star Date Log #0026489, ABY 837.
Master Ita has spoken of our next hunt being one of the greatest to date, as well, has compliment my grasp of Mando'a after only a few years of exposure towards. When I stated that its was not exceptionally for droids to pick up information, at which point, she corrected this unit by stating not many can speak it as if one of their own. That was a rather fond benchmark of any interaction I'd had with any of my previous masters. Jak out.

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Star Date Log #0030186, ABY 848.
It would seem that one of the six actions has been called into action, Master and I have been called into arms by Mandalore. Though we received the call late due to our means of seeking honor, Master and I have both stated our intent to aid our comrades again this group called the Sith. Master has stated that this would be my chance to prove my honor before the rest of the clans and I shall strive to fill that personal mandate. This maybe the last entry I am able to fill out and as such, if anyone is reading this... Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. Ret'urcye mhi. Jak out.

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Star Date Log #0032376, ABY 854.
The call of unification of vod to reforge our might was once more answered by Master and I, though I was not allowed to attend in the great hall I met others in battle once the fighting had broken out. Once more it seemed I had to fulfill my role of a gladiator... only this time there was no crowd, no audience or cheers, no honor in killing those I was raised to call vod. I have felt pain before but nothing like the pain circulating from my very core like I feel this day. Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. Master Ita, has fallen in battle and I am left orphaned once more. We were able to escape but by the time I was able to provide medical treatment to Master, it was far too late.

Ita spoke to me before departing, even at my repeated urgent requests for her to save the last bits of her strength. Her words bore into my memory banks and very circuits as if I was manufactured with them from the day I was made. I have made sure to back them up and altered myself to never be able to forget my Master. I do not know why but I had felt this was the right things to do... she was buried on her homeworld with grace. Vor entye.

I know these words can never reach you in Manda but I hope with all my processing power to be able to join you someday, in a manner befitting of glory and honor. This ad'ika beskar'ad shall never forgot you Buir. I will carry your legacy.

K-J4K, Jak

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~~Creatures of Challenge~~

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