DESIGNATION: K0VA (Kabal One: Vox Association)
ORIGINAL NAME: 3,030hz (Thirty-Thirty)
AGE: 10 Galactic Standard Years
SEX: Masculine (Male programming)
HEIGHT: 0.9m (0.06 Shard)
WEIGHT: 97kg (0.27kg Shard)
EYES: Range sensor (infrared, nightvision, electromagnetic spectrum analysis)
HAIR: None
SKIN: Metallic armor
+ Harmonic Resonance - Being a Shard, Thirty-Thirty can resonate at various frequencies to communicate with other Shards, or copy most frequencies, even those that are inaudible.
+ Droid Body - A manufactured advanced droid body fashioned to preform akin to a Dark Wolf. The droid body is equipped with sturdy durasteel and quadranium plating, as well as razor sharp claws, a prehensile tail and a mountable bladed chainsaw that can be super-heated to deal more damage. This form is designed to be swift, agile, and durable.
+ Force Augmentation - Thirty-Thirty is force adept and is able to communicate via the Force, and enhance the reaction speed of his droid body.
+ Data Access - An onboard library of various information, plus an uplink to the holonet to process relevant data.
+ Communication System - On board speaker and microphone system allow the ability to communicate in nearly any major language.
+/- Combat Programming - The will of 3030 is dampened by a combat system that was designed to make it a killing machine, and can take over by reflex, or proximity of perceived threat. Thirty-Thirty struggles with attempting to mitigate this system unless necessary.
+/- Droid Brain - When engaged, his own thoughts and opinions are dissuaded by the logic and processing speed of the droid brain. Normally this happens during downloads from the holo-net, and at one time was subject to various updates from the manufacturers of the droid body.
- Homeless - Thirty-Thirty was ripped from his homeworld, and has since been without an actual place of residence.
- Family - The only family the Shard knew was his communal group that he resonated with. That link has been severed, and without the ability to resonate with the hive mind, memories of his family group have slowly faded.
- Will - There are several factors of his droid form that cause his own will to be impeded, and during those times, he is aware, but is unable to act to change without vigorous concentration - and at times even that is not enough.
- EMP - An inherent weakness for machines, while it will do nothing to affect Thirty-Thirty it will completely shut down his droid body.
- Security - Thirty Thirty is not the most sophisticated in security. He is able to be sliced into and reprogrammed, but the embedded self destruct switch in his system may be triggered, and detonate his form, destroying not only the droid, but shattering the Shard as well.
Exterior - Durasteel/Quadranium mixed alloy
Internal Joints - Coated in armorweave
Range Sensor - Normal Optics, Infrared, Night Vision, Electromagnetic Spectrum Analysis
Droid Brain Processing Speed - 3 milliseconds
Top Speed - 129 kph
Vertical Leap - 7.62 m
Grip Strength - 310 psi
Shield Generator - Ray Shield/Particle Shield
Super Heated throwing Knives
Bladed Chainsaw
As a Shard, Thirty-Thirty is curious and open to experience. Without the hive mind to communicate with, independent thought is something that is both challenging and rewarding. He is naive to many of the complexities of emotions, but retains a sense of direction guided by the Force. Whether that yearning leads to darker or lighter outlook, that remains to be seen. He has proven to feel pain from the emotions of others, and does not enjoy the negativity it brings, thus he prefers not to cause pain to others. This sometimes forces him to exert more will than he readily knows how to in order to combat his programmed body. The warped sense of what the Galaxy is like has caused Thirty-Thirty to become suspicious of motivation, and expects the worst from people until shown otherwise.
There is evil in this Galaxy. It exists without conscience or moral code save for it's own advancement. This is one of the harsh realities that had been set upon the weight of a single Shard. Ripped from the communal hive mind of it's collective grouping on Orax; Thirty-Thirty was taken in through channels most sinister of a black market trade to traverse and travel the stars. A destiny awaited this crimson bio-organic mass, a destiny that seemed fated to put him within service of some very malevolent forces. What would lie in wait for the crystal was unknown, even to it's frightened yet curious new grip on a reality that was not shared by anyone, save itself. Lost and muted to a planet and sentient beings uncaring of it's life, Thirty-Thirty would spend an unknown amount of time locked into a confined space. Thankfully the deviants who had sought him understood enough about his biology to provide him an atmosphere where sustenance and prolonged usefulness was adequate. No eyes to see the world, no ears to hear it, and not a soul to resonate with, save for the humming of mechanized machines that refused to answer back. The world was a cold and empty place, and the passage of time seemed to slip by without care for a lonely and confused organic lump of crimson glass.
The void would soon take Thirty-Thirty.
How unfortunate that it would not be the eternal ending - as the awakening he received next brought many shocks to a system he was all too unfamiliar with. Senses assaulted the Shard, causing chaotic confusion that soon overwhelmed the crystal. Sight, sound, even a simulated version of touch and scent came at him, forcing him to inwardly recoil from the harsh realities he was experiencing. Then there was that voice, that cold and logical voice of reason. Who did that voice belong to, and why was it speaking to him? It called itself K0VA, and soon began to indoctrinate the Shard with a mass of information that was designed to soon integrate with the Shard, to utilize the best of both worlds. The land of the living, thinking creatively and having a self perseverance attitude that would keep the droid from blindly marching into danger. This coupled with the programmed combat system and data uplink would ensure maximum efficiency and a complete and accurate knowledge-base. This was a sickening thought to be subjugated to a machine, but with all the sensory information, Thirty-Thirty soon realized that it had very little choice in the matter, despite it's desperation to flea this body and it's programming.
Months later, after various training simulations the company put the combat droid through - Thirty-Thirty had come to acclimate himself within the droid body. The training however was harsh, and required skill and an ever increasing range of abilities in order to better cooperate with the droid brain. Resistance caused problems, both internal and external. Several lessons in obedience made the Shard become more tamed and subtle to it's advances in trying to override the inherent programming. Many facets were tested, and though Thirty-Thirty was young in Galactic Standards, he was quickly becoming a formidable foe for just about any task. Intelligence gathering, espionage, and of course assassinations were all apart of the picture for K0VA. It seemed that the cycle itself was on repeat, and he was never taken off the proverbial leash - until one day.
In a split second, a Galaxy that was full of sentient life suddenly become a whole lot more open. The Netherworld had done at least a small favor for the programmed droid. It had snatched away it's Masters, and forced the combination of Shard and droid to break free from the shackles of the facility it was in for testing - and exit the playing field. Vox was no longer a controlling interest, and without the consistent data uplink, the outdated information set the droid into a wandering mode, which facilitated the escape of something not quite whole to explore a fresh new Galaxy.