Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ka-Aver (being weequay names are not used often but he has learned that non-weequay need this information to interact with him).
FACTION: The Hutt Cartel
RANK: Mercenary/hutt body guard
SPECIES: Weequay.
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.85 meters
WEIGHT: 78kg
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Bald with one long braid carefully groomed and normally kept slung over his left shoulder.
SKIN: Weathered red-brown.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Ka-Aver is dexterious and agile, he excells in close combat and is a master of the traditional weequay vibro-glade.
Ka-Aver is perceptive and his keen eye makes him good at spotting trouble in advance.
Ka-Aver is native of Sriluur and often has problems understanding other cultures. This makes him awkward at social interactions and he often leaves that to others.
Poor "it-skill" - he is not comfortable or skilled with dealing with complex machineries and so hjs equipment is somewhat out of date and his ability to learn how to handle advanced systems (such as flying a space ship) is very limited.

Notable skills:
Master with close combat
Expert with explosives
Expert artillery
Decent shot

Ka-Aver wears the traditional tribal garment of the Weequay warrior. His prefered weapon the vibro-glade but he also carries a blaster, a vibrodagger and a long range hunting rifle strapped across his back. His armour his good in close combat but only offers moderate protection against blasters and lightsabers.
Around his neck and armwrists he carries several obscure trinkets, tokens and holy symbols.

Ka-Aver was born and raised on the harsh world Sriluur. He was soon found to be an excellent candidate for the tribal warriors and started to train in young years. Growing up as such he soon found that his talents were wanted outside of his tribe and for a few years he has now teavelled the galaxy working as hired muscle to various instances. Most recently he returned to Sriluur and was there embedded into the hutt cartel where he continues his line of work.



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