Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
The Kaadu Clan
The Kaadu are a native species of Naboo. Just like the Kaadu, the members of this clan are fearless, loyal and steadfast. Known for their preference to hone their skills in the lightsaber. The Kaadu are primarily a Guardian clan, but welcome others freely. It is a rare sight to see one of the Kaadu sitting about, as they're often out on missions for the Order or training their skills further. Lead by Coci Sinopi, Jedi Master. They're trained in a militaristic fashion. The Kaadu are not to be underestimated in their duty for the Order. Nor you should ever expect them to back down without a fight.
How to Join:
The Kaadu are a native species of Naboo. Just like the Kaadu, the members of this clan are fearless, loyal and steadfast. Known for their preference to hone their skills in the lightsaber. The Kaadu are primarily a Guardian clan, but welcome others freely. It is a rare sight to see one of the Kaadu sitting about, as they're often out on missions for the Order or training their skills further. Lead by Coci Sinopi, Jedi Master. They're trained in a militaristic fashion. The Kaadu are not to be underestimated in their duty for the Order. Nor you should ever expect them to back down without a fight.
Simply post here with a request to join. You'll then go through an initiation mission. If you prove to have what it takes to be a Kaadu, you'll be welcomed in with open arms. Alternatively, if you have already worked with Coci before, you may receive an invitation to join.
Coci Sinopi- Leader
[member="Xander Carrick"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
[member="Nima Tann"]
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- Extreme
Mission Location: Naboo
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Mission Objective: Ned, a Gungan farmer of Kaadu, is having trouble with illegal bush rangers culling his animals.
Mission Name: The Price of Freedom
Mission Location: Geonosis
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Mission Objective: Free the slaves that are to be slaughtered in the gladiatorial arena on Geonosis
Mission Name: The Hutt Shadow
Mission Location: Cato Neimoidia
Mission Difficulty: Medium
Mission Objective: Prevent the Hutt crime lords and their bounty hunters from gaining control over the government.
Mission Name: Fallen Hero
Mission Location: Mygeeto
Mission Difficulty: Medium
Mission Objective: Search the vast ruins on Mygeeto to discover a holovid revealing the death of General and Jedi Master, Ki-Adi-Mundi. To uncover further the mysteries of Order 66.
Mission Name: The Siege of Saleucami
Mission Location: Saleucami
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: The planet is currently under siege by a rogue terrorist organisation. The Government has requested assistance in eradicating the terrorists, and in return as a reward they will hand over the holovid retrieved from a BARC speeder. Revealing the death of Jedi Master Stass Allie.
Mission Name: Snow Fight
Mission Location: Orto Plutonia
Mission Difficulty: Extreme
Mission Objective: Renown Chiss scientist, Sukh'Al'Lee has sent a distress beacon to the Order. His underground laboratory is under attack from an unknown force and his droid defences cannot hold out for long.
OOC Note on Leadership:
Once a month, a tournament will be held. At the end of the tournament, the winner is declared leader of the Kaadu Clan for one month henceforth the moment they win. This title of leadership applies ICly and not OOCly. Hasjo remains OOC leader, but requests / suggestions from IC leaderships will be greatly listened to and taken into account, and will hold massive magnitude to the way in which the Clan operates.