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Approved NPC Kabel Drei - Promethean Guard

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Kabel Drei



  • Intent: ​To assist with Faction RP and to individualise the idea of the Promethean Guards as humanoid warriors rather than blank and uninteresting PvE fluff.
  • ​Image Credit: David Letondor - Artstation
  • Role: Member of the Promethean Guard
  • Links:
Elite Praetorian Guards - Weapons and Training
The Ancient Eye
The Matador

  • Age: ​36
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Lyrkon
  • Appearance: ​Kabel has the physical appearance of a handsome rogue. With a churlish smirk constantly planted on his face, with a pale violet complexion and desirable cheekbones, a straight and pointed jaw and milky blue eyes; Kabel has a lot going for him. Accentuated by his special trait of his Lyrric Organ, Kabel has quite a knack for seducing and relaxing the opposite sex. As an Affkin Lykron, Kaleb is a sturdy and well built man, physically in his prime. Standing at 194cm and in peak condition considering his age. ​Kabel has a heavily refined form, more so than heavy muscularly. Built like a boxer rather than a heavy weight lifter.
  • Name: Promethean Guard, Kaleb, K
  • Loyalties: ​The Ancient Eye, The Matador
  • Wealth: Not particularly substantial wealth. As part of the Promethean Guard, Kabel is provided for in every aspect by the Matador.
  • Notable Possessions:
A small bracelet with an obsidian rock with his initials.

Lucky piece of patchwork:
From a ladies dress he ripped as he fell from a height that should've killed him and survived.

​Mechanical Left Arm:
​A gift from the Matador after a loss during a test.

Modified Promethean Armour:
Every member of the Promethean Guard is gifted with the tools and resources to craft their own equipment with the same basic components of Durasteel, Plasteel, Beskar Plates and variants of available fabrics. Kabels suit of armour Is protective but light, with the majority of his armour consisting of Durasteel plate covering his upper torso, legs, face and upper arms. With a Plasteel based coat of plates underneath, and Beskar crafted gauntlets and glovers on either hand. The undergarment is made of a Lyrkon Maican armour-weave that was traditionally worn by political figures.
  • Skills:
​Kabel is skilled in the use of a variety of ranged weaponry from ranged to close. However, this Promethean Guard specialises in battering his opponent and cracking through heavy defences. Kabel used a two handed Plasma Vibro-Axe. The focus on the weapon is counter-attack, using the plated shaft of the hilt to redirect an opponents strike a critical blow with the weapons head, as an axe is a piercing weapon to bash against armour opponents or outright crush flesh and bone of a clothed opponent.

Kabel is also a proficient hand to hand combatant, able to mix in variations of boxing and several other forms of Martial arts such as Teräs Käsi, able to incorporate martial arts into his fighting stye with the use of a melee weapon.
  • Personality: Kaleb has a calm and collected personality. He's not sociable and doesn't go out of his way to make friends, he harbours a lot of regret and pain regarding his departure from home and hides this behind bravado and arrogance. However, this is shown through his actions more than words, he's a stoic man who speaks little unless the job requires it but otherwise says much with what he does and how he does it. He easily feels a sense of lack of direction without having something to do. He'd rather be worked hard and at a routine than having time to sit and reflect. He's typically thick skinned and gives off a flippant attitude as far as social interaction goes.
  • Weapon of Choice:
Plasma Vibro-Axe:
​Kabel makes use of a grey Vibro-Axe with a brown leather coat against the metal of the shaft for the users comfort, the Vibro-Axe has the addition of a power source in the pommel that projects an electro-plasma filament along the curve of the axe that creatres an energized blade capable of parrying a lightsaber.
  • Combat Function:
+ Single Opponents:
Kabel is adept at adapting to a situation and singling out an opponent from a situation, and pressuring them to draw attention away from an ally. Furthermore, overall Kabel does significantly better against single opponents due to his ability to control the momentum of the fight is easier applied this way.

Kabel is a supportive fighter, fighting down hard on an opponents defences and striking at their organs to cause them to falter, however rarely is Kabel the one to strike a finishing blow. He sets them up, someone else knocks them down, as it were.

+Defensive Opponent:
Kabel has a preference for fighting opponents with similarly sized weapons so that he can therefore put them on the defensive, and that is where he likes to keep his opponents.

-Control is Everything:
Kabel may be able to adapt to a situation, but once a fight is out of his control, he finds it very hard to shift the momentum of the battle back in his favour without having to retreat backward to recover.

-Size Matters:
Kabels fighting tactics don't really apply to someone who is larger than him, he counts on putting his weight into strikes to throw his opponent off. Against larger and more physically powerful opponents, Kabel has little in his arsenal to fight them off.

The Promethean Guard as a whole have a fear of failure, and therefore would regardless of success rate, likely prefer to dye trying than to return to the ancient eye with as a failure. This makes Kabel suicidal and irrational in stressful situations.

​Kabel Drei left Lyrkon when he was twenty-four, leaving a bloodbath behind him on Lyrkon after finding his wife with another man. Kabel murdered the man and fractured his wifes spine and skull, causing permanent neurological damage. He left Lyrkon a broken man, having previously being a promising military agent. He wondered for a few years, finally joining up with a crew of Mandalorian mercenaries and learning how to fight and survive out in the big bad Galaxy.

Ten years later, Kabel had made a name for himself as a reputable small time mercenary alongside some others whom by then he'd come to know as family. However, his 'family' were all killed on Atrisia by Silver Jedi forces. Kabel retired in wild space, becoming depressed and withered only to be conscripted into the Ancient Eye and elevated to the rank of Promethean Guard for his exceptional skills and promising force abilities.
[member="The Matador"]

The Matador said:
Kabel has quite a knack for seducing and relaxing the opposite sex.
This seems to be inconsistent with:

The Matador said:
He's not sociable and doesn't go out of his way to make friends,

The Matador said:
he's a stoic man who speaks little

I would suggest making some minor revisions or additions so these two sections acknowledge one another.

The Matador said:
​Plasma Vibro-Axe: ​​Kabel makes use of a grey Vibro-Axe with a brown leather coat against the metal of the shaft for the users comfort, the Vibro-Axe has the addition of a power source in the pommel that projects an electro-plasma filament along the curve of the axe that creatres an energized blade capable of parrying a lightsaber.

Please include links to the articles for the vibro-axe and electro-plasma filament.
[member="Feeto Chivaro"]
Their species can sooth the opposite sex with the use of what their Lyrric Organ. It's more like an occupational related skill, not necessarily reflective of his personal social habits. Made an edit here:

"he's a stoic man who speaks little unless the job requires it but otherwise says much with what he does and how he does it."

I think that clarifies it. In regards to the Vibro-axe, I didn't figure I'd had to sub a typical weapon. The Praetorian Guards use the exact same type of weapon, here in the equipment and training section. It's detailed in the visual dictionary that came out with TLJ, I can remove the plasma filament from the submission if that absolves the issue. It's just a bit of flair honestly.
[member="The Matador"]

Linking to the weapons is mostly for the benefit of anyone else who ends up roleplaying with Kabel, this way they can more easily assess what the weapons are and how they work. You can simply include a link to Praetorian Guard equipment and training section in the "links" field if you want, since that is largely what the weapon is based on.

Additionally, here is the original source for your image. Please update the submission to reflect this.
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