Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kae Drama

Kae Drama

NAME: Kae Drama
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
SPECIES: Shard-Cyborg
AGE: 237
SEX: Female (self-determined)
HEIGHT: 12 inches/~30 cm (crystal only)
WEIGHT: 124 lbs/~56 kg (crystal only)
Crystal Color: Blue


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Thanks to racial traits, and experience as cyborg, Kae excels at interfacing with machines and employing unique brand of energy-based slicing.
+Decades worth of counter-terrorism/piracy and security work has made Kae a master combatant.
-Without a host droid body, Kae is practically helpless by herself as an immobile crystal, so she will be at the mercy those around her.
-Often times has trouble empathizing with her organic counterparts, as many aspects of the organic condition don’t apply to her as a Shard and cyborg.
-As a cyborg, Kae is vulnerable to the same things droids are, like slicing/mecha-duru, and ion attacks. (Can be mitigated somewhat depending on her chassis build at the time.)

Kae’s outer appearance can vary greatly as she is constantly upgrading to newer droid chassis for her job, but at her core, she is a large blue crystal paired with a grapefruit sized Class 1 Droid AI unit. Together, the Shard and AI are housed within a shock resistant armored drum, fitted with a myriad of physical ports and transceivers for physical and wireless machine interfaces respectively.
((More information will be added about her droid bodies as they are approved for use.))


The personality known as Kae Drama is actually a fusion of a Shard mind and an AI unit. At age 153, a curious Shard known as Kae had decided to explore the galaxy for herself after enjoying the experiences of Shard returning to the colony. She signed on a with a program through the Shard government that would provide her with a generous stipend and a lifetime worth of upgrades in return for providing security for Shard/Oraxan citizens and interests domestically and abroad. Her initial assignments were strictly local security ops on Orax as she was given time to acclimate to exercising more individuality before being sent off planet. After 33 years of acclimation and advanced training, she was allowed to operate abroad, participating in a variety of operations that ranged from counter-piracy for Oraxan-owned mining companies, colonial defense, hostage rescue, bodyguard, etc. While working as a security officer, she also doubled as a product tester for Oraxan droids (the government wasn’t just offering free upgrades out the kindness of their hearts). The secondary role later evolved into that of a consultant and a part time designer as she had acquired decades worth of experience in operating and managing droids in some of the galaxy’s harshest environments.

Sith Invasion of Coruscant

At an airbase, Kae had been demoing a new battle networking system with her Shard partner in front of Senators and senior military officers when the invasion began. While her partner aided the Senators in evacuating the Senators while she stayed back to help with base defense. With the help of the networking tool she had been demoing earlier, she aided base defenses by coordinating the efforts of all droids and mechanized units to operate in perfect concert to repel the Sith attackers. Sith casualties in this particular assault would be very high, but eventually they would overwhelm the republic troops and Kae. Defense shifted to buying time for retreating personnel. Kae was one of the last people to retreat, coordinating the ever dwindling number of now mechanized forces.

She withdrew from combat and escaped on a shuttle, only to have her shuttle hit in high orbit by a Sith fighter. The pilots and many of passengers were killed as a good as one side of the hull was blown open. Kae’s droid ​chassis was severely damaged in the attack as well, but she managed to slice into the shuttle’s damaged system to reroute power to the shields to close the breach and the rest of the way to a retreating Republic carrier. Now she is at the mercy of Republic military as she seeks to repair her body and return to Orax.

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