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Approved NPC Ka'eayr jag (Minute men)

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  • Intent: To create a common Guerilla Warfare unit for the mandalorian union
  • Image Credit: n/n
  • Role: Hit and Run
  • Permissions: Members of The Mandalorian Union may use this unit since it is a very common and formed fighting force.
  • Links:
  • Unit Name: Ka'eayr jag (Minute men)
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Union
  • Classification: Guerilla Infantry
  • Description: Mustered from the manpower pull of all clans that are apart of the Mandalorian Union. The Ka'eayer jag are small formed companies trained to work behind enemy lines and ambush enemy units unsuspecting of attack. Due to the doctrine of this newly formed country, these mandalorians prefer to employ guerilla tactics even when attacking enemy planets.
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Common
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment: , ,

  • Combat Function: Specialized in the doctrine that the Mandalorian Union has chosen, the guerilla infantry specialize in coordinated ambushes preferring to hit patrols or garrisons at their most vulnerable. Organized in ten squads of ten , these companies employ basic training and organization based on equipment being used. One member of the squad uses MBE-4 AWOO Jamming package in order to cause confusion among enemy communications and as a way to isolate whatever unit is being ambushed. Two more members use the MML-01V missile launcher and a generic blaster pistol, allowing for the squad to have the ability to take out lightly armored vehicles and large conglomerates of infantry if needed. The other seven soldiers in the squad use the SR-2m Verpine Shatter Sniper rifle, which allows the rest of the squad the ability to hit enemies from a distance. Having ten squad with this squad composition and basic guerilla training tactics, these companies can easily split off and work ambush tactics that would make combatants weary. Especially since they have the composition to take on infantry efficiently and even motorized units.
  • Ambusher: Due to the squad composition and equipment, this unit is great at ambushing enemy units and isolating them. With deadly snipers, soldiers bearing missle launchers, or the member that uses the jamming equipment provided. This unit is made for isolating enemies and dealing with them quickly.
  • Combat Availability and organization: As the most commonly trained unit, these men and women are the backbone of the union. Organized in the goals of the hit and run doctrine of the union. These men are properly organized for the coordinated tactics needed for guerilla warfare.
  • Long term combat: This unit is made for short term combat, with the intent on withdrawing. Should these units be forced to fight in long term combat, then they will suffer heavy casualties.
  • Artillery: When fighting guerilla infantry, it is common knowledge to bombard their whereabouts rather then directly fight them. Artillery is a good counter to this infantry unit, if units can get a message through on their position.
Formed as a statement of unity, the founding clans agreed to creating joint units that pull clan manpower into fighting units for the newly made nation. While elite units were created, common units that would exist as the backbone of the Union would also be formed. Due to the initiative of the hit and run doctrine that the three founding clans agreed to, the Ka'eayr jag were formed as a result. During times of war these units are trained to honor the call at a minutes notice, regardless of other obligations. As a result most of these mandalorians are a jump away from their assigned rally point. Loyal to the Mandalorian Union and absolutely hateful of the sith, these guerilla trained men are ready for combat.
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