Darth Chagrin
Darth Chagrin

Original artwork
NAME: Dana Thel Rey (real name), Kahranna (current alias)
RANK: Exile
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7 m
WEIGHT: 64 kg
+ Strong-willed: Kahranna's strongest trait is her willpower. She has experienced significant traumas in the past and has overcome them, making her difficult to break physically or mentally. Her tolerance for pain of any sort is considerably higher than the average person's, and she fears almost nothing. However, this trait also makes her difficult to convince in nearly any scenario.
+ Non Force-related skills: Even as a Jedi, Kahranna trained herself in various skills. Her years in exile where she has not used the Force have heightened these talents. Kahranna is now proficient in slicing, lockpicking, computer use, basic medical skills, tracking, cooking, engineering and piloting. She has learned to read people without the Force and is now a very capable combatant without the Force, whether with a vibroblade, blaster, or her fists and feet. Kahranna has a moderate level of ability to comprehend droidspeak.
+ General Knowledge: Kahranna has seen much of the galaxy, both in her time as a Jedi and after. She is highly knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects.
- Forgotten her Force powers: Years in exile without listening to the Force have significantly diminished Kahranna's talents in the Force, making her power in the Force analogous to that of a padawan. Her skill with a lightsaber has also diminished considerably as a result.
- Emotionally withheld: Kahranna is motivated to help those in need, but is also generally distrustful of people. She has a tendency to oppose establishments and large organizations, and will take time to trust anyone in particular. She does not allow anyone except those that she trusts to see her true emotional self.
Kahranna stands at 1.7 metres, making her noticeably taller than the average human female. She is relatively well built and carries a stance of confidence and steadfast resolution, but also alertness. Those trained in combat will recognise her stance as allowing her to enter combat at a moment's notice.
Kahranna is motivated to help others. If she sees someone in need, whether they are being harassed by thugs or simply require credits, she will often go out of her way to help them, albeit cautiously. This is because she is wary of people around her, and she trusts very few people. Few are given an insight into Kahranna's true personality, often seeing only someone who is wary of others but willing to help those in need. This cautiousness stems directly from her past experiences.
One of the things that separated Kahranna from her Jedi brethren was passion. Kahranna is deeply motivated by her passion for justice, which is what drives her to help those in need to begin with. She feels that the Jedi are not only failing to do enough to preserve justice in the galaxy, but also feels that the Jedi are limited by the Code from doing so. She is, however, not directly opposed to them, simply viewing them as failures. The Sith, however, are seen by her as a blight upon the galaxy and agents of evil.
This passion for justice has declined in the years since her exile. Though she still believes in the greater good, Kahranna is no longer interested in rushing headlong into the Jedi-Sith conflict. In her exile, Kahranna has come to realize that she carries trouble with her and that she will be affecting people less if she does not involve herself in major conflicts at all. She now believes that she will serve the galaxy better with minor acts of good alone. She avoids any sort of conflict that would be large enough to be documented in official records.
Like all Jedi, Dara Thel Rey was found by the Jedi at a young age and brought into their Order for training. Strong in the Force, she grew to be a fine Jedi Knight, if headstrong and sometimes outright rebellious. Always unafraid to speak her mind truthfully and boldly, she would, from time to time, clash with other Jedi on differing views of passion and passivity, attracting a degree of infamy.
In the field, Dara proved to be resourceful and capable, but often got herself entangled in conflicts that her Jedi superiors disapproved of. While she was often labelled as reckless and ignorant of the consequences of her actions, Dara often argued that the Jedi did not take enough direct action were too passive. As a precaution, she was almost always assigned with a Master to "keep her in check" in the field.
A one-time exception to this rule proved fatal to Dara's Jedi career. Dara was appointed as the leader of a Jedi task force on Dantooine to assist the locals in determining an unknown force that was responsible for several kidnapping sand unexplained deaths. Although such an appointment was heavily debated among the Jedi, it was decided that this would be a test for the headstrong Jedi.
When a mob of Dark Jedi were identified as the cause of the kidnappings, Dara was ordered by her Jedi superiors to take her team and the locals to hide until a larger Jedi Strike Team arrived, and avoid engaging with the Dark Jedi at all costs. Although she briefly argued against this course of action, Dara was unable to fully explain herself before her communications were cut off. Realizing the danger that she and the locals were now in, Dara changed her mind and attempted to stick to the Jedi Masters' plan, but the Dark Jedi outmanoeuvred the Jedi task force and attacked them. In the ensuing battle, the Dark Jedi were slain, but all of Dara's fellow Jedi and the locals were also cut down. When the senior Jedi group arrived, they found the corpses of Dara's team and the locals, as well as those of the Dark Jedi.
It was deduced from Dara's reputation for "recklessness", her history of arguing for action and against Jedi passivity, and the fact that she had appeared to disobey orders before communications were cut off, that she had defied the Masters' orders and, in a thirst for battle, had engaged the Dark Jedi. Without any witnesses to contradict the Jedis' assertion, Dara was branded as being responsible for the deaths of her fellow Jedi and all of the locals as a consequence of nothing more than sheer recklessness and thirst for battle. Horrified by their apparent mistake in selecting Dara to lead the Jedi task force, the Jedi Masters unanimously voted to strip her of her Jedi title and exile her.
Though the Council's version of the events was inaccurate, Dara realized that her differences with the Jedi were ultimately irreconcilable anyway. In the end, Dara simply accepted her sentence, and departed from the Jedi Order forever. For four years, she wandered the fringes of the galaxy alone. In her exile, Dara took a new name ¾ Kahranna ¾ and in an effort to sever her ties with the Jedi completely, stopped listening to the Force, believing it to have been a curse for her rather than the gift that it had always been made out to be.
In the past year, Kahranna has made a reappearance in the known galaxy, albeit still trying to keep a low profile. In the belief that she inherently carries danger with her, she has avoided major conflicts or being in the presence of too many innocent people. Kahranna has attempted to live the life of a commoner, and has only engaged in personal acts of kindness to assist the occasional struggling individual that she passed in her exile.
Kahranna still possesses her lightsaber from her Jedi years. It is still functioning and produces a cyan blade. She retains the lightsaber hilt, but has not used it since being exiled by the Jedi Order in an attempt to suppress the memory of her former life. She keeps it handy but often places it within her clothing in a way that conceals it from public view. Disuse has left her lightsaber hilt appearing somewhat tarnished:

Original Artwork
As Kahranna has renounced the Force, she uses prefers to use conventional weapons in combat, such as grenades, a vibroblade and this blaster pistol:

Original Artwork
On her utility belt, she carries:
- Comlink
- Holoprojector
- Grappling Hook
- Ration Kits
- Computer Spikes & Security Tunnelers
- A99 Aquata Breather
A Line in the Sand (In Progress)