Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

NAME: Kai-Sin
FACTION: Kaminoan Cloning Facilitiea
RANK: Master Geneticists
SPECIES: Kaminoan
AGE: 67
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.3 meters
WEIGHT: 95 kg
EYES: Grey
HAIR: None, ridged head crest and fin.
SKIN: white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Bioengineered for extended life (200 year life expectancy)
+ 47 years as a Geneticist.
+ Vast Reasources
+/- Emotionless
- Arrogant
- Non-Combatant. (Will run, period)
- Racist

Kai-Sin is a typical Kaminoan who wears white and grey wraps and robes in the Kaminoan fashion. Looks young for his age.

Kai-Sin is the current Master Geneticists for the Kaminoan cloning facilities. As with all Kaminoans Kai-Sin was genetically engineered. However, unlike most, he was engineer from the DNA of former clone master of the old repiblic era, Ko Sai. Kai-Sin is almost an exact genetic replica of the geneticist responsible for the creation of the GAR and ironically Kai-Sin is the one responsible for the reemergence of the Clone Troopers in the form of the Dread Guard. All of the current Dread Guard aside from Calico and Galaar were the work of Kia-Sin's hand. At first reluctant to produce inferior beings such as humans, Kai soon accepted the chance to work with the Yuuzhan Vong DNA.

After several years and several run ins with both disgusting Vong and smelly brutish Mandalorian Trainers, Kai-Sin happliy produced Force Dead clones from the Fett genome. While the Dread Guard was his crowning achievement, Kai-Sin is also currently working on a genetic plauge designed to wipe Yuuzhan Vong and Vong shaped creatures from the galaxy. The virus is still in development stages.


40.125 million unsuccessful clone embryos, fetus and children.



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