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Kai Xyn Dependus

Kai Xyn Dependus

The Sexiest Jedi Alive

Character Full Name: Kai Xyn Dependus

Defining Physical Characteristics:
Kai has a tall athletic build, which is a result of his training. Despite, the time which has been devoted to find inner peace, his physical training is always set to push him past his limits daily. Has light scars that litter his arms as lessons from countless mistakes or training sessions that didn't entirely go his way. Still besides from his lean build, it is still obvious that he has muscle built behind it as lean muscle. This helps him with his more physical talents and kept him up to par with the physical demands of lightsaber training.
Non-played Characters, Friends & other Associates:
The Dependus Clan.
His Mother.
A holo-image necklace of his mother.
Repelling Rope.
Aquata Rebreather
Home world:
Desired Specialization: (Healer, Investigator, weapons master, etc.)
Class:(Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, Trooper, Agent, Dark Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor)
Jedi Shadow
Faction:(Please see complete listing in the forum of the same name)
Jedi Order
Character Quote:
A man is only as strong as his convictions on the battle-field, and he shall fail then so does his convictions along with him.
What is/are your character specialties?
Lightsaber Proficiency: His mother a weapons-master in her own right pushed her son to be stronger. Daily grueling lightsaber drills and spars consisted between missions and through intermission in missions. When it comes to a saber, Kai is known to be able to hold his own with seasoned Jedi Knights.

Force control: While not yet strong enough for grand feats within the force, he exercised great control under the powers in his domain. Utilizing energy efficiently and channeling energy alike helps him boasts a certain stamina about himself.
What is your characters attire?
Typicial Jedi robes, though in grey & black with the Dependus Crest woven in the back of his robes.

What type of weapons does your character have?
Twin Silver lightsabers, one with a Vexxtal crystal and the other with a Damind crystal.

Do you have a ship? If so, tell us about it.
Anything the order can provide.

Character History: (written, timeline form, or you can opt to post it over time, in the Reflections forum.)
Kai was born to a Jedi Master and an Echani Warlord who had since retired, after Kai's birth. Though, his birth was that of confusion the mixing of two different human off-shoots that of miraluka and one of an Echani. He kept the traits of the white hair and the force sight even though he also has natural sight as well. Naturally, with having eyes being a dominant trait than the latter. However, not too long after his birth Kai's father was called to the battle field once more to protect his people and died a hero making sure his squad escaped because of his noble sacrifice against their aggressors. This is one of the events that made Kai's mother Trinity give him over to the jedi to be raised and trained to be one them. He was noted for his already strong connection to the force at such a young age.

As Kai grew up he watched his mother who was well respected not only for her battle prowess but for her compassion and wanted to be a jedi like her. It made him push himself harder even in the basic training valuing everything as an experience to make him stronger. As he grew older this core tenet of his only flourished the stronger he got, he knew the farther he could push himself. In training sessions, he would display feats of older younglings in battle. It all came to him by instinct and sometimes by watching the spars of older younglings. He didn't aim to be the best of his class but the best period like he envisioned his mother. He pushed himself to the point where he put the training droids too high for his skill, after being sufficiently disarmed and beaten the training droids moved in on him.

What Kai saw next amazed him, his mother not only intercepted their attacks but spun with amazing speed lightsaber literally dancing dispatching the droids with ease. Kai looked up his mother with awe and she looked to him with the love only a mother could show. At the age of 12, his mother took him on as her padawan which made Kai work harder as he wanted to impress his mother. He grew tremendously with the year under his mother maturity wise and skills wise. However, on his 13th birthday they were celebrating the end of a successful mission and his birthday when their exploits had drawn the attention of several dark jedi who stormed the cruise vessel they were on. Kai tried with all he had but he was simply overwhelmed by the dark jedi and was about to die when his mother force pulled him into the last escape pod and sent him off toward Coruscant where he would go to the order.

As Kai flew down to Coruscant helplessly, he reached out desperately to his mother who's aura seemed to get weaker and weaker as she was outnumbered 4 to 1. When he could no longer feel it, he knew the impossible had happened. His mother was no longer living, at first anger washed over him threatening to take him but somehow his mother's warming presence washed over him as well quelling the intense anger. Though, since that day Kai's already brutal training regimen increased with the thought that he would never let anyone he cared for die again. Though, his compassion while still there it wasn't as evident as a trait as it was before. Part of that being the reason while he has still yet to receive the rank of master
His studies as a Knight immersed him as a Jedi Shadow deep within the cult of the One. Which was a cult full of purebred Sith & Sith by beliefs alike together, they had been rumored to possess access to a vast storage of Jedi & Sith Holocrons alikes. As a Jedi Shadow he could walk the lines of darkness without falling prey to them or so he believed. Through the cult he started learning the secrets of the dark side, it's power growing ever more tempting with each day past. And what began to surprise him is that some days he entirely forgot this wasn't truly his lifestyle. It took two years for Kai to rise through the ranks enough to finally have access to the wealth of information. Upon accessing the information while he recorded all the information for the Jedi Order, he also took the time out to gain knowledge for himself. It was here that he stumbled upon the Jensaarai, and feeling no longer content with the ways of the Jedi Order he began to actively study their beliefs but as of now since the end of the mission he was promoted to Jedi Master but still is studying from all sides of the force.
Force Powers:
Light Side:
Force Heal-Intermediate
Force Valor-Trained
Electric Judgment-Master
Plant Surge: Weak
Universal Powers:
Shatterpoint- Weak
Force Concealment-Expert
Dissipate Energy- Master
Force Meld-Intermediate
Mind Trick-Expert
Force Sight-Master
Force protection:Expert
Force Push:Master
Force pull: Expert
Force Grip:Expert
Force Throw:Master
Force Combustion:Intermediate
Alter Image:Weak
Dark sided Power:
Force Wave:Expert
Force lightning: Intermediate
Force choke: Intermediate
Force Horror:Expert
Dark Side Tendrils: Moderate

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