Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kaia L'cwa

Kaia L'cwa


NAME: Kaia L'cwa
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Jedi Apprentice
AGE: 26
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Gold
HAIR: She has tan hair
SKIN: She has Chocolate colored fur


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Kaia is very strong willed. Having escaped capture at the hands of a slaver, she has learned the benefits of doing the hardest things in life, and understands that she has to be willing to stand up for herself and those that cannot stand up for themselves. For this reason she has settled herself on becoming a Jedi. This does, however, have drawbacks. She bares the physical and emotional scars of her abuse at the hands of her captors, and can be slow to trust, especially if the person is male. She is prone to night terrors, and has difficulty sleeping which often leaves her rather haggard despite her expressive strength.

Her greatest weakness is her drive to see if any of the rest of her Pride is alive. At any inkling of information about them, she'll drop whatever she's doing and go seek out that inkling of information in the hopes that she'll find someone. It doesn't matter how important her work is, she'll drop it all the same.

She's gifted telekinetically and has a keen eye for adaptive combat.

She does not have the means to own a ship.

Kaia was born on Cathar to the L’cwa Pride. Like most Cathar children she was highly aggressive and rough with all of the others in their village. She enjoyed playing games, often called the playful kitten because of such. While others were learning to fight she was chasing stories around. Fighting to her came naturally because of her adaptability to situations. She often bested the others her age despite skipping classes all the time.

Despite this, when the slavers came she wasn’t ready to deal with them. They wiped out most her entire family and took her. She clawed at them, bit them, and everything in between in an effort to escape from them, but it was to no avail. They took her, bound her wrists, and stuck her in a small cage on their ship. Cathar women were a prized possession for those in the slave trade, and it seemed she was destined to be one of those prized possessions.

She tried to escape. She tried so hard that she rubbed the fur off of her wrists, never to grow back. She was only ten at the time. Barely much more than a child and certainly not fully grown into womanhood. It didn’t matter, though. She was quickly sold to a morbid Bothan that lived in the outer rim where no laws could reach him. He abused her continuously because of this.

It was a wonder his abuse never led to a pregnancy. She was thankful for it, though. Every day she sulked around, a battered shell of her younger, jubilant self. Her eyes were lifeless. The other slave girls tried to help her, they were used to this sort of thing, but it was of no use. She didn’t know if there was a purpose to her life anymore and she didn’t really care about it either. Her family was gone. She was being used by a nasty Bothan as a pleasure slave. What did life matter?

Then one day she discovered that she could touch this ancient power known to her family. The Force. She could use the Force. Use it she did. She escaped that horrid Bothan and fled the world. She didn’t know how to fly a ship, however, and she ended up crashing on Yanibar, home to the Force group the Zeison Sha. Her being an outcast, they took her in and taught her their ways. She enjoyed her time with them. They were good people, focused on their families.

Kaia didn’t have a family, though. Not that she knew of, at least. It didn’t really make her feel the same, but she couldn’t think of leaving them. They were the people she cared about. They didn’t mind that she didn’t have children. To them, she was another survivor, and another friend. She had already demonstrated her strength by escaping her captors, and she’d survived for a long time as it was. She is, and will forever be, a member of the Zeison Sha.

Despite this, she has found herself unwilling to remain amongst them. This is not because she doesn't want to be around them, but because she wants to do more than live with them. She wants to actively help the galaxy. The Zeison Sha are a bit too reclusive for her to remain with them. For that reason she has left to go and join the Jedi and the Republic.




Coming soon

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