Kail Myn
Name: Kail Myn
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 20
Race: Human
Alias: N/A
Title: N/A
Force sensitive: Yes
Force rank: Jedi Padawan
Force Alignment: Bipolar
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Rank: N/A
Strengths & Weaknesses:
Notable possessions:
Force powers: TBD
Mission to Voss
How About a Dry Milk Run? [Private]
S.W.O.R.D. Training [Dominion]
Stepping Into Silence [Private]
Candle in the Dark [Invasion]
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 20
Race: Human
Alias: N/A
Title: N/A
Force sensitive: Yes
Force rank: Jedi Padawan
Force Alignment: Bipolar
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Rank: N/A
- Hair: Red
- Eyes: Grey-blue
- Height: 5'9" / 1.75 meters
- Weight: 141lbs / 63.9kg
- Build: Fit, somewhat athletic
- Notable features: Tattoo of a key on the palm of her hand.
Strengths & Weaknesses:
- Knows many languages: Living the life of a nomad; moving place to place has taught Kail many languages.
- Genius intellect: Boasting a high intelligence since birth has made learning and study a strong suit.
- History nerd: Being raised by scholars has given Kail knowledge of many histories and the know-how of study.
- Fearful: Growing up an only child and without her parents has left Kail a rather pessimistic outlook and created anxiety towards the future.
- Poor manners: Kail has unusual manners and lacks common etiquette; a trait which may prove unsuitable towards many.
- RBF: Sometimes you really hate her for it.
- Basic: Level 5
- Twi'leki: Level 4
- Droidspeak: Level 3
- Huttese: Level 4
- Rodese: Level 1
- Sith: Level 2 , read/write only
- Blasters: Level 1
- Vibroblades: Level 1
- Lightsabers: Level 1 (Single)
- Unarmed: Level 2
- Starships: Level 1
- Speeders: Level 2
- Slicing: Level 1
- Life skills: Level 2 (Cooking, cleaning, etc)
- Gambling: Level 2
- Pick-pocketing: Level 2
- Map-reading: Level 3
- Technical skills: Level 1 (repairs, innovations, technology)
Notable possessions:
Force powers: TBD
Mission to Voss
How About a Dry Milk Run? [Private]
S.W.O.R.D. Training [Dominion]
Stepping Into Silence [Private]
Candle in the Dark [Invasion]