Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kaimana Vun

Name: Kaimana Vun
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Occupation: Works for ATC in Research and Development

  • Will find out in RP for chits and giggles, but loves to travel and has a cheerful disposition.
  • Scientist - Knows sciencey things cause flair
  • Engineer - Can use sciencey knowledge for engineering stuff cause flair
  • Racial Traits: low light vision and excellent swimming skills. Bony endoskeleton and dense cartilage makes her tough and resistant to glancing blows, capable of breathing underwater. Exceptional olfactory and pheromone-sensing skills, enhanced by head-tresses. These tendrils were used to detect the emotional state of another being, but were most effective underwater.
  • Nautolan language is maximized for use underwater and not fully pronounceable in a gaseous atmosphere, so must speak in Galactic Basic or Anselmian
  • Will find out in RP for chits and giggles
  • Will find out in RP for chits and giggles

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