Kaira Eyeris
FACTION: Mandalorian Empire. | RANK: Mercenary
SPECIES: Human ......................| AGE: 23
SEX: Female ............................| HEIGHT: 5’7
WEIGHT: 152 Lbs. ...................| EYES: Grey
HAIR: Bleached Blonde ............| SKIN: Pale Caucasian
Kaira comes in at 5’7 and weighs 152 lbs, giving her something of a broad build suited to carrying armor and equipment over long periods. Due to a lack of sun exposure, long periods of time spent confined in air-tight armor, and a genetic lineage of people in similar conditions, Kaira is very pale and somewhat ashy in appearance. Small scars cover her entire body from training and actual combat. Her eyes have a permanent cloudy hue from an injury in her youth, Her naturally brown hair has been bleached blonde and cut short to fit inside her helmet. Her right arm is a somewhat bulky metal prosthetic. Most of her equipment is well worn and somewhat dirty, although Kaira is meticulous about keeping all of her gear in good working order.
Kaira acts like you might expect from someone raised in the hardline Mandalorian culture. She’s very direct in words and actions while maintaining a tactician’s mentality. She has a very deep sense of family and community, and is unaccustomed to being on her own, which as made the past several years particularly diffcult. Socially, she's not really one for long speeches or lengthy conversations. Just like in combat, Kaira prefers getting directly to the point, and doesn't take any nonsense. Due to these factors, Kaira finds is hard to connect to people on a level outside of family, with friendships and romantic relationships being especially difficult.
(+) Zero-Gravity Training: Kaira is not only capable of fighting in the vacuum of space; She is incredibly adapt at it due to honing her spacial awareness from a very young age.
(-) Weak Vision: While her sight is somewhat corrected by the use of her helmet visor, she has very poor vision without using it. For this reason, she is rarely seen without her helmet or a pair of glasses.
(+) Commando Training: Raised from birth in the art of stealthy insertions, hit and run raids, assassinations, and other commando jobs, Kaira has become very skilled at her work.
(-) Mechanical Arm: Even though she lost her arm at a young age, Kaira never fully acclimated to her prosthetic arm. Because of this, her right arm tends to receive signals from the brain later than the other arm, meaning she has to constantly keep the two in sync when in combat or doing other delicate activities.
(+) Leadership Aptitude: While she’s yet to have direct authority over a group larger than a squad, Kaira displays good leadership qualities, such as inspiring loyalty in her soldiers, providing clear and concise orders, and drawing others into her fold.
(-) Poor Piloting Skills: While a decent mechanic, she’s never had any real reason to become proficient with actually piloting ships. She can perform the basics necessary to fly starships, but she is easily outmaneuvered during dogfights.
(+) Salvaging Proficiency: Having lived her life aboard a flotilla where salvaging was often a necessity, Kaira has become particularly good at finding valuable equipment and utilizing it, either through jury rigging different pieces of technology together or finding the best place to barter it.
(-) Ghoulish Appearance: A multitude of factors, such as almost never being exposed to sunlight, alife of fighting causing scars, and her eyes never returning to a natural shade, have caused her appearance to become almost zombie like. While she maintains the physique of a soldier, her pale skin, cloudy eyes, and scarred skin end up being off putting to others.
P-001: Birth and Early Childhood
Kaira was born in 828 ABY aboard the Mandalorian vessel Adenn Aaray (Merciless Pain) which served as a front like frigate of the Clan Eyeris nomadic fleet. Her mother, Eileeyn Eyeris, died during childbirth due to complications arising from the pregnancy and subsequent hemorrhaging. Kaira was born unscathed, but her father, Clan Alor Fierix Eyeris, was shaken by the loss of his wife. While he was always prepared to not only die in combat, but to see his clan die alongside him, seeing someone so close to him perish on an operating table felt wrong. Less than a week old, she was present as her mother was launched into space in the tradition of their clan. Her father kept Eileeyn’s armor safe until it could be passed down to Kaira.Before her 3rd birthday, Kaira had begun zero gravity training with the supervision of her father. While Mandalorians are traditionally nomadic, Eyeris took this to their core. Most of their lives were lived out on the Shuk'la (Broken) Flotilla, named after a cataclysmic event in the clan’s history that lead to them taking to a completely nomadic life in space, although the details of the event had been lost to time. She, along with other children her age, were trained to first orientate themselves in a zero gravity environment to increase their sense of spatial awareness, then how to maneuver around it using tow cables, jetpacks, and various other equipment. Normally, the use of these tactics would be minimal. However, the structure of the Clan mean that their best targets were other ships. A doctrine developed around this necessity involving stealth, fast attacks from close range, and boarding actions through vacuum. What followed was a period of intense training through many basic skills that would prove useful to any Mandalorian warrior, such as handling weapons, piloting, and the use of standard equipment.
By her 9th birthday, Kaira was participating in raids along with her clan. While it would be unfair for the clan to target Civilians, as it would be dishonorable to slaughter unskilled non-combatants, convoys run by the One Sith, Empire, and Republic all fell afoul of their fleet at one point or another. Ships would drop out of hyperspace around the target vessels and immediately begin firing, disabling their shields, weapons, and engines. Mandalorians would launch through space, equipped with explosives designed to vent the enemy ships to space. If any crew remained afterwards, sealed away in pressurized compartments, teams of mandalorians would move through the ship, clearing out any stragglers in each section. It was during one of these operations that Kaira lost her right arm and partial sight.
While cutting open a sealed bulkhead aboard a captured vessel, a soldier wielding a flechette rifle burst out of a vent and fired on her. The sharp metal fragments hit across from the top of her right arm up to her face and threw her back against the wall. While he was mowed down easily by the rest of her team, she had to be rushed back to the flotilla for exposure to vacuum and the wounds inflicted by the flechettes. Even though her helmet had protected her face from the piercing effects of the attach, the rapid depressurization of her suit and impact of the metal fragments had broken her nose, blown out both eardrums, and nearly destroyed the soft tissue of her eyes, as well as her arm being nearly severed from the shoulder. After hours of surgery, her arm was successfully amputated, and some basic function was returned to her eyes, although she was never able to see well again without corrective lenses, and her eyes held a cloudy grey hue. Her nose and eardrums made full recoveries in time. While she lost much in the incident, she learned a valuable lesson that day.
Never let your guard down.
P-002: Reaching Adulthood
Kaira continued serving her clan throughout her teenage years. After the loss of her arm, she received a new robotic prosthetic as a replacement. However, due to issues with the neurological connection to the arm, it is not a seamless replacement, and required Kaira to work hard to adapt to this new impediment. After some time, she managed to gain control over it to a reasonable degree, although she constantly has to refocus in order to maintain fine motor skills. Strangely enough, her eyesight was significantly easier to adjust to, as her vision was able to return to near pre-injury clarity using a specially molded visor for her helmet.During this period, she continued growing her own skills as the clan fell across hard times. Regional conflicts meant routes they usually hit ran dry of ships while the region was swarmed with more plentiful patrols. Forced to move on, supplies began to dwindle, and her father was forced to choose targets they normally would have avoided.
Forced to prove herself during this dangerous period, Kaira showed her peers that she was a competent leader and excellent warrior. No-nonsense and rough around the edges, she lead warriors on the front lines and lived to tell the tale. At 16, she had a loyal squad of commandos following her, attracted to her ability to walk through hell and out the other side. While their more dangerous attacks lead to heavier losses, both in ships and personnel, they were provided the supplies necessary to safely relocate across the unknown region. By the end of their journey, Kaira had gone from a rookie with pedigree to a proven field commander with the scars to prove it.
P-003: Disaster
Their relief, however, would not last forever. Just following Kaira’s 20th birthday, their flotilla ran afoul of a full task force. They never learned why it was so far into the Unknown region, or to which faction it belonged, but it hardly mattered. Turbolasers and missiles bit at their fleet, crippling and destroying a host of vessels before a full retreat could be called. Warriors, caught off guard and left without clear orders, fell back on their direct superiors. Kaira and her team pushed forward, virtually insects compared to the enemy fleet. Stray fire caught out two of her squad while the remainder managed to reach the nearest enemy ship, a corvette. Instead of venting the ship, as was standard, they fell back on their training as saboteurs, and she ordered the team to disable the alarm systems in their section of the ship. As the battle raged on around them, commandos worked tirelessly, cutting hull plating to reach the interconnected nodes of the ship’s security system. Just as their forces were able to retreat out of range, her squad completed its task and infiltrated into the enemy craft before before the enemy could complete a post battle sweep. There they stayed, waiting for the right time to strike. Days later, they moved out throughout the ship, dispatching anyone they came across before they were able to sound the alert. They converged on the bridge, taking control of the vessel. With little warning, they broke from the enemy fleet and made for the last location of the Flotilla.When they returned, things were worse than they could have imagined. Most of their ships had been destroyed in the conflict. What few remaining had wide gashes torn across their once unbroken surfaces. Kaira’s father was killed during the engagement when their flagship was destroyed. In the days following the disaster, already opportunistic lieutenants were seeking to become the new Alor. While some looked to Kaira for guidance, most of the clan turned towards other senior members. Soon, what few remaining ships began separating into their own factions and disappearing into the stars. Like sand, the remains of her home slipped through her fingers, leaving only a single ship and its crew.
Soon, only she remained.
P-004: Finding Purpose
Alone, with only a stolen ship and family armor to her name, Kaira was left adrift. She had no one left to turn to for help or guidance, and the set of circumstances that fell upon her left what notions she had about her life and her place in ruins. So, she did the only thing she could do. Pawn off her stolen vessel for a more suitable transport, and try to make out some kind of living in the traditional way: by being a Mercenary, albeit for her own kind in the Mandalorian Empire.EQUIPMENT:
1x Vacuum-Sealed Mandalorian Armor
2x VT-Bolt Blasters
1x WESTAR M5 v2
1x GE-HVJ modified for flight in vacuum
1x Utility belt containing various rope, rations, survival equipment, and detpacks.
Kaira utilizes a modified AP-76 Besom-Class Light Freighter. The ship is mostly stock, save for a set of aftermarket REM SLAM Engines salvaged after a battle and a 500 Series Hyperdrive bought off of a junk vender.
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