Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kaitara Ordo


Code-Name: Creator
NAME: Kaitara Ordo
FACTION: Mandolorian
RANK: Recruit/Evaar'la Verd
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6ft 8in
WEIGHT: 178lb
VOICE: Jennifer Hale (Notable Role: Female Commander Shepard from "Mass Effect")
EYES: Bright Green
HAIR: Long Dirty Blonde hair
SKIN: The skin color is fairly pale but not too pale.

a: Kaitara is trained with a blaster and she knows how to use it.
b: Kaitara is great with being defensive.

a: Kaitara is known for not being too smart. That leads to pain.
b: Kaitara can get angry which will lead to her doing something she would regreat.

Um? Tall? Not too fat but kind of? Long dirty blonde hair? Pale (But not too pale) skin? Bright green eyes? What else?

Kaitara Ordo was born in Mandolore. She was a decendant of Clan Ordo. She loved to hear legends of her ancestors. It always amazed her about how it ended. Kaitara was proud of her family. By age 18, she started training with a blaster and a vibroblade. She wanted to be a great warrior like her ancestors were.

None yet... She doesn't really leave Mandolore often.

KILLS: None so far



(Dead) Road to Mandalore (First Appearance)
(Incompelte) Raiding Concordia
(Incomplete) Verda Gym
I think [member="Lavania"] meant that you should increase her weight. Being so tall, she'd weigh somewhere around 200 lbs, more or less.

Otherwise, looking great. Welcome to the Mandalorians!

[member="Kaitara"] no no no she is underweight like WWII underweight. She needs a sandwich

and the clan is the Willamina's nearly all female with homes on Dxun and 17m tall war droids that they ride


Code-Name: Creator
Lavania said:
[member="Kaitara"] no no no she is underweight like WWII underweight. She needs a sandwich
Rhen Asakaari said:
I think [member="Lavania"] meant that you should increase her weight. Being so tall, she'd weigh somewhere around 200 lbs, more or less.

Is this okay?

Lavania said:
and the clan is the Willamina's nearly all female with homes on Dxun and 17m tall war droids that they ride
I may have to move to Dxun then!

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