Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kal Ordo

Kal Ordo

NAME: Kal Kyr'kad Ordo

FACTION: Mando'ade

RANK: Bounty Hunter

SPECIES: Gurlanin

AGE: 274

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'6"

WEIGHT: 185 lbs

EYES: Amber, Yellow

HAIR: Brown and greying

SKIN: Leather tan

FORCE SENSITIVE: No, Racial Abilities


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Scout sniper training
Homesteader: Jack of all trades skill set
Hand to hand training

-PTSD, Severe case.
-Deaf on the left side
-Sociopathic tendencies
-Infertile due to severe damage

Kal was born to a family of believers in a religion called The Balance. However, as fervent as their belief was his family was inclined toward neglect. When Kal was only 11 he stowed away on a transport and left his people and his parents behind. He ended up on the planet Ordo mostly out of hunger and fear of staying longer on one ship and found a world where he could start again. He lived on the streets and scraped a living by stealing and scrounging but he was free to do what he pleased. After a few years he found himself helping other younger orphans and sharing in everything like a small lost family.

Their life was hard but they found happiness in their little circle of friends. Then, one day, by pure chance an earthquake caused the abandoned warehouse they had taken residence in to collapse, killing all but Kal. His thoughts turned to the balance and convinced himself that all the good he had tried to do for them had been balanced out by the earthquake. He took the blame for their deaths and broke in many ways.

He joined the military durning the old Sith wars and felt nothing for killing whomever he needed. A bad act would bring another to the galaxy somewhere. Why should he care? After the war he turned to hunting bounties for credits and that was that.

When Mandalore was attacked and broken by the three so called traitors, Kal felt nothing. Their suffering would mean greater good later. It was that simple. They had done the galaxy a kindness and he would continue as always.

Whatever is issued


Kal Ordo

"There were no words as he looked at her. The steady rhythm of his heart beat faster with every second he looked into her blue eyes. How had he missed her? If words existed to express such a thing he didn't know them. He loved her like the myriad pieces of a broken heart loved the whole and missed her like the flowers missed the gentle spring rain. Was this real? This moment, could it be?

He took a step closer, still no words could escape his trembling lips as he found himself holding his breath as if even to breath would chase this moment away and she would be gone. The distance closed further as another step was taken, legs nearly too weak from nerves to carry him forward. Slowly he reached a hand forward fear that she was a mere illusion an unreal phantom from his own mind sent to torment him further with the memory of his lost love. Gently his hand bushed hers and sent sensations dancing across his skin. The softness of her hand the thin fingers as he held them lightly afraid that if he were not gentle the illusion would break and she would again be gone.

He stepped forward closer as she looked up at his his face. His other hand moving gently up to brush her cheek and then offer a gentle caress. He brushed back her hair gently as he continued to hold her hand in his. Strong fingers ran softly over her soft skin as he pushed hair the color of a suns ray over her ear. He was close now as his hand brushed near the healing cuts and bruises. A tear beaded on an old eyelid before slowly falling onto his bearded face.

Standing nearly pressed against her as he took in all he could, still unsure if this were real or prehaps he had descended into madness. The slight smell of citrus graced his senses along with the smell of her skin. He felt her breath as his fingers ran from her ear down the side of her face. His eyes wide, in awe of her as the amber orbs drank in the sight of her like a dessert plain greedily taking in every drop of a rare precious rain. His hand slid to her neck gently and he looked at it as she looked back. Their eyes again met and yet again no words could express what he had kept to himself for so long. The set of his eyes, his jaw and shoulders. The feel of his hand still holding hers would tell her more than his stumbling words ever could. Slowly he leaned down unsure of himself as he brought his forhead to rest on hers. He hesitated mere centimeters from her lips as his hand slid from hers and gently to her side. He softly pulled her close. His heart beating wildly as his body touched hers. The pause felt like an eternity as his senses danced with everything that was her. He reveled in her look, her smell, her touch. The feel of her chest rise and fall against him, the sound of her breathing.

Hesitation gone, fear allayed, he closed the gap as his strong arms enwrapped her gently still unsure even now of whether she was there or a figment of his imagination. Was this a trick? Was it real? He didn't know.

He pulled her against him now and pulled her head to rest against his shoulder as he embraced the strong woman. Tears streamed from the depths of his soul. His hand held the side of her head as he held her close. Breathing increased, all ready pounding heart threatened to burst as he squeezed her tighter afraid she would be gone again. He didn't know if this was real or madness but if it was madness than he would never desire sanity. If this were however just a dream, then he vowed to never wake. Only seconds, minutes, hours, or perhaps eternity passed and with reluctance he pulled away. It mattered little as even if it had been eternity it would never be enough. He leaned his forehead to hers eyes nearly closed as he drank in her scent.

"Hey." He whispered softly as his hands lowered to hers and he held them again, "Please be real." His words so soft they could have died from a strong breath as he stood there.

And in a moment it was gone. The dream faded and with it his last shred of happiness." -Dreams of better days, Kal Ordo

[member="Malika Mantis"]

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