Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kalb
ALIASES: Dog, Hound, Good Boy
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Muscle
SPECIES: Morling
AGE: Adult
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7'5"
WEIGHT: 390 lbs
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Velvety dusty grey and white
SKIN: Pink under fur


​Alpha Dog - Kalb is surprisingly not one. While this can be good as it means he takes directions and works with others well, his is also not particularly creative when it comes to problem solving, looking to whoever's in charge to give the orders. He's also not likely to challenge authority, even when it's merited.
Big Boi - Kalb is very big, and subsequently very strong. He does have a tendency to hit his head on things.
Bork! - Kalb almost always sounds like he's growling and about to bite someone face off, even when this isn't the case. He's quite intimidating, which can be good or bad depending on the situation. Most of the time he does capitalize on it however.
Ruining The Floors - While he won't be burrowing through durasteel, Kalb is never unarmed, the claws on his hands and feet are quite sharp and very strong.
Scent Hound - Kalb has a very good sense of smell, and can follow a trail or recognize beings he knows by scent.
T-R-E-A-T - Kalb needs a tremendous amount of food to power his large frame, and he's very easily distracted by it. With his sense of smell, there's almost always something delicious calling his name.
Moon Moon - He's not stupid precisely, but he does tend to think about things in a very direct, simple manner, and is not one for philosophical debate. Every now and again this lets him see easy solutions to problems, but often it just leaves him puzzled.

Kalb is a very big, heavily muscled canine humanoid. He's covered in a velvety soft layer of dusty gray fur with white markings, not that many people are brave enough to go in for a pat. He tends to wear tactical pants and occasionally a shoulder holster, but rarely bothers with a shirt. His ears are cropped and alert and his body is littered with scars. While he's generally quite intimidating looking, every now and again he breaks out in the sort of smile that makes people want to find out just how soft that fur is.

He's generally armed with both a projectile and bladed weapon of some sort.

Kalbs parent were pirates, he was born on their ship, where he spent the first few months of his life. They were decent parents, as these things went, but not particularly good pirates. They were lured into a trap and local law enforcement boarded and slaughtered the crew almost to a man. The almost, of course, was Kalb

Rather adorable as a pup, and young enough to be considered innocent, the officers took Kalb in. Half pet and half mascot, he grew up around these men. Eventually however, the situation came to light and a 'helpful' bureaucrat felt this was near slavery and also that funds going to feed and clothe the growing pup were being misused, and Kalb was turned out.

Now fully grown, Kalb makes his living using his muscles, but is still trying to really find his place in the galaxy.






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