Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kalba Vhett



FACTION: Independent
RANK: Bounty Hunter / Mercenary
SPECIES: Human (Mandalorian)
HEIGHT: 1.96 Meters
WEIGHT: 79.39 kg
HAIR: Black
EYES: Deep Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
HOME: Concordia (Birthplace); Mobile (Presently)
PLAYBY: Keanu Reeves


Kalba has had many years experience as a soldier and Mandalorian Protector. From this, he has knowledge in martial combat and tactics, which can prove useful in his new profession.

+Gunslinger: As a part of his training under his father and as a Protector, Kalba has learned to be a rather good shot. Not quite a sniper, but well enough to last long in a firefight if need be.


-Just a Man:
Kalba is an ordinary human being. No flashy Force powers or weird xenobiology. Thus, he is just as susceptible to wounds, illnesses, and maladies as any other average man.

-Bitter: Kalba has seen a lot of strife in over the course of his existence. This has caused him to be very cold and indifferent towards others, leading to very few kind interactions with most. He gives his respects to his employers, but not much else. He becomes especially irritated toward individuals who appear as Sith, Dark Jedi, or clearly Mandalorians from the remnant United Clans. Needless to say about recent events, he has much unresolved anger from the whole event.

Kalba seems a very cold, impersonal man. After seeing his home destroyed and conquered, and many of his own comrades die as a result, he comes off as a man who is fed up with the politics of his people. He is not without principles, however. He will not accept a bounty that involves kidnapping children, or hunting down civilians for the sake of making an example. He has seen too much senseless violence to participate in it anymore. He also has a sensitive side that he rarely shows around others, having a love of poetry. He is also not willing to work with Sith or Dark Jedi, as their actions against his homeworld have left a bitterness in his mouth.


What makes a man? Is it his name? His origins? These were dogging questions that started at the life of Kalba Vhett. In his veins, so he was told, flowed the blood of the great Mandalorian bounty hunters Jango and Boba Fett, being allegedly descended from a clone trooper who adopted the name "Vhett" in his later years. A point of pride for Kalba’s father, but one that he grew to loathe.
Like many other Mandalorians, he was raised in the ancient ways of the Resol’nare, the closest thing to a holy text his people had. However, within his own family, there was much more expectation there might be in a typical Mandalorian. Kalba was a Vhett, and should do anything better than his peers, as his father would constantly remind him. Once Kalba completed his verd’goten at the age of 14, he soon sought out at joining the Protectors, those soldiers of Mandalore dedicating to safeguard its systems from intruding forces.

And so it would be for the next few decades. For the most part, Kalba only saw action as a Protector for a couple of local skirmishes between clans. A few civil wars here and there. Yet there was one that changed everything. The Burning of Mandalore. It was a time where his heart grew heavy with anger and vengeance, and participated in more than one execution of a Force-Sensitive while the zeitgeist was there. He continued to serve as a soldier in Mandalore’s army, helping defeat and crush her enemies before him. Then, for a time, there was feigned peace. A short era of relatively bloodless expansion as Mandalore became an Empire in its own right, before returning into a federation of United Clans.

Then came the most recent, second blow. The Sith Empire, whom Kalba had never trusted as allies of Mandalore, came with terrible reckoning. Once more, Mandalore burned. Kalba managed to retreat with his life intact. For him, this was a final straw. As the remnants of the clans loyal to Haran Rekr bickered over retaliation, vengeance, and foaming banter of honor. He was sick of it, and thus left. He chose the path that, while stereotypical, was also characteristic of his heritage. Using his skills learned as a Protector, he became a bounty hunter, recently joining up with the newest iteration of Black Sun before striking it out on his own.

So....what makes a man? His name? His heritage? Feth. Them. All. He is own person, and no longer will he let the delusions of his father, or the squabbling of old clansmen decide his destiny.

-One set of durasteel armor in the style of traditional Mandalorian beskar’gam (see the above reference), which includes a wrist-mounted flamethrower in the left gauntlet and a wrist-comm in the right gauntlet.
-A aesthically modified WESTAR-35 carbine
-A custom kal dagger made of beskar
-A Z-6 jetpack colored to match his armor
-Various grenades, typically flashbang and smokescreen for distractions and cover. May occasionally plasma grenades

The Black Sparrow, his modified HWK-290 freighter, equipped with two dual laser cannons and shields for defense
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