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Work In Progress Kalder, City of Kings


  • Intent: To flesh out House Voss and its domain
  • Image Credit: (x)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Marcus Voss, The Exilium Authority,
  • City Name: Kalder City
  • Classification: Urban Center
  • Location: Alderaan
  • Affiliation: House Voss, Marcus Voss, The Exilium Authority
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: Primarily Humans, Tygeri, and a fair amount of aliens.
  • Wealth: Wealthy
  • Stability: Medium
  • Freedom & Oppression: There is little to no oppression within the city, most are free to do as they wish, though there are certain restrictions which are reflected across all Alderaani cities.
  • Description: It is a technologically advanced society, at a first glance it looks like a prosperous city and the people are happy. The city is dominated by wildlife and nature which both serves the people and the environment.

Tower of Governance -
This looming structure in the center of the city serves as the center of government for the city, where not only do the government figures reside, but also esteemed guests, diplomats, and other such high priority members.

Docking Ports - The dockyard of Kalder lies near the Tower of Governance, and is fairly popular. It houses a rail system which connects it to several other cities and towns across the planet.

Castle Kalder - This fortification lies on the edges of the city, on a separate island. This fortress serves as the estate for House Voss and its members, including its guard and its defences.

Alderaani Operations Headquarters - This, also a separate island from the main complex, houses the cities defence force and primary law enforcement agency. It mostly keeps to itself due to the lack of threats on Alderaan, but it serves as a warning to all who would disrupt the peace.

Exilium Facilities - Similar to Gatania, the borders of the city houses a massive island dedicated to the Exilium Authority and their business, under the supervision of House Voss. They also house one of their many fleets and armed forces on the island, serving as a Forward Operati

Warden of Kalder - The statue erected in honor of the Jedi who had come to the aid of Alderaan decades before.

Kalder is a very well defended force, with not only the House of Voss's private force, but also the Exilium Authorities protection, it would not be an easy fight to take the city, though the structure of the city does allow for some weakness in the form of defence, and most of the defences are not visible for the sake of the people.


The City of Kalder was founded by Jedi Knights Cassus Voss and his brother, Kylar Voss. Both were Knights of the Jedi Order who defended Alderaan in countless events in the times of old, when the Galactic Republic still reigned. Weighted with the responsibility of continuing their house, both chose to leave the order, as the heirs of their noble line. These men were no ordinary men, but were descended from a time of Kings and Queens throughout the galaxy. With royal blood, they began the settlement of Monterr. They continued their line until the once fledgeling town expanded into the city it has grown to be today. A near century before the present, Edric Voss, the sovereign of Kalder, faced imminent invasion from pirates, and with lives of his people on the line. He called upon any who would come to its aid, and so when the Jedi came and saved them, the city constructed a statue of a cloaked Jedi Master in their honor. This act would go on to continue the alliance Alderaan has today with the Alliance.

Years before today, Marcus's father, Lord Jace Voss, forged an alliance with a branch of the Eternal Empire, the Exilium Authority, for protection and to expand the cities trade and economy. Since then the Authority has been tightly woven into the affairs of Kalder, Marcus now serves as a representative for both, until it is his time to assume control of his House, and his city.

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