Kal'em Devonsire
Hate is a Powerful Tool
Kal'em Devonsire; Rogue Apprentice
Because we obviously need another Twi'lek.
Full Name: Kal'em Devonsire
Nicknames: Kal, Devon, and Devilsire
Faction: To Be Decided/Announced
Rank: Apprentice/Merc
Species: Full-blood Twi'lek
Age: 19 Galactic Standard Years
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 127 pounds
Gender: Female
Eyes: A light yellow
Lekku: Seemingly random 'tribal' markings run along them
Skin: A soft green in color
Body Type: Slightly tall, long limbs, and a semi-muscular frame.
Personality: Moody and compulsive in nature, it is usually hard to tell what Kal'em will do next. One second she'll be quiet and irritable, the next she'll want to have a long discussion on the various conspiracy theories regarding Telosian government. Despite this she maintains an overall cheery attitude, trying to look on the brightside of things. This hides a vicious, hateful core. Though she may seem to be kind and caring, the girl harbors much hate for the galaxy, and often spends alone time plotting the downfall of her enemies. Or pondering the multitude of religions and their coordinations with the space-time-continuum.
Ship: DeepWater-Class Light Freighter
Kills: None as of yet.
Bounties: N/A
One of Kal's natural talents is manipulating others, both with her empathetic ways and attractive features. Others tend to find her approachable and trustworthy, despite what they might have heard about her. When diplomacy fails, however, Kal'em is prepared. The girl has been trained in combat, and through exercise, proper diet, and so forth she has become stronger than average, and excels in hand to hand combat.
Highly impulsive at times, Kal tends to rush straight into situations without thinking them through. Sometimes she'll simply do something seemingly random, often aggravating others. And while she is able to dish out damage, the Twi'lek isn't the best at taking it, and lacks endurance. Her strategy would be to beat someone down quickly, before they have a chance to hit her enough. Another drawback is that Kal'em is very power-hungry. This may give her ambition and drive, but it also causes her to cast aside valuable allies in search of greater strength, dive into foolish things looking to gain something, and/or take even more excessive risks.
No one would have guessed it... that Kal was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and taught their ways from a young age. Almost anyone would understand that she fell from the light side. What caused her descent into the shadows and madness is unknown. Perhaps it was merely destined to happen? All things that were, are, and ever will be have a purpose. Events included.
The important thing is that somewhere along the way, the Twi'lek girl no longer felt at home amongst the Jedi. So she left, leaving friends behind to travel an unfamiliar galaxy. Her explorations took her many places, and showed her many things. Throughout the recent years she has met many teachers, some of which took her in and trained her for a time.
Most recently she has arrived on Hapan, watching the growing tension with a neutral mindset.
Force Powers:
Force Push- Novice
Mind Trick- Adept
Pyrokinesis- Novice, main combat skill.
Roleplays: To be added.