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Kalevala Crystals and Sabers


Well-Known Member
Corporation Name: Kalevala Crystals and Sabers

Headquarters: Kalevala

Locations: Kalevala(Sales and Hilt Part manufacturing), Ilum(Crystals), Commenor(Sales),

Operations: Saber Hilt part manufacturing, Saber crystal mining,

Rationale: Once Titan discovered an abandoned Jedi temple on Illum, he saw profit in the making. As such he soon returned with more men and retrofitted the place to better accommodate a small company. He built a series of small saber part and crsytal shops on Kalevala, where he set up the companies HQ, and Commenor, where he is the current Vice President. It received substantial funding from Titan's own coffers and money from his other ventures.

Tier: Requesting Tier II

Description: Kalevala Crystals and Sabers is based of Kaveala, as evidenced by the name, it started out as a tiny single store company but interest in it grew and she's increased. Justifying more funding and more shops and locations. At the start it only offered Illumian crystals but now it's catalog of crystals includes the following:
  • Adegan Crystals
  • Synthetic Crystals
  • Marlite Crystals
Though the list will be expanded upon in the future. It currently only ships out kits, with the parts for a lightsaber hilt and a crystal. The only hilts currently available are shoot hilts, basic hilts, and extended hilts, others will be researched in the future when the manpower can be spared. If a customer wants a crystal other than the ones listed above, an expedition will be sent out to acquire it, with additional costs varying upon the rarity of the crystal and its power. Kalevala crystals and sabers has proven to be a useful resource for padawans seeking a saber. Or knights and masters seeking a spare or temporary replacement saber.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
--[member="Titan Kryze"]

Hi Titan.

While we have many companies that deal in the creation of kits for lightsabers and provide lightsaber parts, our rules state that fully constructed lightsabers are restricted to a maximum of semi unique production.

While you are more than able to have a shop that may produce such things, any factory submissions must remain within this production limit.

For your review, please look at General Rules for Technology here:

2. Fully constructed lightsabers are restricted to a maximum of semi-unique production.
[member="Titan Kryze"]

You can make a company that sells crystals and lightsaber parts (not constructed)

If you DO sell fully constructed lightsabers, their production can only be at semi-unique at max.

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