Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Kalso's Revenge
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Mass Effect series
Development Thread: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/57998-burn-baby-burn/
Manufacturer: Spice lords from Kessel.
Model: NA
Affiliation: Imperial Remnant
Modularity: Different sights
Production: Unique (10)
Material: Durasteel
Classification: Flame/blaster pistol
Size: handheld
Length: 279 mm
Weight: 2kg
Ammunition Type: liquid canister/ energy cell
Ammunition Capacity: 2 shots per liquid canister/ 30 shots per energy cell.
Effective Range:
Liquid: 15 meters
Blaster: 50 meters
Maximum range:
Liquid: 20 meters
Blaster: 100 meters
Rate of Fire:
Liquid/gel: 1 shot every five seconds
Blaster: Semi automatic
Special Features:
•Thermite gel thrower
•Melts near anything

Looking for more sick ways to execute their foes the spice lords of Kessel created a viscous blaster pistol that was capable of killing their foes in the most painful and horrific ways. Kalso's Revenge is that pistol, a hybrid pistol that takes cruelty to the next level. Capable of lighting it's foes on fire and melting through the toughest of armor this weapon is not for the faint of heart.
How it's built. Taking a standard heavy blaster pistol the drug lords of Kessel needed a little extra to help intimidate workers of their spice mines. So they thought what was the most excruciating and frightful way to watch someone die? Burning. So they took a chemical mixture composed mainly of a metal oxide and aluminum powder. To produce Iron, Ferric (Iron) Oxide or "Thermite" as it is traditionally called, however the thermite was still in a powdered form, this needed be transferred into a gel form. So a thickening agent or polymeric thickeners, namely polystyrene. Hydroxyl aluminium bis(2-ethylhexanoate) was used to convert the thermite into a napalm B type substance that when ignited burns for up to 4 to 5 minutes. As it's chemical formula Benzene, or benzol, an organic compound chemical compound and a known carcinogen with the molecular formula Carbon6Hydrogen6 and polystyrenePolystyrene Polystyrene is an Aromaticity polymer made from the aromatic monomer styrene, a liquid hydrocarbon that is commercially manufacture of petroleum. This is what allows the gel form of thermite to burn longer than a traditional napalm which would on average burn 5 to 11 seconds
The thermite napalm is made by taking the thermite as it's powdered form which it is traditionally made up as, then combining them with the thickening agents by boiling them together until their chemical compounds mix. This causes the polystyrene and thermite to take on a new chemical structure which allows it to burn longer in a gel form. However since traditional napalm b burns upwards to 10 minutes since this burns much hotter it's burn time greatly decreased. Once the mixture was created the spice lords forged a small liquid canister and under barrel for the weapon along with a toggling mode. This means the weapon has two modes, the top barrel that fires a traditional blaster bolt and the bottom that sprays the thermite gel onto the target. The sprayer sends out a few globs of the gel capable of coating an average sized person with a layer of gel, but it takes around five to ten seconds for the gel to pressurize and fire another lob. But the gel doesn't come out burning, the user needs to switch back to the blaster to ignite it with the bolt or another method to ignite the thermite. With all science aside the weapon is essentially just a blaster with a gel spewing under barrel attachment.
Power. The top half is a basic heavy blaster pistol, it can pierce medium armors and has a standard range, there's nothing all that special about it whatsoever. But where the pistol's devastating power lies is the under barrel gel thrower. Once lobbed and ignited the thermite gel burns anywhere from 2500° to 4000° F And upwards to 4 to 5 minutes. This is hot enough to melt practically any metal including Beskar. If it is left burning for a prolonged amount of time, while it will not instantly turn any metal into slag if it is left unchecked the heat from the thermite has the capacity to melt these metals. However metals like Beskar usually take a second or third dose of thermite jelly to start the melting process. However the person inside the suit would have a difficult time surviving before the metal began to melt as being surrounded by flames that burned upwards to 4000° F has the capacity to burn a person alive or burn away oxygen near them before a Beskar suit would melt. But this is all dependent upon the amount of thermite gel splashed into the target. A full dose of gel can make surviving very difficult and this is the only way to get super metals to melt by getting a full dose, high quality metal armors are likely to withstand the heat and take extra doses to slag them while lower qualities will likely catch and burn rather quickly. This does not guarantee death however it simply makes surviving temperatures of that magnitude difficult. Though it may take a few applications if left burning the thermite merely has the capacity to melt Beskar and other super metals. But the pistol only sprays the liquid and it needs a way to ignite whether it be the blaster pistol or a simple lighter. Once the flames have ignited the only way to extinguish them is to either completely submerge yourself in water or find a way to negate the flow of oxygen around the flames.
Weaknesses. You're essentially holding a weapon that if it overheats or becomes too hot can explode and kill you. If the blaster malfunctions and compromises the gel container bellow it's goodbye for the user of the weapon. So users should be very cautious when using the weapon. If a stray blaster hits and compromises the gel it could go up In flames, if a lightsaber cuts it, it could go up in flames, it could even overheat to the point of combustion so do not go trigger happy with this weapon. Another draw back it suffers from is it's a bit unwieldy due to the lower attachment, so it can be a little awkward to aim and fire. A class A and B fire extinguisher that sprays a wet chemical mixture can help negate the flames by disrupting the napalm's chemical structure. Other forms of traditional dry and foam extinguishers will not extinguish the flames.
Summary. The weapon is brutal and will certainly help get your point across. While it's not the safest weapon system in the galaxy a bunch of people coked out of their minds on spice did design and build it. So it's a very powerful weapon but it also has some serious drawbacks to it, it's not for the faint of heart but it will get the job done when dealing with those pesky armored foes.