Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kama Nu (AKA Dr. Mordin Sidonis)



AliasesDoctor Mordin Sidonis
Personality Traits
  • Ambitious
  • Cold
  • Prideful
RankPrime Minister (Kamino)
GenderMale (he/him) (they/them)
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Evil
PlaybyLama Su
Dialogue ColorSteel Blue (#3D8EB9)


Kama Nu is a slender Kaminoan male. He possesses typical Kaminoan features, such as pale skin, black eyes with white pupils, and a fin-line appendage on his head. He often wears traditional Kaminoan garments, especially when tending to his administrative duties as a Minister of Tipoca City. When working on projects for the Unblessed, he dons a lab uniform. Should his presence be required by contacts in the Dark Empire, he wears appropriate Imperial regalia.


Generally, Kama Nu has little use for personal weapons on account of site security forces and personal guards when travelling. However, emergencies do arise. Thus, he carries with him special-issue KXR DSP-61x Hybrid Pistol.


Kama Nu is a Kaminoan scientist whose demeanor is characterized by an icy detachment and an unyielding pride in his work. Standing tall with the elongated, sleek physique typical of his species, Kama Nu exudes an aura of superiority and precision. His cold, calculating nature often makes him appear distant and unapproachable to those around him. Conversations with Kama Nu are typically brief and to the point, as he sees little value in small talk or social pleasantries. His piercing eyes, always focused on the task at hand, reflect a mind constantly at work, analyzing data and perfecting his experiments.

In his laboratory, Kama Nu's pride shines through in the meticulous care he takes with his research. He holds his work to the highest standards and expects nothing less from those who assist him. This pride can sometimes border on arrogance, as he firmly believes in his own superiority and the unparalleled importance of his scientific endeavors. Criticism is met with a steely glare and swift dismissal, for in Kama Nu's mind, few are qualified to question his methods or conclusions. He is driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation, often at the expense of personal relationships and emotional connections.

Despite his aloof and prideful exterior, Kama Nu is deeply dedicated to the advancement of Kaminoan science. His work is his life, and he views it as his sole purpose. This single-minded determination can be both a strength and a weakness, as it fuels his groundbreaking discoveries but also isolates him from those who might offer different perspectives or emotional support. In the end, Kama Nu is a figure of both brilliance and solitude, a scientist whose cold demeanor masks an unwavering commitment to his craft.


  • Windows to the Soul: Kama Nu's Kaminoan eyes can see perceive light on the infrared spectrum.
  • Exalted Mind: Pride aside, Kama Nu is an objectively gifted individual with an impressive intellect.


  • The Seventh Sin: Kama Nu's pride has cost him more colleagues and contracts than he'd like to admit.
  • Hungry Mind: When it comes down to it, Kama Nu will do anything - everything - for scientific progress.


Kama Nu, a Kaminoan geneticist of remarkable acumen, began his storied career in the sterile, rain-soaked cloning labs of Kamino. Born into a society renowned for its expertise in genetic manipulation and cloning technology, Kama Nu quickly distinguished himself as a prodigious talent. His early work focused on enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of cloning processes, contributing to the creation of some of the most elite clone armies the galaxy had ever seen. However, it wasn't long before his ambitions led him to seek out opportunities beyond the confines of Kamino's oceans and laboratories.

Driven by a desire to push the boundaries of genetic science, Kama Nu eventually found himself involved with the Unblessed, an anti-Force collective. The Unblessed sought to eradicate the influence of the Force in the galaxy, viewing it as a destabilizing element. Kama Nu's expertise in genetic manipulation became invaluable to their cause. He developed techniques aimed at suppressing Force sensitivity in individuals, a controversial and ethically questionable endeavor. His work with the Unblessed earned his moniker, Mordin Sidonis, both notoriety and infamy, garnering the attention of various powerful factions that sought to harness or eliminate Force users.

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