Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kana is slow and unreliable! More news at eleven.

Dear guys,

Words can't describe how much I fail you guys. I just wanted to announce to those of you who I write with that my posting has recently slowed down drastically due to real-life coming back to bite the unemployed in the butt. My posting has turned considerably slower and less reliable because my job hunt has recently picked up it's pace to a speed where keeping up with both the site and this hunt thing is proving difficult.

Posts still happen every now and then but I have to spend a majority of the my days looking for them jobs, making calls and sending e-mails. I am so sorry for not breaking these news earlier but I've been kind of giving it all of my focus at the moment.

I've got a few good leads already but with the market being as it is I can't guarantee this ends anytime soon and I don't see it in my own best interest to cut back on the applications yet. Therefor I want to apologize to the following for the lack of replies:

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Taheera Sollo"]
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]
[member="Darth Veles"] ([member="Elizie Adasca"])
[member="Aitis Powarth"]
[member="Eden Gyll"]
@All those whom I forget.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
[member="Kana Truden"]



Cheshire Shi'ido
[member="Kana Truden"]

I'm not anywhere on any of your lists, so I'll just hug you and get back to being a floating space-cat.


*runs off*

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