Kana Mikasa
Second Sister

Name: Kana Mikasa
Allias: Second Sister
Age: 22 (878)
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Affiliation: Jedi Order (Formerly) Galactic Republic (Formerly) Galactic Empire (Formerly)
Sith Empire (Currently) ODACAI (Currently)
Masters: Kam Solsun (Jedi Master)
Darth Vader (Sith Master)
Cybernetics: Right Arm, Bacta Apparatus
Force Sensitive: Yes
Born on the world of Corellia in 37 BBY Kana Mikasa. Kana grew up in squalor on the world, her parents had died long ago in an accident on the world's many ship building factories that served both the Galactic Republic and the native Corellians who had professions of all kinds. Stuck in one of the orphanages, undergoing mistreatment till the age of five being found by Jedi Master Kam Solson on a mission to stop local crime lords. Brought her back to Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi. There she met the young boy known as Jakkor Kess. A Tusken orphan himself, that was something the two bonded over the most in their isolation as outsiders within the Temple. Training with Master Yoda till both were accepted as the Padawans to Kam to which both trained together well into Adolescene their bond growing stronger as the decades went past.
By the time of 21 BBY The Clone Wars had broken out both Kana and Jakkor were assigned to the 350th Attack Battalion with their Master, both of the students serving as Commanders next to Clone Commander CT-24379 "Jax" Growing closer she was falling for the Tusken male, but kept such secrets as she fought with him from Xagobah, Toydaria, and Ossus. With her path culminating on the desert world of Ragnar V. That day Order 66 was carried out and that was when her world changed forever, defending each other from both Droid and Clone alike she felt the death of her Master and so many Jedi in the Force it had caused her great pain.
Running from their former commander, she was close to making it off world, finding a transport and escaping. She was shot before she had a chance. She cried calling out for her best friend to help. But with one look he had left her to the mercy of the Clone Troopers. With the troopers bringing her back to Coruscant due to her Padawan status.
From than on she was tortured at the hands of the Imperial Inquisitorius. By Jedi she once knew, she held on for so long thinking that Jakkor would return for her. But when he never returned she finally broke in the face of the newly formed Empire's feared Enforcer Darth Vader. From that day Kana Mikasa was dead and the Third Sister was born
Reborn as an Imperial Inquisitor she soon joined the ranks of her former comrades, training under Darth Vader. She learned quickly with her first lesson losing a right arm. Waiting many years going on many assignments hunting different Jedi Masters. The thought of Jakkor being alive never leaving her mind with the determination of revenge fueling her.
When the day finally did arrive. She had tracked him down to the Smuggler's moon of Nar Shaddaa still on the run from the Empire. Their reunion was bitter sweet while Jakkor happy to see her alive, she had quickly attacked him giving into her murderous love for him. He defended himself with only escaping. On that day she also discovered she still loved him, if only now in a twisted violent way.
Their next encounter would happen on the Imperial Throneworld itself. With Jakkor coming in a foolish attempt to confront Vader and redeem her, he had failed in doing so but she revealed that she did love him, when he had admitted his feelings. Not only that but revealing that she must die before she kills him too. Both entered into a heated duel with Jakkor mortally wounding her. Vader arrived shortly after the encounter, while she had failed he still had a use for her due to her loyalty. She was taken by the medics to be saved, to which she was only now having a mechanical apparateus pumping bacta into her neck to keep her living, also making her stronger.
She was kept in Stasis as the years passed by, by the time the Inquisitors were extinct she was forgotton, buried for hundreds of years till being discovered in 852 ABY when Coruscant was briefly occupied by the Sith Empire. She was reawakened shocked briefly at the time, at the events that had long since passed, but grew to adjust to the new times. Hearing that another Jedi Purge had gone underway towards the end of the Great Galactic War. She trained, and later joined the Empire, under the new division for the new order in the galaxy that wish to exterminate those that had survived Operation Endgame and the Purge that was carried out during it. With Anti Jedi Sentiment growing in the Imperial Bloc. The Third Sister joined a new Inqusitorius forming one of the first of the Odacais Jedi Hunters. Now she will not stop until she hunts down every surviving member that has dared to escape Imperial Justice. Taking the title of one of the most prestigious of the Inquisitors. The Second Sister, and a similar garb worn. She directed her new task in serving the Emperor and his desires regarding the extinction of the Jedi.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Deadly Hunter: Being someone who was once a Jedi, and countless research she has done into the records. Kana is a merciless hunter who will not stop until her Jedi Adversary is dealt with.
Sharp Senses: While she is known for hunting she is often resourceful, while at times making new ways to hunt her prey. She often relies on her instincts and keen intellect to aid into her hunt.
Mad Love: While she has forsaken all of her past, her obsession for revenge against her former best friend has driven her close to insanity.
Strong Attacks: While intelligent and an agile hunter, she is weak when up against opponents who possess brute strength
Second Sister Armor
Inquisitor Lightsaber
Red Lightsaber
Green Lightsaber
Kills: 0
Bounties: 0
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