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Kara Vaalki


Kara Vaalki

NAME: Kara Vaalki
RANK: Jedi Knight
HOMEWORLD: Malastare
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 160lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

Strengths and Weaknesses
+ Skilled Duelist: A practiced and capable duelist, Kara is a master of
lightsaber and blade, and is a master of the Niman form.
+ Learned: Something of a natural bookworm, Kara prefers to spend
her recreational time studying ancient texts or poring over Jedi
lore. This gives her remarkable - and sometimes controversial -
insight into the nature of the Force itself.
+ Creative Combatant: Unorthodox with her lightsaber work and her
application of the Force, Kara is a surprising, opportunistic fighter that
will use any advantage or opening she is able to.
+ Iron willed: Unwavering in her commitment and duty, Kara's mind is
sharpened by years of training and discipline, and her self-assuredness
and conviction make powerful defences against penetrating or tricking
her mind.

- Abrasive: With a sharp tongue and a blunt, often disapproving
demeanour, Kara's nature can make it difficult for her to become close
with others.
- Hard to please: Something of a perfectionist, Kara readily finds fault
or flaws in practically everything, and is not shy about voicing her
opinion as such. As a mentor to junior Jedi, Kara is practically
impossible to please, and is a frustrating and demanding tutor.
- Self Righteous: Humility is a quality sorely lacking in the Jedi Knight,
and due to her confident self-sureness, Kara's convictions can often boil
over into arrogant righteousness given the appropriate circumstances.
- Cloistered Upbringing: Despite being well-read, Kara is not well-
travelled, and so her knowledge of immediate history, customs and
cultures can at times be lacking.
- Undiplomatic: Kara makes for a terrible negotiator, preferring to
resolve disputes with the blade far more often than a Jedi should.
A woman of her mid-30's, Kara Vaalki is in the prime of her life - strong in
body and mind, she is in excellent physical shape, strong and agile as
required by her profession.However, no simple warrior is she - behind her
icy blue eyes sparkles a sharp mind and a keen intellect.

What would be otherwise conventionally attractive features, however, are
often marred by some form of frown or scowl, her lips pursed thin in
seemingly perpetual disapproval of all things, her brow furrowed ever so
slightly enough to harden her features into a grim mask.

Her body language is often taut and ready, preferring to stand at ease
unless in private, or in the company of true, valued friends.

As far as clothing and attire, Kara often wears simple, practical garments
- a black tunic and tights with gloves and boots in the classic New Jedi
Order style are common for her to wear as 'casual' attire, though looser,
more extravagant and flowing garments are also sometimes seen - usually
when the Jedi is intentionally attempting to soften her appearance. Kara
is a skilled synth weaver and home spins most of her garments herself,
preferring to create her own clothes and pass them on rather than use what
few credits she allows herself to possess on clothing.

When prepared for combat, however, Kara's attire becomes much more
utilitarian. Pieces of armor, often pilfered from hostile armories or the like,
make up a scarred and grimy hodge-podge of basic protection, with a
roughspun Jedi tabard and hood completing the look. A crimson eye
superimposed over the New Jedi Order's symbol adorns one pauldron,
though its significance is unknown.

Kara is most commonly seen armed with a pair of lightsabers. however,
she has also been known to carry a blaster pistol, thermal detonators and/or
a Force imbued sword into combat on occasion as well.
Though she is secretive about her youth, the woman that would become the
Jedi Kara Vaalki was in fact discovered as part of a Force Cult of Dark Jedi on
Malastare. A young girl of only 16 at the time, Vaalki was already a capable
Force users in her own right, though the training she had received pushed her
dangerously close to the Dark Side of the Force.

Rehabilitating Vaalki and the other Dark Jedi was a difficult task for the local Jedi
available to provide aid, and the short-handed Jedi were forced to split the group
into smaller sections. Kara, as one of the eldest of the children, was instead
tasked to a Jedi Master in the hopes that she would become a willing student.

The Elderly Jedi Master Agatha Morne* took on Kara as her student and apprentice,
seeking to calm the fiery spirit of Vaalki by teaching the young Jedi to apply her
latent Force talents to the act of creation - applying the Force to sculpt sand gardens,
or to synthweave. Though Vaalki took to learning these tasks diligently, she could
not repress her darker side hungering for more. And the longer she was denied
the chance to truly explore the Jedi arts, the more agitated she became.

Eventually, out of frustration, Vaalki confronted the elderly Moore, challenging the
Jedi Master to single combat as penance for holding her back.What began as an
attempt on the Jedi Master's life slowly transitioned into the pair's first sparring
session - as Vaalki fatigued from endlessly swinging at Moore's surprisingly agile
self, Morne would begin to advise the young Jedi on how to improve her form.
By the end of the session, Vaalki was so tired she could not raise her arms to swing
again, and the anger within had burned out. Morne promised the following day's
sparring session would be even more intense.

And so it continued between the two, training and studying for years together, learning
to harness and cool the fire that burned within rather than stifle it altogether. Kara
pored over every Jedi task Agatha Morne could provide her, and even went searching
for lost texts of her own. Flourishing into a proud Jedi Knight, Vaalki and Morne still
remained inseparable, and worked together more often than not. For years after her
knighthood, the two enjoyed one another's company as Master and Student, long
after either of them could learn anything more from one another.

And then, Kara woke up one morning and her Master was gone. No note was left, no
indication of where she had gone. Even her clothing was right where she left it.
Despite her grief, Kara understood that her master had to leave her, because she
never would.

*-no relation to Celeste Morne.


For transport, Kara uses a Kuat RZ-X A-Wing Interceptor as her personal
craft of choice. Painted in factory-spec Kuati grey, the craft is otherwise
entirely unremarkable and completely standard.
[member="Kara Vaalki"]

I love the sheet. Very pleasing to the eyes, and that Affinity/Corruption bar? So dang beautiful.

The character herself seems interesting too, similar to the Jedi you mentioned previously (is it the same one? If so I really like her!) - she has some *real* flaws, which is great because Jedi are people too!

Anyway figured I'd just stop by and give her a glance over. Looking forward to meeting her at some point!
[member="Asha Hex"] Thanks! Yeah it's an indirect port of the character I was talking about so far as personality and facegrabs go, but the backstory's quite different and I plan to play her a bit differently, but the personality's fun to write (part of the reason she has real flaws is that I'm very familiar with how to write her, which makes it easier to point out her personality weaknesses!), and I figured she'd be an easy personality to write for while I'm easing myself into this community. Cheers :D

[member="Kian Karr"] cheers! appreciate the feedback!

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