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Approved Tech Kardun Rounds

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large




  • Kardun Rounds contain a layer of Draemidus Prime Ore, an incredibly explosive element that detonates on impact with violent force.
  • To increase the shells power, it was encased in plasma. This vastly magnifies its speed and penetration power, by encasing it in burning plasma.
  • Deep within the round is a core of Magkast Compound. When the round hits the compound ignites, burning inside whatever it struck, setting them alight.
  • Verikast was used in the creation of the casing, in order to retain the searing heat of the plasma. When it hits a target, the casing becomes devastating shrapnel inside the target's body.

  • Incredible Speed & Penetration.
  • Horrific Damage Potential.
  • Concussive Impact. Anti-Lightsaber.
  • Incendiary Round. Plasma & Shrapnel Storm.

  • Heavy & Unwieldy for Most Species.
  • Increased Recoil for Weapons.
  • Possible Overpenetration.

After the success of the Asarv Rounds, Rakvul the Darkener quickly returned to the workshop. The destruction of his homeworld Kardun weighed heavily on his mind. The emotion he felt was quickly fueled into his work as he continued to develop new, horrific tools of war. That was when he made a critical change to the design of the Asarv Rounds that produced a specialized round that completely changed it. Instead of using Draemidus Prime Ore as the core, he utilized Magkast Compound.

This material when ignited was a powerful incendiary substance burning extremely hot, searing anything it came into contact with. Once this addition was made the results were extraordinary. It created a devastating new round that when it makes contact, consumes the victim in fire. The new creation was given the name of his homeworld of Kardun Rounds. The vengeance of Kardun would be inflicted on all enemies of the Draelvasier.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create another ammunition type for use in Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate weaponry.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Kardun Rounds
Modular: Yes
Material: Draemidus Prime Ore Layer Magkast Compound Core Plasma-Encased Shell Verikast Casing
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