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Approved Tech Kardun's Last Flame

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Manufacturer: The Draelvasier
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Light
Size: Large
  • Molecular Density: This metal is incredibly dense, able to withstand damage that would deterioate its molecular integrity such as Disruptor weaponry.
  • Retention: This metal retains heat incredibly well. But also due to its trace elements of methane in its composition, the metal of Kardun can burn forever under certain conditions. When the metal is molded thinly enough and made to come into contact with extreme heat, [Ex: Lightsaber blade] the metal can seemingly burn forever until fully enveloped in water.
  • Resistance: Due to its high melting point, the metal is considered hardy and resistant to heat-type equipment such as blasters, disruptors, lightsabers, and plasma.
  • Absorption: This metal can absorb energy similarly to heat up until a point before exploding, however if the metal is struck against another surface, the energy is dispelled outward.
  • High Defence
  • Light
  • Flammable
  • Multi-use
  • Absorption and Redirection
  • Overture: After extended peroids of time, use of this metal in equipment such as swords when superheated can lead to molecular breakdown allowing the thin metal to be more easily cut through or chipped away at with incredible force or powerful tools such as lightsabers and force imbued martial tools.
  • Difficult to manipulate in creation
  • Once this metal cools from a liquid state, it can never be reshaped again.
  • Finite Supply
  • Too Much: This metal has the ability to absorb heat and energy and dispel it, however if it is not released quickly the metal can fracture or explode.
An metal of bronze and green colours, a cherished metal typically reserved for blades or ornamental attachments to armour due to its rarity. However, due to the scarcity of resources during the Bryn'adul civil war over Kardun, the metal known as the planets flame - pulled from the edge of its molten core, was harvested in its entirety to be used for the arms and armour of loyalist Draelvaiser.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a metal special to the destoyed extra-galactic planet of Kardun
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Kardun Ore
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