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Karen Dorn

Karen Dorm


No Relation


Artist's Impression

NAME: Karen Dorn
FACTION: Harpies of the Holonet
RANK: Chain Smoker
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6' 9”
WEIGHT: 210lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White​


[+] Big 'n Tall - Karen Dorn is big 'n tall, I don't know what you want here? Sorry short people, but height and weight is generally an advantage in life. I can reach things on the highest shelf, you cannot. No luxury soft toilet roll for you. Don't hate me 'cus you ain't me.

[+] Queen Immunity - Wait, no, hold your horses. Karen Dorn isn't actually immune to all disease she merely possesses a fantastic immune system and at worst will suffer one case of the common cold a year, in which she will act as if she has the Gulag Virus. The big baby.
[-] Chain Smoker - The Null woman is a long-time cigarra smoker, and often in her boredom she finds herself chain-smoking up to five cigarras at once. Since smoking is bad this has lead to a diminished lung capacity and she can't run far without being breathless.

[-] Obnoxious - Karen Dorn is loud, crass and annoying. She will not have many friends in this galaxy and those that she has are nothing less than saints.​
[-] Unfortunate Name - Sharing her name with deceased Sith Lord Karen Dorn could possibly find herself in an unwanted situation. Being a different species of course, she is not (obviously) related to that particular family but is merely unlucky in naming.


Karen Dorn thinks that she is a nice person.

Whether this is true or not is up for debate.

Nonetheless the Null woman is at the very least a crude, jovial and humorous figure to behold. A self-confessed extrovert she strives to make those around her laugh, finding that there is no greater satisfaction in bringing mirth to others, especially in a galaxy so plagued by tragedy.

Of course she's not all sunshine and giggles, like everybody Karen Dorn has her faults.

Mostly of a neurotic paranoid nature. For those of a more introverted nature she is likely found to be overbearing and annoying, one could not possibly imagine having to spend a prolonged amount of time cooped up with her.

Believing that she holds awareness over her own personality Karen is more often than not overly critical of herself, having paranoid notions of being disliked and found annoying by those around her. In moments of self-confessed madness she can make rash decisions and ultimately ruin friendships.

In an attempt to avoid being hurt by others she utilises her self-trope savviness, calling out her own personality flaws before others can.


Besides from her very large stature, the Null woman is, well, decidedly average.

Hair thick, unruly and always tied up, Karen rocks a shade of brown so unremarkable that it defies all description, well, except this one: it's pretty dull. Eyebrows are thick and expression and dubiously maintained, one can usually catch those brows in a state of revenge by growth but once in a while she does remember to pluck.

She rocks a pair of moderate buckteeth that are only noticeable to her own reflection, a nose that is nothing if not nondescript and ears that are ordinary with the exception of three piercings: a tragus, a rook and a conch (look it up on the holonet, gurl).

Karen considers her best (and only stand-out) feature to her her eyes. Blue in colour, large in nature if she tilts her head at the right angle the woman can almost present a sense of innocence that most know to be very false.

We all gotta fall for it at least once though.


MOTHER: Freya Dorn nee Droma [STATUS: Alive on Null, getting on with life, as per usual.]​

FATHER: Bendak Dorn [STATUS: Divorced on Zeltros, in perpetual mid-life crisis, possibly allergic to growing up.]

SISTER: Lois Dorn [STATUS: Alive on Nar Shaddaa, known as Lois 'Studs Up' Pnossim, captain of the Nar Shaddaa Nasties, a smashball team.]

LONG DISTANCE BOYFRIEND: Chris the Stormtrooper [STATUS: Alive on Prakith, standing by gates hopelessly (and letting the Jedi in) with Private Meeson and Private Brent.]

PET: Scoops the Gizka [STATUS: Alive with Karen, also annoying, shedding and constantly pooping.]


Karen and Lois Dorn were born as identical Null twins, on the planet Null to a pair of plain old Null parents.

It was riveting, you should have been there.

There was nothing to note in the early years of this family, but we'll note some of it anyway. Freya, the mother of this nuclear family worked at the local secondary school, taking care of the more trouble children that often ran unruly through this halls. Bendak worked in the logging industry, contributing to slow eventual destruction of Null's forest environment as a crane operator.

The morality is low, but the pay is good.

As twins Lois and Karen were like chalk and cheese. Lois being an ambitious forceful girl that was never afraid to test the limits of her parents, while Karen remained playful, distracted and so often curious about the world around them.

They played, they went to school, they grew up. Mundane tragedy struck when Bendak hit his mid-life crisis as if it was a runaway log, actively cheating on his wife and running away to live a more suited lifestyle

Usually it is at this point where a child in such a situation would gain five hundred pounds and later blame it on their parent's divorce on a reality holoshow. This, was not the case and for the teenage twins, life resumed.

Lois excelled in the school's smashball team and Karen, dossed around mostly, making friends but not life choices made for the future, but hey, at least she could have looked back upon her time in school and say, “I miss that, that was great” y'know?

Being a member of a large species like the Null it wasn't long before Lois was offered a trial with the Nar Shaddaa Nasties, Smashball teams regularly coming to the planet to scout out potential talent. The story of the twin sister departs here, with the woman finding fame, blood and captaincy in her future career. Changing her surname quite promptly before finding fame on an anonymous tip-off that Dorn was a bad life choice.

...well Karen stayed at home, didn't pursue further education and found herself comfortable in the trappings of a no qualification nine-to-five affair in retail. Too comfortable. Not wishing for any large luxuries in life, she never strived for anything further (well asides from a career break year spent with her father on Zeltros).

She stayed with that job for seven years, slowly being rolled into a breaking point against the mundane system that was now her life. Tired of living in a working class world that never changed and offered nothing she quit her job in spectacular fashion, knocking over a large display of glass jars containing acid-beets on the way out.

With that the woman left Null, and sought out her own adventures in the galaxy.

Freya Dorn just got on with it, half-glad to get some peace in her life and let her daughter's rooms out for tourists and is still making quite a few credits from this method.​

Karen Dorm

[member="Darth Vornskr"]

"And she said to them, 'This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between the Force and it's peopl-NAH I'M JUST JOSHING, THIS IS JAM, IT FELL OFF MY TOAST THIS MORNIN'.'"

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Thank you, sir. *curtseys*

Karen Dorm

[member="Fabula Caromed"], [member="Darth Vornskr"]


*hides in a pillow fort*

Karen Dorm

[member="The Avant-Garde"]

Kark the neighbourhood.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

I feel a faint sense that I know you from somewhere, sir.

Or maybe it's indigestion.

Cider always comes back on me.

*breaks off into a nonsensical rant*

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