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Karina Dartrex - Energy Vamp

The Last Son

  • Full name: Karina Imelum Dartrex (Car-e-na I-me-Lum Dar-Trix)
  • Preferred Name: Karina
  • Alias: Katrina Ameal, Anora,
  • Titles: Vampress,
  • Species: Near Human
  • Race: Energy Vampire/Vampyre
  • Homeworld: Zeltros
  • Faction(s): Independent,
  • Rank(s): Dancer, Murderer, Initiate,
  • Class: Murderer, Whore, Cannibal,
  • Master(s): None
  • Padawan(s): None
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Bogan, Dark Sided
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 127
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 127 pounds
  • Complexion: ​Caucasian
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green, sometimes a blue green mix in the right light.
  • Hair Color: Ginger/Redhead
  • Distinguishing Marks: A cut across her right eye, Tattoo along her side
  • Voice Sample: Looking for one.
  • Appearance description: Standing at a rather short height of five foot three inches, Karina looks rather dainty and fragile. While it is just the opposite. The woman is older than she looks. While she may have the physical body and capabilities of a 20-25 year old human Female, She is really a century old vampyre that does not age a day. (Thought to be so) While she does not look strong in any shape for form, she has been known to punch a man hard enough to send him flying backwards. She also has two personalities that are connected to her chest. As well as her Assets that can be rather persuasive.
|| Orientations ||
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexual Conduct: Bisexual
  • Languages: Galactic Basic, Imperial Basic, Sith, Huttese,
  • Occupation: Dancer, Freelancer
  • Residence: Sleeps anywhere she can find a room.
  • Vampire: Being a Vampire allows Karina to have much faster speeds, and increased strength. Running many times faster than humans, and reaction is a blur to her. Strength is where she can almost punch a man into the wall. She also has Elongated teeth that can retract into her gums for storage, as well as serrated claws that can come from her hands to tear through anything less than hard leather, and sometimes Armorweaves.
  • Combat: A fast and strong being is one to not to be messed with when in hand to hand combat. All while she knows how to fend for herself over her long life span. With teeth and claws as natural weapons as well, she is not really a woman that you want to simply mess with for fun. "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned"
  • Personality: If by personality you mean her good looks, then she has them. As a Dancer, she knows that the best way to a man's heart is through his groin. She is not afraid to use many motives of persuasion be it by physical acts of pleasure or pain.
  • Seductive nature: Beauty, brains, and brawn all in one. Now that is a deadly combo to put into one being. As Karina is rather beautiful and "Hot and Sexy" She can use these advantages to help her. One of her many forms of persuasion is simply with a smile and making men become happy before she either feeds on them, or just lets them go along their way.
|| Attributes ||
  • Power at her fingers: Dark side of the force. Plain and simple she uses it every so often. However, she doesn't like to use her powers of the force as it exposes who she really is. being a Dancer she has a Persona that she uses and prefers not to have her real life exposed. Especially the part about being a Soul sucking vampire that chooses the party life.
  • Accelerated Senses: Having higher sensing functions can bring good and bad things. Her senses are more acute allowing her to hear, smell, see, or feel more than the average person. However, if there are sudden changes, such as a very strong sent, loud blast, bright light, or a pain educing action done against her, it will do more harm than a normal being.
  • Attachments: With a Energy Vampire that can live for an untold amount of time suspected to be "Forever" She can live far, Far longer than just about any other being in the Galaxy. However, this means that all her friends in her childhood are dead, so are her parents, as well as just about every person she meets will die before she even looks a day older than 25 years old.
  • Appetite: Enjoying causing pain to others while she eats people, Karina likes to eat people and see their face drain of color as they die. Even while her food man be "Bland" She physically eat people while she absorbs their life for to add some flavor. All the while, Loving the fact that she is on the "Top of the food chain."
  • Insanity: Karina is not the greatest of people to be around. She is a Sociopath and over the years grew numb to others. She finds no real feeling of Love or commitment with others. (Marriage wise she won't tie the not or anything. but if you are good enough, she will be in your bed alot) She finds that feeding gives her a High. She craves the next high of eating someone literally.
|| Weaknesses ||
  • Dark Feeding: A vampire needs to feed. They survive off of the life force of beings, regardless if they are force sensitive or not. They can eat normal food to give them calories and energy for the physical body to burn, however, normal food tastes bland and so Karina will only eat real food every once in a while to make a scene that she is human. Once more hiding who she is. If she does not feed on a person then she will die.
  • Food for thought: As much as Karina can eat food, she does not eat "normal" food. She is a Cannibal and eats people. Literally. She will chew on people's bones and prefers them "Wriggling and Raw" This is good for her to eat, but bad for the other person as they end up dead and picked clean.
  • Fountain of Youth: having the perverbal Fountain of youth within her blood stream, Karina can live for a very long time. Because of this, She hides who she really is. In truth, she was a nice girl born to a good family when she found out that she was actually a being that could feed on the lives of beings to survive.
  • Fake Smiles: As much as Karina has a smile on her face for her "Clients" and others, she really hates herself and how she is stuck being a Vampire. Having a small form of PTSD to simply have really bad nightmares, and the occasional flashback of her life long ago.

Living as a Child on Zeltros, Karina had found out from her parents that she was an Energy Vampire. She was born as a Human/Zeltron mix, but when she was cut out of her mom's womb because of excessive pain, the saw very large and sharp teeth, and claws that were cutting her mother from the inside out. They do not know how she was born this way, and when she was born, she was very small for her size.

For her early years as a "human" She knew she had sharper teeth and could bite and harm people alot. but when one day she had sucked the life out of a student when the two girls had gotten into a fight, her parents revealed to her about her heritage. After the incident, they had to move to the city on the other side of the planet to avoid those people. Karina kept her name as she was just a child, but her parents changed their name many times over and over again.

She lived a "Simple life" as much as a Vampire could when everybody, including her parents were food for her to take nourishment from. she moved from school to school. Never really making any real friends or people to call on. She relied on her own skills and ingenuity. When she was about the age of 14, she hit puberty and as she grew to her size, she also had found that she had Force powers. Mostly acts of persuasion or simple Telekinetic abilities, She had found that whenever she walked into a room, everyone got chills from something. Later on, she had become angry at a man who was trying to take advantage of her. And she just wanted the guy dead and cold. And he became exactly that. Dead and cold.

Learning that she could control ice like abilities, the best that she has so far of her control is the ability to freeze people, water, and has made ice over a long period of concentration on water that was being held in the air. many years later when she was old enough to move out, her parents said that they would probably never see each other again. The only people she trusted in the Galaxy were leaving her. The night before her parents were supposed to leave, she went out and drank. Drank way to much infact. She could not control herself in her state, and coming home to wake up in the morning with her father frozen as he hung from the banister, and her mother with two puncture wounds on her neck, wrists, elbows, thighs, groin, ankles, and anywhere a large vein could be accessed on the body, she had sucked her mother dry.

Removing the two bodies by setting the house on fire and leaving, trying to get over the fact that she just killed the people she loved, Karina left another home and moved to the Capitol where for a few years she worked as a bartender, and moving from place to place within the city to become a Dancer, Accountant, and for the last few years a Vigilante of the night. Dancer by day, Anti-Hero by night, Karina has found a long life for her to experience, Only that will change soon enough.
The Last Son
|| Force Skills: ||
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Grip
  • Crush
Force Persuasion
  • Persuasion
  • Control Mind
  • Fear
|| Skills: ||
Hand to Hand combat
Close quarters combat
Bladed combat
Blaster weaponry
Sludthrower weaponry

Wait ...


Why Katarina?!? Why do you have to make a character with the playby of my greatest enemy?!? ;n;

Lira Dajenn

Ruu said:

Wait ...


Why Katarina?!? Why do you have to make a character with the playby of my greatest enemy?!?/
-looks at avatar-

What was in those mushrooms...
The Last Son
[member="Enigma"], sure! Talk to me when you have the chance.

[member="Valeria Aetani"], I recycled an alt. And my fist post had a thing about bit commenting until I was done so I would no have people bother me. That was edited out.

[member="Cain Laatl"], sure. Read what I told Mark.

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