Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Karion Aneuas

Name: Karion Aneaus​
Faction: Cerebus​
Rank: Jedi Knight​
Species: Human​
Age: 25​
Sex: Male​
Height: 5'8​
Weight: 210 lbs​
Eyes: Blue-silver​
Hair: Black​
Skin: Light tan​
Force Sensitive: yes
Karion's various strengths and weaknesses include the following;​
Strength- Karion is an honor bound man. Which gives him more than a reason to stand for what's right This gives him reason and action to fight.​
Weakness: He holds those who are close to him dear t his heart. If one person or all is hurt in some way, he gets extremely overwhelmed and loss of concentration and looses the ability to continue.​
Strength- Hes a Niman user and specializes in it.
weakness: aside from his ataru style mixed with niman style. He has a weakness for firearms. If he can he will get a hold of one, almost completely disregarding his Jedi ways. Basically he has a blaster and Firearm obsession​
Appearance: Karion Aneuas is approximately 5'8 inches, eyes that are blue silver in color; and long black hair. He wields a green light saber he calls the murasama.​
Biography: From a young age, Karion wanted to be a jedi knight. His entire home life was dedicated to the ways of the force and the lifestyle. When he was of age, he went to go to the selection to go to the temple to dedicate his life of the religion and mastery of the Jedi ways. In hopes to honor his father's memory Krimson Aneuas, who was a proud and seasoned Jedi Warrior. But he learned quickly that life was hard as a jedi knight. At the age of 6 he began practicing niman the 6th form and the fourth form ataru. He was getting close to mastery of the form Niman and still continues to this day. But while in the temple tragedy struck him hard. He was forsaken from the temple all because he fell for a woman by the name Mia. Soon after leaving, he and Mia tried living a happy life. Unfortunately..... during pregnancy after 2 years of being with one another.,.... Mia and his son Stratus passed away. Grief struck Karion fled his home on the planet of Nabu, and finding a place of residence in the area of the silver jedi areas. There he met up with a man by the name of Trajan. There he befriended the man and they shared a few adventures together. Soon after Trajan left and Karion went back to the temple. Only to be allowed to train and resume his status as a youngling, not his former self. Karion left and forsaken his temple but; still held true to his Jedi ways, continuing to practice his fighting style. Finally he came to join a faction when he heard news of a war, with a berserking heavy man wielding a machine laser weapon. Karion quickly got in his ship Dark-Knight and headed to see if he could be accepted.​
Ship- Dark-Knight a kite shield based design and decent for a man on his own. Karion flies this ship and its fitted with his three laser turrets, shields and assault ship style speed.​
kills 0​
bounties 0​
roleplays 0​

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