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Work In Progress Karl Von Strauss' Workshop, NCE Projects

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


  • The Shield Complex Yggdrasil is made up of three 'buildings.'
    • Alfheim - Shield Gate
    • Jotunheim and Niflheim - Planetary Shield Generators (Heavy Deflector [particle and ray] Shield)
  • The weapons used in the defense of the Yggdrasil Complex are as follows
    • AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolasers
    • AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannons
    • AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense Systems
    • RT-17 Repulsor-Tractor Beams
  • All Other Systems are as follows
    • Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor and Electronic System - Alfheim
    • Phase III "Dream Sight" Combat Electronics System - Jotunheim and Nilfheim
    • FAE/S-02 Tractor Guidance Network - All
    • FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix - All
    • Starscourge Reactor System - All
  • Planetary Defense: The Yggdrasil Complex is designed for the complete protection of planets.
  • Heavy Deflector Shield: Since the shield is being powered by two generators, the effective resistance is improved.
  • Redundant Stations: The three-part system means that the shield itself has redundancies built into its design that are not able to be sliced as effectively as traditional redundancy systems.
  • Backup Power: The Starscourge reactors that both generators have, have capacitors that are able to store power. This allows for either station to be able to power the shield by itself for a while with the maximum being 2 hours.
  • Backup Power: If a station is taken out, this puts a timer on how long the shield will stay up. Once they're down, they're down until either station is repaired.
  • Subterfuge: While the shield and Alfheim are meant to protect against incoming threats, threats that are already on the surface of the planet effectively have circumnavigated the problem of getting past the shield.
The Yggdrasil Complex is meant to be the next step in the evolution of planetary shielding technology. The Complex is not one system, but three working in tandem: Alfheim, the shield gate, and its two shield generators on the planet's surface, Jotunheim and Nilfheim. The Yggdrasil Complex is meant to be put on all Imperial worlds, allowing for increased protection of the planet's populace, as well as Imperial assets the planet might hold.

Alfheim is the shield gate for the Yggdrasil Complex. It allows for a section of the planetary shield to be opened and closed to allow vessels access, although, the largest vessel that could make it through would be larger freighters. Alfheim is responsible for the primary scanning of every vessel that would want to enter the atmosphere of the planet below. It is also responsible for closing the portal if a threat is detected or if something from a cargo manifest seems off.

To facilitate this, Alfheim has five landing bays for vehicle inspection and storage. There is also a private landing bay for the gate's crew shuttles. Unfortunately, the gate itself does not have a complement of starfighters, it should be backed up by an Avril Defense Platform and its starfighter complement. That being said, the gate is not defenseless, it has multiple high-tech turbolasers, ion cannons, repulsor-tractor beams, and point defense systems; as well as its shield array comprised of particle, ion, and ray shields. Though those shields would only be able to withstand bombardment from a standard line of capital ships. A line is described as, "Typically four larger ships..." from the Imperial Handbook. (OOC: My interpretation of that is four cruisers, not destroyers)

All in all, Alfheim is just one part of three much larger parts to protect our Glorious Empire.

Jotunheim and Nilfheim
Jotunheim and Nilfheim are designed exactly the same, the only difference being that they are separated from each other. How separated? They are to be placed on opposite poles of the planet as part of their defense. They will also have a contingent of troopers and walkers protecting them. There should also be four turbolaser towers surrounding the station. The station itself is also built like a bunker allowing for heavy defensibility. Additionally, if Alfheim were to be overrun by hostiles, the Station Commanders of either Jotunheim or Nilfheim are able to override the controls for keeping the gate closed. Making sure that the planet below is kept safe as long as possible, and giving time to prepare for an assault. But enough about defense, what do the stations actually do?

Station Jotunheim and Nilfheim are meant to be always active. The unique design choice of having two shield generators allows them to share the burden of keeping the shield up at reduced energy costs to both generators, although it's already a huge cost to begin with. This also means that the shield itself is bolstered and is able to take more of a beating. This coupled with the Starscourge Reactor gives them more than enough power to keep shielding and with the built-in capacitors of the reactor allows them to keep some energy stored in case of emergencies. The main emergency being the destruction or disabling of Station Jotunheim. If that station was to go down, the backup energy is meant to allow station Niflheim to effectively keep the shield up by itself for a maximum of 2 hours, in perfect conditions. Note: perfection conditions mean that the shield itself is not under attack and that Station Jotunheim is actively being worked on to get it back up.

Notice that in the above example, Station Jotunheim was the only station being destroyed or disabled, this is because Station Nilfheim is meant to be a closely guarded secret at the beginning of this program. The NCE does entirely understand that if a planet with the Yggdrasil Complex is attacked by hostiles, the secrecy of Nilfheim will be exposed. Despite this, the choice to build Nilfheim on the opposite pole was meant to split hostile forces in an effort to make them more unorganized. Additionally, the time limit, if one station is disabled, is not known to the public or to the defense force. It is only known by the Station's Commander and Chief Engineer who will be in contact, through the use of heavily encrypted channels, with the Commander of any friendly fleets or defense platforms (if fleets are absent) above the planet.
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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
C1RC3 (Sir-see [like the minor Greek deity])


  • Manufacturer: Karl Von Strauss
  • Affiliation: Karl Von Strauss
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: C1RC3, Puppeteer-Alpha Class Assassin Droid
    • Gender: Femmine Programming
  • Modularity: Yes
    • The Cape can be modified to be a full-cape, half-cape, shoulder-cape (see picture above), or a shawl
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
    • Armor: Hexalloy-Impervium Plating with a thin Cortosis plating on the palms and chest plate (front only). All with a Laser-Reflective coating
    • Endoskeleton: Turadium
    • Cape: Shield Weave
    • Ion Shielded Internal Components


  • C1RC3's droid brain is equipped with a heuristic processor allowing her to learn by doing rather than by just knowing. And a positronic processor allowing for her to "seduce" intelligent computers.
  • C1RC3 was designed to be a puppeteer before an assassin droid. Equipped with an advanced infiltration suite and her positronic processor, she can remotely slice enemy electronics (droids, ships, anything with an electric 'heartbeat') and attempt to turn them into thralls acting for both her and her maker. However, she does have to be within a certain proximity to be the puppeteer she was meant to be.
  • C1RC3 was fed training data from numerous sources allowing her to be the best possible security droid she can be.
  • With her Personal Concealment System, she can stay close to her maker and keep him safe at all times. She is always at a minimum of 2 meters behind him or in front of him if he's entering an unknown room.
  • C1RC3's databank is stored on The Nucleus. Everything is always being transferred to it allowing for a backup to be made if the primary body is destroyed. Although, a new body will still have to be made. With each new reiteration a line from his wife's code will delete itself until it's just the first line. Removing the most important one first.
  • C1RC3 is sentient. She is her own droid, she can choose to leave her maker at any time, but more than likely won't (more info in the description).

  • Stealth
  • Advanced Slicer
  • High Defense
  • Fast
  • Internal and External Weaponry
  • Sentience

  • Maker, before Herself and others.
  • Limited Mechu-Deru Defense
  • Limited Lightsaber Protection
  • Advanced Equipment Interferes with Other Advanced Equipment
  • Weak to Sonic and Disruptors
Droids were never Karl's strong suit, he wouldn't have delved into them if it weren't for the other talented engineers on The Nucleus. He discovered the program for C1RC3 when he was transferring the contents of his office from ship to ship, it was a datapad stuffed in a box. A box he had forgotten about, a box with his late wife's belongings. She was the droid and slicing wizard in their marriage, and she had almost finished the code for C1RC3 but never got the chance due to complications with Augustus' birth. Karl took it to the robotics section and had them look at it; they were astonished by his wife's work, but also confused. There were certain pieces of coding that they couldn't understand, and would never understand.

After a while, they were able to figure out that the programming was made for a puppeteering droid; an advanced one made for either defense or offense at that. It can remotely hack into droids and take over their systems turning them into thralls. The robotics division wanted to erase the weird lines of code, but Karl stopped them with a resounding "No." He wanted to make one droid using his wife's code once it was completed by a member of the division. After that, they could make a copy and then push it out for lesser droids. However, after deliberation with the robotics division and his head of security, they decided that this droid should have added security and assassin protocols to keep Karl safe as his bodyguard.

It took weeks of careful modifications, but eventually, both the body and the program were done. All that needed to be done was to connect the two and start the power unit. Not knowing if his wife inlaid a message in the code, he asked if he could privately power the droid on. When he did, the photoreceptors came to life and the droid sat up, holding its hand to its head as if it had just woken up from a long slumber. Karl watched as it looked around the room before its gaze settled on him, it obviously scanning him, checking who he was from the small database they gave it as a start.

When it spoke, it spoke with a tone Karl was unprepared for, the same voice as his wife, "You are Karl, C1RC3's Maker?" After a brief pause and cry Karl responded with "Yes." After a moment he asked if it had any messages for him, it didn't, but that didn't bother him. He let C1RC3 know that other scientists were going to come look at her and after that, he'll explain some things. Unknown to both the robotics team and Karl Von Strauss, they didn't need security protocols installed in this droids program, it had a set made specifically for it. The code that the team couldn't understand was meant for that purpose it was meant for Karl by his wife, for C1RC3. When C1RC3 first awoke in that lab, there was already a mission given to her.

Protect Karl, he is the only one that matters to me and to you. His life comes before your own. Make sure he is always safe. Listen to him, obey his orders, and provide advice. And most importantly, love him.
Unfortunately, C1RC3 wasn't made to understand emotion, so the last sentence evaded her understanding, instead, she took it as "importance above all." which was a good thing to take it as, as his bodyguard.

OOC Description:
C1RC3, like her Greek counterpart, is meant to "puppeteer" other droids or anything she deems a threat to her nymphs (Karl); although not by turning them into pigs. She is usually stealthed up so as not to draw attention to herself, and keep the facade that Karl is undefended going. He's just an old guy, he doesn't need a security detail. WRONG. He has one, literally one, C1RC3.

She is also well-suited for any type of combat situation, be it CQC or longer range; although defense is her game. Actively defending Karl, and passively doing whatever keeps him safe, potentially giving up her life for his. She will "Mr. President get down." However, the armor that Karl had installed would allow her to take a beating before she would power down.

While her slicing proficiency is high, it doesn't mean that it is infallible. Some systems are to difficult to crack, such as higher functioning droids (those controlled by players), and flagships (like those controlled by players) [it would be up to her opposition to say whether the slice was successful or not.] With her puppeteering ability, she has the ability to take over three standard droids, things that are extremely advanced she would only be able to take over a maximum of one, with difficulties.
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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser Very WIP



  • Intent: To create a 'fast' battlecruiser for the EoTL for sector defense and as a command ship
  • Image Source: Blueprint, Bottom-Front, Fore (Linked the Pinterest page since the link is for a youtube video)
  • Canon Link: Battlecruiser
  • Permissions:
  • Primary Source: Design Only - Brunhild, LOTGH: DNT



  • (Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

  • (Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)

  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


Updated: 08/11/2024

Arsenal of the Empire of the Lost​

Imperial Military Protection Services (former Bastion Holdings)
Angelus Arms
House Mecetti and Obulette Shipyards (Marketplace Link)
Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises (Marketplace Link - Very Outdated)
Tingel Arm Coalition (Under OOC account: Credit Worm)
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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
  • Stabilized Artillery Platform: The Cerberus' main artillery is its pair of NZ IEPC.4700 Ionized Electromagnetic Plasma Cannons used in a similar capacity to the ancient Aggressor Class Star Destroyer. To deal with the high recoil of the cannons the vessel is not only equipped with the NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system acting as Maneuvring thrusters, but also the FAE/C-01 Multiphase Tensor Field Element. While these systems don't reduce the recoil produced by the cannons, they do allow for quick reacquisition of targets for additional volleys.
  • Highly Automated and Symbiotic Linked: The Cerberus is highly automated thanks to its N&Z systems, but similar to the Castor I/E, Karl opted for less automation in the bridge. Using the FAE/S-07 Symbiotic Ghost Link allows its bridge crew to truly multitask. Due to the "Brain Strain" that this system creates, there are three bridge crews, typically a morning, afternoon, and night crew. This ultimately counts up to a normal bridge crew, but a reduced number on the bridge at one time allows for swapping if one bridge crew member is injured.
  • Quality to match its Quantity: The use of various new and old, well-known materials chosen for their outstanding reputation within their field or the intent to be loaded out with the best materials possible coupled with the N&Z's known build quality promises a ship that can take a heavy beating and still would manage to trudge on.
  • Limited Anti-Interdiction: The Cerberus comes equipped with a Null-Series, allowing it to escape destroyer-level interdiction and below. Anything larger than a star destroyer will require multiple of these ships.
  • Highly Automated and Symbiotic Linked: If the internal AI were to be compromised, the low personnel count would make it hard to counteract this imbalance causing the functionality of the ship to decrease significantly. Additionally, while there are three different bridge crews, if one station were to have all of its members injured, the station would be unfulfilled making the ships overall function decrease.
  • EMP/Ion: While this ship has metallic alloys and compounds that have high EMP/Ion resistance, it is only that, a resistance. Many systems on this ship are technological boons to the crew and AI but with enough EMP/Ion damage, it could begin to take them out and hinder the overall function of the vessel.
  • No Attackcraft: The Cerberus does not have any starfighter squadrons, it instead has two squadrons of support craft for transportation services.
Per the request of Admiral @ Orion Knight, Karl and the Naval Corp of Engineering began working on a slew of ships to combat the everchanging field of battle. The Cerberus is the first in a line of hunting ships. Hunting what? Hunting enemy fleets. The request came about after the Emperor was slain, by the Terrorist TAC and their Shark Classes of battlecruisers. They were unlike anything the Imperial Fleets had seen before, and thus were unprepared to face them. Now, picking up the pieces from the Emperor's death, a new line designed to hunt them and any other future unforeseen hostiles was created.

The Cerberus is first and foremost an Artillery Destroyer, its main armament is a pair of NZ IEPC.4700 Ionized Electromagnetic Plasma Cannons used in a similar capacity to the ancient Aggressor Class Star Destroyer. To deal with the high recoil of the cannons the vessel is not only equipped with the NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system acting as Maneuvring thrusters, but also the FAE/C-01 Multiphase Tensor Field Element. While these systems don't reduce the recoil produced by the cannons, they do allow for quick reacquisition of targets for additional volleys. Additionally, the FAE Tractor Guidance Network allows for the guiding of the blasts to the target, making the Cerberus that much more accurate. The Cerberus also has a comprehensive point defense system, heavy turbolasers, and missiles.

The idea behind this beauty is to deplete shields and deal massive damage, as such for an artillery destroyer. Hopefully, with this and more additions, the Imperial Navy will be able to handle any threats thrown at them.

"Quality. Perfection. Order."
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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


Securing Peace and Order for YOU!


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Join the Empire of the Lost today!

The Empire of the Lost, or simply The Empire, is an Imperial faction made up of a coalition of Imperial Remnants who have come together to restore order, law, and prosperity to the galaxy. They have their capital on Lianna, a large ecumenopolis in the Outer Rim, and are ruled by an Emperor or Empress with a Moff Council.


Opportunities With the Empire


Imperial Navy, Starfighter Corps, and Imperial Paragons
Do you wish to see the stars from the bridge of a ship or in the seat of a cockpit? If so, then the Imperial Navy is right for you! Serve as a Captain on an invulnerable Star Destroyer, or become a Pilot and see the stars with your wingmen and wingwomen. Is serving as a crew member on a ship not your cup of caf? Do you like the idea of boarding disabled vessels and securing victory from the inside? Then join the ranks of the Paragons, an elite marine corps composed of some of the roughest-toughest leathernecks out there.

Imperial Army, and the Stormtrooper Corps
Do you like stepping off a landing craft to feel the ground beneath your boots? If you do, then the Armies of the Empire are right for you! Join the Imperial Army as a vanguard and push through the opposition or join the elite ranks of the Stormtrooper Corps and fight with superior training and tactics. Or do you think you have what it takes to be part of the best of the best and join the Imperial Army "Bullfrog" Company? Enlist today!

New Imperial Security Bureau and The Immortals
Do the flashy ships and weapons of the Army and Navy bore you? Do you wish to have a more clandestine approach to solving the Empire's problems? Then the New Imperial Security Bureau, or NISB, might be for you! Join as a member of the NISB and fight off threats both external and internal to the Empire. Or do you wish to add a little more danger into your life, then you might look to join the Immortals.

Force Wielding Organizations
Are you a force-wielder? Don't worry because we have opportunities for you too. The New Imperial Inquisitorius is a highly trained clandestine group that deals with locating ancient and powerful Sith or Jedi artifacts, and eliminating force-sensitive entities whose actions are deemed hazardous to imperial rule. Not your style? Then the Imperial Crusaders migh be a fit for you. Being the spearhead of the Imperial forces, they fight for the Empire against all enemies who would be an opposing force to the Empire's ideals of peace and order.

Imperial Auxila
Do you want to work for the Empire, but not be a part of its larger military organizations? Then the Imperial Auxila is for you. Working as a force of privateers and mercenaries employed by the Empire, you'll be paid handsomely and it'll be sure to increase your reputation among other mercenary circles.​


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