Karlotius Vynamo
New Member
NAME: Karlotius Gynarkian Marlick Fernandez G'Latax Jurstom Vynamo, or "The Rat"
FACTION: Nobody who knows him wants him.
RANK: King of the planet of "Marlick",if you ask him. Not even The Rat is sure if Marlick actually exists, however.
SPECIES: Human Garbage
AGE: The Rat is offended. But, 189 pounds
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 180 Pounds
HAIR: Black
FORCE SENSITIVE: The Rat has no time for sensitivity
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum)
Experimental Cybernetic Eyes give him incredible aim.
Years of piracy has alotted him a fortune, and a small fleet of pirate ships on call, on a covert base on a piece of Byss.
The accident that led to him losing his sight also led to him losing his hearing. His cybernetic eyes allow him to accurately read lips, but he cannot hear anybody he isn't looking at, differentiate sex by voice, or tell if he's being shot at.
His years of crime has led to him being wanted arrested or dead by most government bodies in the galaxy.
After an unfortunate tryst with a Rodian noblewoman, The Rat has a small amount of explosives in his left elbow that, if shot, will at least remove his arm.
The Rat is aging, has brown, fake, eyes, and a medium build. He has a scar on his left arm and his inner right thigh.
Karlotius was born to a prostitute and a baby rancor in the wreckage of a Tie Bomber orbiting Yavin. This was to be the high point of his life. At the age of 15, he committed his first murder, of what he was told was a Rodian Spy. Unfortunately, it was a local courier. At the age of 23, he boarded his first ship unauthorized. He thought it was his ship, but things went south, and, long story short, 5 trillion credits worth of cargo was destroyed and 773 people were dead, including his family. Desperate and orphaned, Karlotius turned to crime, earning the nickname of "The Rat" when he captured a trading convoy by hiding in their ventilation and cargo bayand planting explosives.
That is what Karlotius will tell you, at least. What the truth is is that Karlotius was born to a well-off family on Fondor, which was killed in a tragic shuttle accident that led to the young Karlotius to go blind and deaf. Karlotius, desperate, and lacking a moral compass, began to burglarize houses and factories. When he was found out, he revealed the names of his fences and associates in exchange for a lighter sentence, earning himself a permanent branding amongst the Fondor Criminal Community as "The Rat". After his release, Vynamo was wanted dead by quite a few organizations, so he took to the skies. He called in an old favor, and flew to Byss, where he took over an abandoned research base. initially, he stole food and water from passing cargo ships, eventually going up to stealing cargo holds, then ships, then crews to sell into slavery. As time went on, he recruited mercenaries to do the piracy for him, while he began to travel to see the galaxy.
The Rat has a medium sized personal luxury liner converted for combat, called "The Rat". He keeps a few mercenaries on call on board. The liner has twelve light and six medium cannons,and a single, massive, turret on the bottom. The massive turret is lightly armored, however, and "The Rat" is not able to move while firing it. The ship also has five torpedo tubes, and a small armory with blaster, rifles, and anti-armor mines. It travels very slowly when in atmosphere, and very quickly when between planets. It has a sleek, pointed, profile. The ship has some small shuttles for planetary and station landings. The shuttles have a small cannon if its in a pinch, but is generally ineffective at combat.