Karna Ramesha
900 is not old
Karna Ramesha
Social InfoHomeworld: Unknown
Affiliation: None
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Physical Info
Age: 934 years old (looks 30)
Species: Zorren
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown/black
Eyes: Golden Glowing Eyes
Weight: 257 pounds
Height: 6'6
Physique: Muscular
Appearance: The first thing someone might notice about Karna is his eyes, golden and glowing. At another glance one might believe he is hostile because of the way he stands and walks, but he does not intentionally try to appear that way. Standing at a little over six feet, Karna's build can clearly be seen as muscular. Due to Zorren genetics the tail, pointed ears, canine-like teeth, and claws are all a bonus. If he were to ever draw his lightsaber, which rests hidden on belt, a silver blade will appear. This colors displays the path Karna has taken after many many years of thinking.
[+]//Increased Strength\\ stronger than average humans. (Species)
[+]//Physical Capabilities\\ dexterous, agile, and energetic. (Species)
[+]//Combat Experience\\ after many years of serving as a Jedi Knight as well as after when he left the order, Karna can fight pretty well.
[+]//Force Abilities\\ he has a large collection of force abilities though he hasn't mastered all of them, and rarely will he use the advanced ones.
[+]//Lightsaber\\ Karna specializes in Form 7.
[+]//Old\\ while he may appear to be in his thirties he is actually very old and this allows him the power to fool opponents in some situations.
[-]//High Metabolism\\ it's not even an exaggeration he could eat a horse. (Species)
[-]//Protector\\ he will put himself in harm's way for another person. (Species)
[-]//Diet\\ some foods can harm's Karna if eaten in large amounts. (Species)
[-]//Strong Senses\\ it benefits him but could also be his greatest weakness if they're over stimulated. (Species)
[-]//Merciful\\ in most cases even if it's an evil person Karna won't kill people. There are exceptions however which is why this is a weakness, as not everyone will run away after being spared.
Where did it all begin?
It started in 83 BBY on the planet where his people lived. A baby boy entered a world of chaos and misfortune. He would soon find this out as he will live an eventful life. Events of all sorts including terrible ones that he'd have to learn how to get past.
One of the first events that really set his future in stone was the trial, a full month of experiencing the harsh sides of nature. As a young boy who lacked patience he went through the trial when he felt the time was right. At the time, deciding to do it while he was still growing may have seemed bad but he feared nothing. Many changes would happen to Karna after this, making him stronger and turning him into a true Zorren.
The Jedi make their appearance to bring Karna into the order decades later. He naturally went with them since they believe in similar things. From the beginning he always felt the need to protect the galaxy from those who cause disorder. Working with the Jedi would allow him to do so but in a more effective way. The first thing they did was teach Karna about modern society and it's culture. This was important in making him a Jedi because interactions with people all over the galaxy would be difficult otherwise.
Karna spent months trying to blend in to the culture that was so foreign to him. The language didn't cause much trouble, just the other parts. Eventually though, he became knowledgeable of most things about the galaxy and it's people. The Jedi then started to train and teach him about the force, along with how to wield a lightsaber. It took many years to get the basics and while Karna was grateful, he missed his homeland. As a protector of the galaxy he knew to conceal that feeling however, and do his duty.
From 63 BBY to 450 ABY, Karna lives as a Jedi, going home to aid his kind at times when possible. After so many years of training and experience, he achieved the rank of Master. The order he served ended within these years, so he fought for others who had the same goal as him. Protection of the galaxy. Many factions would rise and fall, Karna somehow lived through it all including the plague.
In 450 ABY, Karna learns about the outcome of his people. They were driven out of their home by foreign species. It angered him and he wanted to eleminate the threats. He didn't ever go back, not because of his Jedi thinking, in fact he dropped that path. Maybe he didn't return because so many Zorren had perished from the sickness and it'd only make him sad, rather than being of some use. He no longer wanted to protect the galaxy, this event changed him.
Karna now spent his days exploring what he was to become. Decades no, centuries later, he dedicated his life to learning about both sides of the force. To truly bring balance, he believed carrying equal weight from both was logical. During this time he became a mercenary for a job. Money would be an issue if he didn't have one after all. Karna at some point made a female friend and eventually developed a romantic relationship with her.
The name she went by was Lily. A rather short girl who always wore some type of dress. It was her charm that drew him in, the way she carried herself. They went on with life for a couple of years and then something came up. Lily revealed to Karna that she, when they weren't together, worked as a government agent. She expected an angry response apparently but Karna did not get mad, getting mad because of that seemed childish to him. Years passed and he proposed to Lily, the answer yes.
Life is unfortunate and unfair. Karna seen this fact more than enough in his lifetime but one event showcased it the most. The death of someone he loved. He knew she'd die one day, however he didn't predict her death would be by a stab wound. A man betrayed the government organization and stabbed her during an interrogation. Medics couldn't save her. Karna was at a loss for words. He worked with the organization his wife belonged to searching for the killer. After they caught him Karna went into hiding for awhile.
That brings it to the present, 61 years after he came out of hiding. He now owns a coffee shop on Naboo. Karna moved there from Coruscant wanting a change of pace. A experienced user of the force like him would probably use their powers for good or bad. Karna decided to take a different approach.