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Karrin Winters

Karrin Winters


Name: Karrin "Ghost" Winters
Species: Genetically Enhanced Human (Clone)
Gender: Female
Age: (Apparent) 24 (Actual) 2
Height: 1.72 meters
Weight: 69 kilograms
Iris: Red
Skin: Fair
Dominant Hand: Ambi

Homeworld: Kamino
Current Residence: Coruscant
Force Sensitive: Yes
Occupation: Gunrunner, Mercenary
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personal Skills: Karrin is a multilingual. She can speak several different languages such as Huttese, Mando'a, Galactic Basic (Aurebesh), and High Galactic (High Galactic). She can also understand languages such as Shryiiwook, Rodian, Tei'leki and Hapan, but not be able to speak them. She's a master of the Echani unarmed fighting style and a deadly sharpshooter.

Deadly Sharpshooter: Karrin is an excellent sharpshooter with deadly accuracy. She can hit fast moving targets even in the most extreme conditions. She has the skill and knowledge of most firearms, projectile or blaster. Her signature blaster rifle is the Imperial Munitions StarAnvil Heavy Blaster Rifle.

Expert Slicer: Slicing isn't really necessary for Karrin's line of work. It's more of a hobby that just blew up and became a full time thing. She was a tech-savvy person with a knack for breaking into various computers, getting what she needed, and getting out without sounding off an alarm. She was knowledgeable of Imperial data systems and skilled with the use of a datapad.

Genetically Enhanced Body: Superhuman durability, speed, strength, agility, and reflexes.

Memory Flashes: Sometimes, Karrin experiences a little thing called memory flashes. She isn't sure what the cause is, but the result is that she experiences flashes of a life that she never had. These flashes are unpredictable, and could strike at anytime leaving Karrin incapacitated while she relives a certain moment in her "past". With this, the woman's sanity might be called into question.

Audio and Visual Hallucinations: This can also be contributed to her memory flashes. Karrin experiences these hallucinations randomly, and they can be triggered if she goes through an eerily similar situation. She can hear voices that aren't there, and sometimes can see people that she never met before standing before her. They could be talking to her, trying to either cause distress or give her hope. Most of the time they are hostile. The voices and figures she sees and hears can lead to moments of indecion as she tries to handle what's happening. At various times, these hallucinations can warp Karrin's perception of reality.

Force Inept: Despite being clone from the genetic template of an Sith Lord, and having inherited the host's Force Powers, Karrin is unable to use the Force actively without training. The little she can do is mostly passive, such as enhanced senses, increased luck, and a heightened reaction time. More complex Force Powers like Lightning, Telekinesis, Tutaminis, and others are unavailable to her.

Karrin Winters

Hm. I've already been contracted by the SJO to work for them. Humanitarian aide. [member="Chekīta Kaie"] But I'm down for a future meeting.

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