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Approved Species Karta'Esh

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  • Name: Karta'Esh

  • Designation: Sentient

  • Origins: The planet Nuria

  • Average Lifespan: 73 Standard Years

  • Estimated Population: Planetary

  • Description: They are a cat like, bipedal species.


  • Breathes: Type I atmosphere

  • Average Height of Adults: Male: 1.85 Female: 1.73

  • Average Length of Adults: N/A

  • Skin color: Though covered in fur, skin colour reaches from pale white to black. Patterns of the fur usually occur in the skin as well.

  • Hair color: Karta'Esh are covered homogenously or in patterns with soft fur of colouring that variates from ethnicy to ethnicy, going from white, via gold and brown down to darker tones and black. Head fur sometimes grows longer than the body fur and can be styled in various fashions.

  • Distinctions: Two arms, two legs, a head, a tail. Fingers and toes have retractable claws, the feet are digitigrade. The ears are mobile, set on the top of the head. Slit pupils and a reflective layer behind the retina allows for good vision in low light environments.[ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well variations between differing regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or aging specimen. ]

  • Races: Main continental, desert, jungle, island nomads (Seafearing). Each region has also a certain amount of members of the other ethnic groups living there, more or less acclimated to the local culture.

  • Force Sensitivity: High


  • More agile compared to humans

  • Sharper senses

  • Better vision in low light conditions due to a reflective tapetum

  • Less pronounced colour vision

  • Higher metabolic rate, required nutrition about 5-10% higher than human standard

  • Low native tech level


  • Diet: Omnivore, with a slight preference to meat. They like aromatic and often times spicy food. Chocolate in large doses is very unhealthy for them.

  • Communication: Karta'Esh communicate verbal for the most part, speaking a language called Ro'u. They also convey moods and emphasise statements with body language. In addition to gestures comparable to humans, ear and tail movement are a distinct part of their body language.

  • Technology level: Manual labor, simple mechanics and steam engines are the pinnacle of local technology. Hot air is also used for travel in air ships, utilizing the strong directional winds of spring and autumn to transport cargo quickly over great distances.

    For at least two centuries, until recently, electronics and higher technology did not work reliably inside the star system. A theory says it was caused by interference in the surrounding hyperspace.

  • Religion/Beliefs: They believe in the cycle of existence. All life is sacred, but also all life lost eventually returns into the world in new form. Everything living has a spirit or soul, and even places can have a local spirit. Some regions worship local spirits or gods in a formalised method in temples, others are more informal about it.

  • General behavior: The society on their planets main continent is feudalistic. Noble families, so called Houses, rule over certain areas. The important houses controlling larger areas, the lesser houses receiving fiefdoms from them. On a national level, the houses come together in a council, regulating the nations policies, while maintaining independent power inwardly.

    Honour is important to the nobles, duels are common, although only the fewest are taken as far as serious injury or death. They are meant to show skill and personal commitment.

    In that vein, games, sports and also hunting are well established in all layers of society. Actual hunts are usually reserved to the nobles and warriors to prevent endangering the wildlife populations. The rest play hunting games with designated 'prey' and 'hunters.

    Non physical entertainment is also important to the Karta'Esh. Musicians and Storytellers are highly regarded. There are as many songs conveying historic events as there are history books. Probably more.

    The writing system has its origins in claw marks, pressed onto soft clay or wax tablets. These markings are now also written with ink or set in print.

  • The race has developed on Nuria. About two thousand years ago, a small group of human ships crash landed. The then tribal Karta'Esh accepted the strange species among themselves. The newcomers influenced the tribes, organising them into greater structures, the houses formed, then the realms/nations. The humans struggled at first, but multiplied. Still, there are more Karta'Esh in the realms than humans. Without their machines, they had to adapt to the nurian way. Over time, most of the technical knowledge was forgotten, but the stories persisted. Still, the stories changed, were adapted to society and mutated. What little is known of the bigger universe has taken on the form of legends.

Hi there! So I noticed that this submission is not using the required template for a species submission. While this looks pretty good so far, everything needs to be filled into the fields located in the species template found here.

Breathes: Nitrogen-Oxygen atmosphere
Do you mean a Type I atmosphere? Your planet doesn't have that information yet.

You also left this under General Behavior and if you'd like a chance to remove it before I approve this and it gets locked, now is the time:
[ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Thank you, yes that was a leftover. I edited the right atmosphere in. Will it be possible to add information somehow, after you locked the thread? Just in case more details come to my mind.
If not, that is alright as well. Thank you for approving the species.

Once it's been approved, you can post in the Submission Modification thread to have it returned to Pre-Codex for any updates you would like to do. This looks fine now, so I'm going to stamp it, but you can always have it brought back for additions if you have them.

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