Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kartus Lok

[SIZE=11pt]NAME: Kartus Lok[/SIZE]​
FACTION: None yet, mostly himself​

[SIZE=11pt]RANK: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]N/A[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Mandalorian[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]SEX: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]HEIGHT: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]1.88m[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 73kh[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Brown[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Brown, grown out but trimmer to stay out of his eyes when wearing a helmet[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]SKIN: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]White[/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Weaponsmaster: Kartus has been a mercenary all his life and is experienced with a wide range of weapons from blasters to melee weapons to units of soldiers or even squadrons of ships. He’s used them all to devastating effect in the past and is confident in his ability to fight with them.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Jaded: A life following the vagrancies of war has left Kartus jaded. It’s not that doing the right thing and hearing about heroes and selfless acts isn’t nice, it’s just that he doesn’t believe that people really act like that. If no-one else is going to be nice then why should he?[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Sense of Honour: There are lines Kartus refuses to cross, he won’t slaughter innocents, wage war on women or children or break his word. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Estranged from the clans: Kartus as spent much of his life away from the clans and other Mandalorians, only coming across them when he was allied with them, or against them in a fight.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Deadeye: A sniper of no small skill Kartus is proud of his skill and has often decided the course of a fight before it can even start with one well placed shot.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Reputation: Unfortunately doing the fast, the expedient thing doesn’t always go so well with other people and Kartus has developed something of a reputation. No-one seems to want to work with you after you threaten someone that if they don’t do their job you’ll shoot them, and the slicer was on the verge of running away...they got the job done though.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A tall imposing man Kartus stands at 1.88 meters and not a centimetre of that goes to waste. He knows that being fitter than the next person might be all that keeps him from dying. He trains constantly when he isn’t in the middle of a contract leaving him with a well-muscled form. Everything else about the man speaks to his professionalism, from the haircut back to not impede his helmet to the way he dresses. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Born on Mandalore John was raised with the other Mandalorians till the age of 8. It was at this time that his father, along with a group of other Mandalorians, left the planet on a long contract. Rather than leave his son behind with family Kartus’ father decided to take his son with him, to show him the fires of war. What was supposed to be a 6-month contract seemed to stretch on though, for a year, for 2 years for 5. While he’d expected a little bit of excitement before returning to the clans Kartus found himself stuck away from Mandalore. Not that it was boring, he was thrown into a trial by fire learning about war and conflict from up close. Kartus started running messages and ammo for his father and the other mercenaries, this progressed to spotting for them or standing guard. By the time he was 13 Kartus had been provided a sniper rifle to support the crew, and supporting them he was when things went sour. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]What should have been a simple job turned out to be a trap, the mercenary crew being slammed by wave after wave of attackers. It seems the hutts thought they were doing their job too well. Kartus fired until his weapon ran empty, but there was nothing he could do but watch in horror as they were overcome by the numbers trying to swamp them. The 13 year old Kartus was left alone in the middle of Nal Hutta to fend for himself, making his way to a friendly Mercenary group he found sanctuary there. Bouncing from merc group to merc group as he went from one war to another. Slowly he established a name, a reputation for efficiency as he settled himself, always one eye cast to Mandalore. He felt the call of home but never felt the urge to head back there, not yet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]None yet[/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Nothing yet[/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.[/SIZE]​

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