Kash Blei
FACTION: Yuuzhan Vong (formerly), Hutt Republic
RANK: Although he doesn't have an official rank in the Hutt Republic yet, he is a hired gun or what we call as a mercenary.
SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong (cyborg)
AGE: 56
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: His height is around 213cm or he is a 7 ft tall man due to the cybernetics.
WEIGHT: Around 100kg.
EYES: His eye color is red, making him uniquely distinctive from the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong.
HAIR: Black, although he doesn't have a hair due to him being a half-machine.
SKIN: His skin color is yellowish.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Force dead: Just like any other Yuuzhan Vong or any other Force dead species, Kash is unable to be sensed thru the Force and is resistant to the Force EXCEPT force lightning and/or if he is attacked by the Force indirectly.
+ Cybernetic enhancements + the Vonduun Skerr Shel: Kash possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Kash can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor are an blue infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier/white noise cannon, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions. Kash is also equipped by the Vonduun skerr shel as his life support. His cybernetic crab armor is lightsaber resistant, blaster resistant, and slugthrower resistant. He can also transform his right wrist into a firespitter with relative ease due to the cybernetics.
+ Warrior Instinct: When he was still part of the Yuuzhan Vong, he belongs to the warrior sect of the species. Meaning, Kash received combat training from warmaster from a domain he was assigned with.
- Vulnerability to Force lightning: Like any other Yuuzhan Vong, they are vulnerable to force lightning. Even if the crab armor is cybernetic, it is still a living creature. Due to the biots, the lightning while frying the creature could easily set off a chain of reactions causing it to crush the user, the firespitters to explode or any other numerous effects. Not to mention that it isn't even insulated for lightning so if the side effects of being hit by the lightning don't kill the wearer the lightning certainly will.
- Vulnerability to Mandalorian crushgaunts: One of the largest flaws of using a crab armor is the air pressure. If hit by a Mandalorian crushgaunt, it could be cracked through an application of air pressure such as from Mandalorian crushguants leading to the armor being torn open if not crushed into the user.
APPEARANCE: Kash stands 7 ft tall, equipped with a silver-colored Vonduun skerr shel or cybernetic crab armor. He has a missing right eye which is replaced by his blue infrared eye. His eye color is red which is distinctive from the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong species. His skin color is yellowish just like any other Yuuzhan Vong is.
Not much is known about Kash during his time with his fellow speciesmen although he was cast out as a heretic due to his love for mechanical technology which is a taboo in the Yuuzhan Vong culture. He was exiled and he begin his journey to the galaxy as a mercenary. During his early years as a mercenary, he went through countless cybernetics to make himself more enhanced and powerful - to the point where he is now half-machine (that includes his injuries which were replaced by cybernetics). As a mercenary, he is known to get the job done to the point where both the Hutt Republic and the Exchange. Nevertheless, he chose the Hutt Republic as he sees future of the resurging Hutts which will definitely benefit his career as a mercenary. He was then hired by the Hutt Republic due to his lineage as a Yuuzhan Vong. While he may be a hired gun, it is possible that he'll become a permanent member of the Hutt Republic in the future.
He is using a Yorik-stronha which is only used by the Yuuzhan Vong. The Yorik-stronha resembles like an asteroid which is hard to be detected in any radars. It was made from yorik coral and covered with layers of rock, which extended to a depth of fifty meters everywhere except their main cooling vane, which was disguised as a crevasse in the surface. While reasonably maneuverable, they were only moderately fast at sublight speeds and their darkspace drive was the equivalent of just a Class 3 hyperdrive, as this involved a far slower reversion to realspace, which was far harder for enemy sensors to detect.
EQUIPMENTS: He has an gray-colored amphistaff called "Shrapnel".
KILLS: None.