Kash Vatala

NAME: Kash Vatala
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: None (Scientist?)
SPECIES: Pantoran
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Blue
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not even a little bit.
- Perceptive - Kash is passionate about his work, and his work benefits from a careful, discerning eye. He's trained himself to slow down and see things rather than letting his impatience push him to move too quickly.
- Driven - Like a dog on a bone. There's much about the world that just doesn't make any sense to Kash: politics, religion, people, more often than not. But science makes sense, and there are few things more satisfying to him than puzzling out the answer to a question through research and experimentation.
- Ballsy - He isn't quite fearless, but he'll chase down a lead much past the point where sensible people likely would've stopped. It's all about finding answers, and he's willing to risk much to be the one to get them.
- Prone to tunnel-vision/mild obsession - The down-side to all that drive and focus is that sometimes, Kash loses sight of the bigger picture. He gets so caught up in wanting to "win" or solve whatever puzzle's in front of him that he'll put himself (or others) in danger he didn't bargain for.
- Overconfident - He's seen a good deal of professional success, and sometimes he lets it go to his head just a little. While he can occasionally be caught bragging a bit, his more frequent sin is overestimating his ability to deal with precarious situations. He's had to be rescued more than once, and it burrrrrns him every time it happens.
- Distrustful - He's not always been the most likable guy, and he still has (frequent) days when he's less than charitable. He wouldn't say he's earned betrayals he's suffered over the years, but he wouldn't say alot of things that happen to be true. The end result is that he has a hard time trusting in the better natures of the people around him, despite now being attached to an organization that prides itself on being upright and just.
He's blue! He's also 6'0 and roughly 180 lbs. Though he comes off as slender, he's built up a little muscle to help keep himself in top form. It helps when he has to pull himself out of whatever hot water he's gotten into. He has dark, short-ish hair, amber eyes, and an almost perpetual smirk.
None yet.