Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kashyyyk/Prakith Intel Reports

Hello! It's your freshly-elected Chief of Senate here!

I'd like to request that any seemingly insurmountable obstacles, incredibly horrible weaponry, and all-around ridiculous tech/creatures encountered in both invasions be reported regularly in the invasion discussion threads--or even better, in this thread!

As my #1 agenda is the preservation of the Republic and the complete annihilation of the One Sith, I will be regularly browsing the OOC invasion threads to get an idea of what tech and policies I will need to push for development in order to counter these threats, and get this new tech to the military as fast as I can so that we can be more successful against the enemy's technology in the next invasions!

If you have something really important to alert me about, please post in this thread! For the Republic!

-Chief Geneviève Lasedri

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Love the adapting attitude!

However -- there is no way any FJ is ever going to approve any kind of mass Force imbuement of Vong.

It goes against the species. And cannically, there is only one way to do it.. and it isn't very effective as it requires surgery. :/

I'd suggest going through other means of trying to reign them in.

For example --- Talking to Lira ( who icly managed to persuade a Yammosk to crash into the immortal) and getting more information about the war coordinators themselves rather than trying to imbue the Force to Vong.

Look for Yuuzhan Vong specialists who have icly had some background to them in study.

I know the Mandos have. As have the Witches of Dathomir been looking into methods of affecting the Yuuzhan Vong.

The One Sith are very adaptive -- best thing to do is take one issue and work with it at a time.

Just like Windspeaker created a robe of remembrance to counter sithspawn.


News They Don't Want Heard
There is always the option of bio weapons that target specific species. I know that's a bit extreme but with the numbers of Vong they send at us it might not be unreasonable. Doesn't necessarily have to kill them either.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
T-Eya Carn said:
There is always the option of bio weapons that target specific species. I know that's a bit extreme but with the numbers of Vong they send at us it might not be unreasonable. Doesn't necessarily have to kill them either.

*winces* The Republic using bioweapons of mass destruction for the genocide of a species?

Ohhh boy. PR nightmare.

I think it is best if perhaps things are focused on their armor. Or for example maybe something to put them to sleep?

Or their physiology -- they are weak against things like Force lightning.

It stands to reason that they can be weak against electrical charged tech right?


News They Don't Want Heard
It's only a WMD if it kills them. I would advocate a non-metal bioweapon. We could target it at their armor and weapons instead of them, too. There is much less defense to a biological agent than anything else.

[member="Kira Liadain"]
I would just like to clarify that the good Chief of Senate does not mean reports in the way of hitting the OOC report button to flag a post in the IC invasions.

She simply means, report in the IC intel you gather from your encounters within the Invasions.

If you come across posts that you feel qualify to hit the report button on, give your fellow RPers the benefit of the doubt and ask them to clarify their post in the OOC discussion thread, and communicate any concerns or confusion you may have first. If this doesn't work, bring it to the Faction Admins attention (me, Corvus, or Kiskla) and let us handle things.

The report button should ALWAYS be a last resort.



Heavier blasters or bolters capable of punching through Vong armor and Blackblade armor.

More anti-armor capabilities.

A method of tracking down which Sith is doing what.


Counter-jamming technology

Better speeders

Something to counteract Sith messing with my ammunition
Avalore Eden said:
I would just like to clarify that the good Chief of Senate does not mean reports in the way of hitting the OOC report button to flag a post in the IC invasions. She simply means, report in the IC intel you gather from your encounters within the Invasions.
Yes, I suppose I could have clarified that a little better!

Avalore knows what I meant. :)

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
T-Eya Carn said:
It's only a WMD if it kills them. I would advocate a non-metal bioweapon. We could target it at their armor and weapons instead of them, too. There is much less defense to a biological agent than anything else.

[member="Kira Liadain"]
Aaaand THIS is why the Republic gets under my skin (IC btw) because we cant realize that in order to save the lives of our own people we need to exterminate the Vong by any means necessary, down to the last child. The Vong are a parasite and a disease on the galaxy and have shown that their culture shows no sign of changing. They thrive on the death of others, they live for it. That the Republic would not be using any possible means of defeating such a "super-race" is appalling.
Kira Liadain said:
Ohhh boy. PR nightmare
We are fighting a war of the death.

You cannot win a war without loss, and if it is the Vong who are purged I think posterity will forgive us. Our ancestors allowed them to exist after the first Vong War 800 years ago. We must not make the same mistake.
I'm with [member="Keanu Shan"] and Chief [member="Aurelia Saelari"].

This is war. Killing is the name of the game. If I can get support from the Senate, I will seek to allow our military selective utilization of bio weaponry against the Vong. They are mindless, murderous tools and don't deserve to live.
Aurelia Saelari said:
We are fighting a war of the death.
A PR nightmare doesn't really matter. If we lose, there won't be any public to offend. It's us or them and I'm in favor of updating our droid supply. Since I've spoken OOCly to many One Sith members, the YVH-1 droid is going to been seen as obsolete because it's so old and the OS have much more Vong tech than just canon sources.
Geneviève Lasedri said:
If I'm not mistaken, all canon tech was declared by staff to be very relevant on this site.
True, but YVH-1 can detect Ooglith Masquers, but those are canonically only able of turning the Vong into a human lookalike. The site version is capable of changing them into the appearance of any other species. That's a technical difference that has no offering of an explanation for the identification function and will ultimately be deemed unable to detect them.


News They Don't Want Heard
I like you all more now.

When a race makes it their goal to destroy the galaxy then the galaxy must make it their goal to destroy that race. It's the only way to end it. For the greater good.

I felt bad at first because I've written a paper on RL genocide. This is fiction though. I say we do it.
Does the Republic want Dreadguard? I will get us Dreadguard. They've been on the site for about a year. Vong Shaping people ain't new.

Verpine weapons are canon and can punch through almost any material, to include Vong crab armor.

Bioweapons should use the pollen that Vong are weak too. The Sith subbed a worm to keep it from affecting their creatures. All we need is a scientist to chane the genetic structure of the virus and unleash it on the Vong.

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