Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kaska Bastee

Kaska Bastee

AgeEarly fifties
SpeciesHuman/Morellian hybrid
Height5’9” (1.75m)
Weight132 lbs (59.9kg)
Force SensitiveYes


Kaska is an attractive woman with light brown hair and amber eyes. Due to her mixed blood she appears younger than her age, late 20s or early 30s appearance by pure human standards. She keeps a physical training regime that maintains a tone sculpted body.



Kaska is a fighter for justice within the galaxy. Whether that is pursuing illegal activity or tyranny Kaska leans towards the fighting for the “little person”. Though in her role as a Wayseeker she is mostly separated from the Jedi Order, Kaska is dedicated to the Jedi ideal and serving the light side of the Force.


  • Freedom and Justice - Kaska is a fighter for the right form of justice.
  • Duelist - Kaska is well trained in most lightsaber forms as well as use of a blaster


  • Holds a Grudge - Kaska is quickly triggered by the deaths of her father and Master or even the presence of the Brotherhood of the Maw/Dark Empire
  • Goodie-Two-Shoes - Kaska has difficulty living in the gray. She sees things in black and white and maintains her lane in the middle of the white.


Kaska is the daughter of a human Jedi father and Morellian mother. Her father instantly recognized her gifts. He stayed with Kaska and her mother for a short time, all the while preparing Kaska’s mother for the inevitable. Kaska would be trained to be a Jedi. In the current Jedi Order that did not mean a complete severing of familial ties, so mother and child were given time to bond so that they could continue their relationship when Kaska’s training permitted it. Kaska was a good student, slowly gaining control of her gifts.

In her late teens (still pre-adolescent for her mixed blood) Kaska slowed her training and spent a good deal of time with her mother on Morellia. She became infatuated with the stories of the Morellian Enforcers and wished to dedicate her life to justice in the galaxy. Though the inspiration was the Enforcers, Kaska knew that the Jedi were the best way to accomplish her aspirations. She returned to Coruscant and continued her training.

Kaska was selected to become a Padawan learner and traveled with her Master until the dawn of the Second Hyperspace War. They were recalled to the Core when the Maw made their play and were present, though Kaska did not fight, during the Battle of Coruscant. Now barely and adolescent and her training incomplete Kaska’s father saw her reassigned to an aging Wayseeker and taken home to Morellia. By the time her Master deemed her ready for knighthood the war was over, Kaska’s father and original Master were dead and the galaxy was set on the path of rehabilitation. Kaska couldn’t bring herself to return to the Order and herself became a Wayseeker working more with the Enforcers than the Jedi.

After years of law enforcement in Wild Space, Kaska became aware of the reemergence of Darth Solipsis and the Brotherhood that took her father and Master under the new Dark Empire. Though Kaska wished nothing more than to join in the fight against this threat she knew that she would not do this as a seeker of maintaining peace, but a bringer of revenge. Though this feeling tingled up and down her spine Kaska fought it off and stayed in the Outer Rim. She kept her faith in the Force and hoped she would be able to center her emotions in time to help discharge this threat from the galaxy once and for all.

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